« on: April 30, 2024, 10:52:53 PM »
Notices placed up in their usual areas, finely written.
~ Gold & Gossamer ~
Join us at the Gold and Gossamer for a chance to relax and shake off the burdens of the day to day. A new selection of drinks are on hand that will challenge both your tastes and your constitution. As well, Knijpse, Cloudberry Wine, and a lightweight Grog will be available for those less adventurous. We ask that you do not bring your own beverages to our establishment so that we can encourage you to find something new and exotic in life. Repeated instances will be met with a removal of your person for the night.
The Gold and Gossamer welcome you this Friday, May 3rd to participate in a tournament format of the game “Baldur’s Bones”. Players will buy in for 1000 Solars a round in a single round elimination format. The winner at the end will walk away with the accrued pot, minus a fee for the Gold and Gossamer as hosts.
1.) Each player puts the agreed ante in the pot.
2.) Each player rolls one dice, the highest determines order of play, clockwise or counter clockwise
3.) All players, in order, will roll 3 six sided dice.
4.) Once all players have rolled, the starting player will begin the “Stand or Roll” round.
5.) On their turn, a player can choose to "stand" or "roll." If the player stands, that player is unable to roll again. Then the next player can take a turn. A player who rolls takes an additional die and rolls it. If the total of their dice exceeds 21, they "bust" and are out of the game.
6.) After everyone has had a turn, the highest point total (excluding players who busted) wins the game and takes the pot.
Additional Rules: In the event of a winners tie, the tied players will have the option of either splitting the pot evenly amongst themselves or providing an additional buy-in of the agreed on ante to play an additional round. All players must agree to the additional round, otherwise the pot will be divided amongst the tied players.
4PM EST, under the mutinied sailor. Sometimes the door resets to get in so be patient! Also, do not rest or log out in the rental as you may be trapped there during a server reset or a crash!
Characters Closured:
Thane Ljot Solvor, the Skald
Active Characters:
Anisa' the Medjai