Author Topic: Letters to Vallaki Review  (Read 1047 times)

Alan Hunter

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Letters to Vallaki Review
« on: February 16, 2023, 12:19:54 AM »
*Parchments can be found at the tree in the outskirts of Vallaki and in front of the Inn at Berez
*The letters are on simple parchments adressing the Vallaki Review

Dear Vallaki Review,
It is once again brought to my attention through violence, slander, defamation, wrongful accusation of crime, damaged, and dispossessed by the Vallaki Review who speaks of my name in vain attempt to criminalize me with yet another advertisement of their fictitious paper. Once again you misuse information to garner to your readers’ false clarity contradicting both your views and statements in your own paper. So, I will provide evidence for the people of your slanderous misdeeds and fictitious writings. Why do you perceive to ignore proper journalism and investigative duty is beyond me since you only provide the minimal information to your readers without providing the full story of information? This is the fifth time you have targeted me and by my oaths as a Doctor, Cleric, and Chivalric Code I have tried to refrain and let things past. But you of the Vallaki Review insist to stretch this on and continue to bring fake news to the mass of Barovia denying most of your people genuine news of Barovia and harboring criminals and outlanders above your own people.

I provide this evidence to encourage your readers to stop accepting and assisting your paper and give them insight both in Trade and Balok so they may know your failings. Let us first discuss your latest paper interviewing Mademoiselle Rory Blake in “Life with the Blue Krenshars” a false title that does not direct what life as a Blue Krenshar is and is more an expose of Rory Blake and her opinion in which you miss use to target me once again. It is in no disrespect to milady Blake for defending herself and disassociating herself from the events transpiring in the Blue Krenshars. She is protecting herself after all she no longer owes any allegiance to the Mercenary Group. She is considerably a talented minstrel and artist with an intellect I respect. However, she is sorely misinformed of my stance, and it seems you manipulate this to concise with your view.
Rory Blake knew well I was affiliated with the Blue Krenshars. She and many treated me as one of the members which was welcoming and refreshing at that time. I agree her treatment by Slade was inappropriate, but one must also admit and understand when you sign in with Mercenaries it is no Knighthood. As a grown woman she should understand the risk of such groups as you in the Review notated of outlander groups within your paper. Her assessment of Warlord Slade is fair, and I could not argue there were moments as a Cleric and Doctor I had to remind him in the considerations of morality to his own men and women as a good mental health is important for morale in which Rory Blake can attest, I had spoken outwardly before in his presence.

I detested how often those of the Blue Krenshars were injured and aside from myself went to great lengths to tend the wounded beyond my own wellbeing and even went out of my way to bring supplies and convince him of proper health treatment for his people. Albeit he chose a Lucian Doctor over me for his teeth he prioritized me for Clerical and Clerk duties. Simply because others did not want to, failed too, and as an Archivist of the Grand Bibliothique in which still the Serene Republic denied me proper citizenship I could not idly stand by as there was no infrastructure or organization and was pushed in the matter at a higher pay of beyond my current obligations.

It was clear in your paper you went out of your way to ask Mademoiselle Blake of me and made clear of my alleged disputes of my involvement with the Blue Krenshars. This is vindictive and not the least journalism clear for many to see. How can Rory Blake confirm I was a full member when she and your paper contradict yourself? By her testimony she states she wore a uniform as a full member, and I can say with fact and truth my employment deferred from hers as I have not given full contract obligations to the Blue Krenshars as she has. My agreement of employment vastly differed from hers as I did not wear the uniform of the Blue Krenshars but as of my employment and agreement to Slade and his Wife Allay wear some flare to signify my support of the Blue Krenshars. In which I was offered equivalent benefit with stipulations that if the Blue Krenshars opposed my oaths of my faith and Hippocratic oaths as a doctor that I would depart. I was ushered as their organizer and paper worker when others failed to do the job and things were in disarray, which Mademoiselle Blake can attest, my constant frustrations in doing such alone left me often catching up to more of Slade’s hires and those who spontaneously got involved.
I was associated with the Blue Krenshars and by her own testimony she did not see me after events. Which should lead you to believe my dissatisfaction of how things were transpiring and like her as I stood by with her vocalized my dislike of working for Falkovnia having been a victim to their cruelties years ago no thanks to member of the Serene Republic who left me for dead into their clutches. So, I had a high disdain for this idea and voiced it to Slade to not impose those who did not desire this as it would further damage morale. As one of those many Colleagues who stood beside her opposing the mere suggestion, I confronted Slade personally in how bad an idea this would be. And that no one in their contracts were obligated to rightfully endanger themselves or align with Falkovia as they were expected to sign for the Silent Fields. I admit Slade was a violent and ambitious man daft when he set himself to a course. But that was simply who he was and ambitious man one cannot help someone who is determined.

Now. Let us further reveal to your readers because they should consider you fictitious in your Reviews. I remind those members of the Vallaki Review that you yourselves wish to usher in the Truth, Protection, Disinterest in Foreign Affairs, and do not wish to cause anyone harm. Yet you oppose these very statements in your allegations of me and have caused me great harm in your slander and great distress by further ruining my reputation. I have done nothing in the Blue Krenshars or as a person to warrant such disreputable causes to my name. Yet you have caused harm to me and your people. Further you fictitiously utilize half-truths to promote a paper denying the evidence or interview of the victim you allege. Further you bring the foreign affairs of Port deliberately into Vallaki. Even your own people demand that you spend less time raising outlanders/foreign affairs and more time considering the well-being of the people of Barovia you endanger with your libel.

Proof? Exhibit A; the defamation of a proclamation in the Municipality of Vallaki. In which one of your reporters I quote. “How much did the Blue Krenshars pay you Benedikte?” This alone should provide to your readers and target audience validation of the riot and act you caused upon an innocent man you claim to have been bribed by the Blue Krenshars. Further evidence during this accusation the Blue Krenshars were long disbanded having not heard hide or tale of Slade when you made this accusation and the false claim that Blue Krenshars were antagonizing and threatening you. No member I know standing bothered the Vallaki Review as many, like Rory Blake, left or demanded to close their contracts to me who you falsely claim as an officer forcing me to pay those unpaid and doing right by closing their contracts to disassociate them.

I believe you do not understand the ramifications of your actions to the Corporal. Your paper was banned due to the lack of communications to those you failed to interview or inform the Citadel of those involved in events that were interests to your people’s justice system. Further as you defamed a person of station as a Corporal who has by your words one and rare few to achieve such title as Corporal who has earned the trust of the Burgomaster Ionelus for such a position. This entails that not only did you accuse a servant of the Burgomaster of Bribery but in extension accused the Burgomaster of Bribery and permitting such under his watch. To be fair it was I who reported you for my defamation and found that your paper did little to consider the safety of your people or my wellbeing providing the Citadel with the evidence needed. In truth your paper was Banned from Vallaki by your own accords. No Blue Krenshar, nor I, bribed the Corporal. I simply placed our case with evidence as that is the type of work needed to follow your systems. I allowed the justice of the Municipality to see through and you provided them with the evidence of your improper paper. Further you cry out as victims and yet you do not claim responsibility to the victimization your actions or your paper have caused. You should pray to whatever god you worship in thanks that the Corporal and Burgomaster did not find it that this should be marked for treason. As per the rule of law enacted by the Count. “Let those who oppose my servants and those who disturb the peace of Barovia be mentioned. Those that ignore this decree call upon their names and mark upon them as Traitors and let them be dealt as such.”

By the sheer volume of your actions, you fled outside of the Municipality of Vallaki to continue your paper to avoid the justice of the Burgomaster and laws of the Municipality. You herald in other provinces of Boyears and Burgomasters ignoring the law of one region and even as going as far to foreign lands to continue your illegitimate actions in your paper. You are supposed to be a Barovian paper for the people and yet you have with in you a foreign representative to a rival of your country and foreigners assisting you. Is that truly a paper for Barovia? Are you not deceiving your readers and breaking your promises to your people? Please. Show some class. Correct yourselves before you accuse others wrongly and spare the good people of Barovia your paper and apologize to the good Corporal, the Burgomaster of Vallaki, and the people for failing them on your empty remarks and promises.

Further previous to your last paper you wrongfully mentioned my possession of Necromantic items in order to improperly defend yourself. Yet you failed to inform your readers the full scope of that remark and failed to consider the implications such false and fictitious accusations would have. You have improperly branded me a Necromancer. You had no business to dig into my records. The Vallaki Review falsely indicated my possession of Necromantic items and failed to reason to inform their readers why I was in possession and the outcome of such possession. Even in that paper you accurately agreed I was not fully confirmed as a Blue Krenshar. What purpose did telling your readers my possession of Necromantic items buy you?

Nothing. Because not only was I fine you fail to mention to your readers that in those cases I had brought to the attention of the Genderme my finding of these items in their city and that my first time was to have them desecrated and destroyed. But, was informed that decision was not mine as my faith was not accepted in Port Lucine and as such should be brought to the Gendarme or the Third Revelation Church of Ezra. Ironically, I fail to see how a Gendarme would better know how to dispose of a hideous item but I am a guest in their land so adhere to their laws and was fined for my mistake. The second time I had come to a check point and informed a Gendarme of necromantic items left by the Caravan. The initial Gendarme was pleasant and understood however their partner was a crass kretin who breech the law of Leon and harassed me and humiliated me accusing me of being a necromancer wrongfully. Gratefully one of their higher station Gendarme knew of me and corrected the actions of the Gendarme who did me injustice. Regardless I was fined even for following the instructions set forth before me by previous Gendarme and for insulting an official doing their duty. So unlike yourselves I apologized for my infractions and paid my dues for my mistakes. I fail to see how you think yourselves above the station of your Garda and can carelessly toss such a testament in your paper without considering my well-being or the implications it has. 

Even more since you insist on informing the people of Barovia of the foreign affairs of the Blue Krenshars and myself I must ask. Why did you fail to inform the people of the Wayfarer Kinship? If you are adamant of the Truth and the well-being of those of Vallaki why did you not inform the people of Vallaki of the Events of the Colibri Theatre? Why did you not tell them of the injustice of their people as members of the Wayfarer Kinship imposed their authority into the Serene Republic and cast upon the people Dark Varja that turned their Flesh to Stone? The very act to turn someone to stone leaves the poor soul incased in the calcified and fossilized frame of their own skin leaving them to never see the light and left with only their mind for company as they cannot see, hear, or feel.  You accuse me of necromantic possession and went out of your way to find my records. Why have you not done this to a local threat whose lodge is within the very city you claim to defend?

You held them on a pedestal for their good deeds and yet one of their own not only turn the flesh of innocent people to stone. One of them well known used the darkest of Varja a spell known as Power Word Kill. It's very name has the word Kill in it and yet reports and witness victims to this act of justice beyond the law had people suffer a slow and torturous death as their very essence was torn from them. And to even further in a means to act against the Gendarme one of them murdered a Gendarme and was executed for assault for some kind of retribution. All the while aiding a known criminal in Barovia in circumventing the proper law of the land who also happens to be a Suier of the Serene Republic.
I will remind your readers this is not the first time the Wayfarer and this Knight have troubled the lands of Barovia. If any recall the Night Mother or the self-proclaimed Morning Lordian who denounced her faith and wreak havoc in Vallaki will recall how their involvement not only got this woman to turn from her faith but also the trouble it caused countless innocent victims. I need not tell local Vallakians and Barovians of the recent acts of the Wayfarer that had endangered the city. News of it spreads among the locals and outskirts with people questioning why?

So why is it that you promote these individuals and hold them in good light in comparison to me? You can see I was judged for a High Crime for Conspiracy yet no information of my crime or the individual I supposedly affected has been brought to light. I was offered no fair trial and yet the Wayfarer was spared numerous times and they actually murdered individuals unlike myself. The very thought to be accused of Necromancy disgusts me as a Doctor and a Cleric whose oaths is in the preservation of life not unmaking it. So how dare you accuse me and slander me when the evidence of those who live as your neighbors is present and there. You treat me a threat and yet a real threat lives right by you? How is this just? How is this journalism? How is it you failed so terribly at the profession you so proudly attempt?

You oppose the proclamation of your Municipality. Denounce your Burgomasters laws and customs. You falsely accuse me and convict me of the act of Necromancy and ignore your neighbor who has performed the act. You say you responded with firm proof. I say I have dissolved your proof and proven you unjust and incompetent to the acts of journalism. You do not need support. You need to be stopped. This is no longer about the Blue Krenshars this is of my character and reputation. I ask that you cease and desist your disreputable attacks of me. My requests are simple enough that I want no further trouble from you if you accept my terms. By the good wisdom of the Prelate of the Christian Church I will abide by my faith and chivalry and offer one last attempt at succor.

Simply put I offer you three days for a response. In three days, I expect a thorough apology from the Vallaki Review for the defamation and slight to my name and Character. In three days, I welcome you to invite me for an exclusive interview where we will ask each other questions and settle matters as good-mannered people. The Vallaki Review will no longer mention my name without my consent and any act to mention me without such will be viewed as a breach of agreement. If all is addressed, I would consider our business between another conclude and I will not bother your paper or people any further. By my oaths I would swear this and see this witnessed by those of the Citadel and Burgmaster. However, failure to comply with a response in three days or refusal will sadly force me to seek the full extent of the Barovian laws and utilize them to ensure that the Vallaki Review and its members are held accountable for all their infractions within each Province of Barovia held by Boyars and Burgomaster throughout. I will expect no less than Two hundred thousand wolf fangs for the damages done to me and my reputation and would have each Burgomaster decide the fate of the Vallaki Review per their laws. I am not a monetary man and would only keep thirty thousand of the Wolf Fang to repair the damages to my name and professions. Seventy thousand to be given to the Citadel and Burgomaster for damages. Finally, the remaining Hundred thousand fang as tribute and damages to the Count and his family as owed for the disturbances caused with in their Land and people.
You have three days. I pray for you and ask you pray to whatever deity you worship to find the strength to do what is right and end this. I no more wish controversy as the next being and simply wish to continue my life in peace. I have long been a victim of many people and politics. No more. I will no longer idly stand by to being bullied or watched others be bullied from their life. You have three days to send correspondence to the Lady Rest, Broken Bell, or to the Keep of the Dyad. For today we may be foes but tomorrow I hope we can be friends.

Sincerely, Doctor Dracos von Nightscape

You may reach me at the Lady Rest, The Inn in Berez, Keep of the Dyad, or the Blood of the Vine.
"For Evil to win is for good men to do nothing."


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Re: Letters to Vallaki Review
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2023, 08:26:36 AM »
* this notice is defaced with a crude drawing of Dracos Von Nightscape performing an ancient fertility ritual with a Blue Krenshar *

Alan Hunter

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Re: Letters to Vallaki Review
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2023, 05:16:24 PM »
Dear Vallaki Review,

Three days. Three days I gave to you to consider my offer or a response. Thus far I have only received a crude picture in your vain attempts to deface me much as you did the Corporal. To the heathen artist your exemplary novation of my skill is noted. However, I am concern on the pantry portrait that your mother may not post. Imagine if all that time and effort was put into a response than a doodle your concern may have acquired some note. If you lack the ability to write let alone draw there are numerous schools to apply for a better education in Vallaki.

As you have given word in your last paper to address recent events and wish to make it clear your noninvolvement it questions if you are aware of your involvements in general and thus far not reach to those you have offended. If you so condemn the acts of vandalism and aggression, why did you deface the Corporals Proclamation and not offer him an open apology or to those of the Municipality? If you so, believe the false claim to treating others with respect and dignity why have you not answered me or attempted apology? Your so call passion for journalism is a pale comparison to the truth of journalism and your view of integrity and impartiality is disturbing.

Three days have passed, and I am a man of my word. I wish you no ill will, but you have left me with no other choice to oppose your paper and group. Standing I have allowed and permitted you every opportunity to address this fairly with me. Now I shall use the full extent of the laws of your country to see to it no one else becomes victim to your disparaging paper that is disingenuous to its morals and people.  May whatever god you worship find pity for your souls. It is with great sorrow I must do this but if someone does not stand for justice no one else shall. So, in the name of the Avenging Mother by my Oath I will see this through.

Sincerely, Doctor Dracos von Nightscape
"For Evil to win is for good men to do nothing."

Day Old Bread

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Re: Letters to Vallaki Review
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2023, 06:25:51 PM »
//posted on noticeboards throughout Vallaki

Alan Hunter

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Re: Letters to Vallaki Review
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2023, 08:21:46 AM »
*Letter left and posted at Midway Haven

Dear Dragomir Antonescu,

Editor of the Vallaki Review it has been some time. I have done as I would like to consider justice for the acts of the Vallaki Review. Your recent paper has me disgusted as should your readers in the contradiction of the statements of your paper and group. Your refusal to bare integrity and ethics and keep yourself hidden away from accountability to the authorities of the Municipality of Vallaki and the Genderme Nationale of the Serene Republic is a breach of security and integrity to the customs and laws of each nation as well as breech of the standards of journalism. Your paper and this Jericho who was under your employ endangered the lives of innocent individuals and persons that your paper was responsible of. Your privy to sensitive information was forfeit when you permitted this denouncement of the Blue Krenshars and the use of misinformation and propaganda to emphasize an agenda. You hold your safety above others whom you have tarnished and injure for the libel of your paper that is neither ethical nor integrity. Your request to expending resources on discovering your where abouts or your people is merely a dilusion to avoid responsibility.

You have been offered time and time again to clarify and assist the authorities of each country with consideration.  Yet you took it upon yourself not only to release the criminal Jericho for the infractions of your paper but as well once again took it upon yourself to ignore the systems of justice to the countries you deliver your papers in by not vetting the individual to the proper authorities. To me it seems you are covering yourself from responsibility by using Jericho as a Scapegoat to avoid direct involvement and failed to recognize this man was in your service under the Vallaki Review when said crimes were committed. Given the Tigen like behavior of your paper and people it is clear for any reader to understand the lack of integrity and ethics you and the Vallaki Review possess. As your recent fan the Chevalier of Dementlieu had spoken it seems you take for granted your station and position which is a crime in both nations and implore the nation of Barovia and the Serene Republic to see to it the Vallaki Review is banned from both lands and its people Bountied for this cause of riot and infraction to the local justice systems.

You offer no formal apology to the Blue Krenshars nor an official apology to those who were afflicted by the vandalism and violence acted upon by your employee during your service. It is safe to say that the libel against the Blue Krenshars was exaggerated and that your paper took for granted our circumstances for popularity and readers. This malicious act of journalism should not be tolerated by your low-quality standards of a paper and journalists. Do as you state and take responsibility for your news coverage and insightful news and make amends to the parties you have damaged or face the consequences of your actions. This is no threat, but your slights have gone beyond forgiveness. May the authorities of both Barovia and the Serene Republic see to it that you are brought to justice for your gross negligence and avoidance of the laws you so happily ignore. As it stands you are worse than the Blue Krenshars we at least have the integrity to admit to our faults and actions paying for it with our lives as the late Slade has. You can have some integrity if one of you had the courage to come forward and do what is right. I tell Jericho this "Meet with the Chevalier of the Gendarme Nationale comply with his request and claim clemency. Do not be the scapegoat for the Vallaki Review. Be better than them in both integrity and ethics.

Sincerely, von Nightscape
"For Evil to win is for good men to do nothing."

Alan Hunter

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Re: Letters to Vallaki Review
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2023, 10:32:04 PM »
*A series of letters left at the locations common to the Vallaki Review have been place in ease of accessevility.

Anti Vallaki Review Manifesto

Dear reader I am Dracos von Nightscape whom you may know as the wandering Doctor of foreign lands or the Espionage Priest of Lucine. However, you may know me you may heard of me from my rebukes of the Vallaki Review. This band of journalistic terrorists have once again scoffed at those of honest nature and targeted innocent people in their vein attempt at mockery and false journalism.

Hiding from the law after breaking several laws of Vallaki and Barovia as well as that of the Serene Republic these notorious Tigans of fictitious literature have once again slighted innocent folk and marred the good names of the people they so falsely proudly state they try to protect with false truth. Though I'm sure you are curious of why I banter of them it is simply to stop a group of unruly deplorable individuals from continuing their criminal organization in your midst.

Proudly pronouncing they have eyes within the Gendarme as well as the Citadel is a rather proud and dangerous statement infiltrating the systems of a countries government to abuse truth in their tabloid ridden gossip rags. It has been founded by them to mock the courtesy offered by Chevalier Dorian de Sauvre and clear they prevent aid to the Gendarme by allowing a criminal witness to escape their employment and endanger the lives of innocent people with disregard. Does this sound like an establishment considering the well-being of the people?

Does this sound like a Paper one should read and permit to walk among you causing descension and having you turn on your neighbors? They even targeted their own Barovian Citizens. Demeaning them in manners unfitting for a lady's ear and demographically put down a business run by two strong women. Does that sound like a paper that should be permitted to produce misinformation and cause riot in the countries they place their papers in?

I beseech you reader to do your part to stop these journalistic terrorists and traitors to Barovia. Sign their name to a petition which I will provide for you and bring to the rightful authorities to see to it this paper and its vigilantes are brought to justice and banned from your cities. Even I branded as a criminal know my limits and unlike the cowards who write hiding away from the justice of cities, individuals, and businesses know well when one has gone too far in their libel that even Tigans and Criminals frown at them.

Dear reader I will soon pen a time and place for those who desire to sign petition to see this paper barred from your local cities and towns. Be advised to not listen to the pitiful false woes of these villains who attack innocent maidens and twist the facts of good men. If they were banned from one city surely it is only a matter of time before they are banned from another. Let us do our part to ensure not even a paper is beyond Justice.

Sincerely, Dracos von Nightscape
"For Evil to win is for good men to do nothing."


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Re: Letters to Vallaki Review
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2023, 11:03:15 PM »
[A few of the letters are defaced.]

You do not speak for us, craven.

Take your petitions and debates elsewhere, witch.

An actual son of Barovia.

Current: Sásha Kostoviç
Occasionally: Blair Florescu