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Author Topic: [Notices appear around the Keep of the Dyad and the Publique of Port-A-Lucine.]  (Read 463 times)


  • Outlander
  • **
  • Posts: 50
Notices appear within the bounds of the Keep of the Dyad, and the noticeboard of Port-a-Lucine. They are titled, 'In search of a Smith or Engineer!'

My name is Atossa Iltazyara. I am looking for a capable smith or engineer who is willing to work with me on a discrete project that I have.

I am willing to offer payment that is within my power and I will conduct interviews for each person that reaches out and offers interest. Letters can be sent to me at Traveller's Suite IV of the Governor's Hotel in Port-a-Lucine.

//Eurydice#5539 on Discord, if Discord is your preferred means of communication.


  • Outlander
  • **
  • Posts: 50
[Notices are removed.]