Within the Swirling Mist (IC) > Biographies

The Axe and the Lute - The tale of Ljot Solvor

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Here now I sit with the Vistaani people at a place called the "Tser Pools". I'm yet to get the meaning of the place out of them, but that may be for the best. After the performance at the Souk of the Sands I feel drained and in need to some quiet. And so, I felt it appropriate to record some of my thoughts. This is especially important now as I have found myself in this new land...alone. No clan at my side, no Skalds from across the Moonshae to swap tales with, no sea and longships with which to raid on.


The beginning then. We had just pushed off after a successful raid against the Ffolk, our southern neighbors. As Northlanders it was almost tradition to raid them, to keep our skills sharp and to blood new warriors. And, I admit with some reluctance, it was fun. To see great men and women you have known since birth take up arms and achieve great acts of skill and bravery... it is magnificent.

Still I shouldn't let my thoughts wander. Ships full of the wailing prisoners and the spoils taken, we pushed off. As was customary to one of my craft, I stayed up late into the night. I stared out into that inky darkness and noticed a fog coming towards us. It was then that those crafty Merfolk has assaulted us from below! Horns blew, people cursed, and battle was joined. I sang out, emboldening our people as I dispatched a Merman, a grin has he spilled his insides. The fog kept coming, enveloping everyone and everything as it all grew quiet. My eyes had grown heavy and against my own will, I had fallen to slumber. 

I learned early what this land had to teach me. It wasn't quite so unlike the more hostile islands of the Moonshae. Thankfully, there are less bugs, though that is not counting the rather large beetles in a hole close to Vallaki. Or the giant ants I fought with a, well, maybe there are as many bugs. The point is, I learned that we needed to be ready to fight and to flee. Just like the raids.

However, I also learned that there was time for music now. And a need for it. What with how dour things can be here a song is just what some people need. When I play in the Lady's Rest, I can transport people away from their thoughts of the day, help them relax. The music may not always land exactly with people but that is fine. Even the locals who have a distinctly different taste in song are at least outwardly polite and applaud. Performing is how I have met many of those I would call friend now.

Ser Anders was the first, a Knight with a Lion's Jaw on his head. He looked as if he was some ancient king of my people. Or Alice, a mysterious woman who is so cheery I am immediately put in a good mood. I can't forget Nebet Neferet as well, the Akiri woman who has given me the opportunity to perform and pushed me to be better than I imagined. She is also quite the seamstress. There is also Aeric, a stoic man who says they were a member of "The Kinship", who is willing to listen to this Skald sing and help others in need. There is Mortimer the researcher, and quite clever as well. And Carlyah, a well meaning woman who can, Tempus bless her, hardly handle her liquor.

Many more are bouncing around this head of mine, but to write them all would take more hours than this night includes. For now, I will leave off, secure knowing that even though I am without my Clan, I am not without allies. And dare I say it... Friends.


My mind rested, throat wet with cider after an impromptu song at the Lady's Rest, and with some time to kill I can get some more thoughts in order.

I spoke with a man named Ignis to some great length of time today. At the Souk of the Sands when we were performing, I had seen him as one would see a burning pyre on a hilltop. With tanned skin and a fiery mane, I admit to being intrigued and had hoped at a chance to speak with him. During our talk of "Fire and Ice" as I had so cleverly noted, we spoke of a mutual appreciation for the beauty of flame and of his upbringing to a degree.

He rather amusedly spoke to me a tale of how he was found in a cottage that was burning down. A priest had happened upon it and while enjoying the flame, had heard the cries of a babe from inside. Summoning their courage the priest entered, finding Ignis apparently, and taking him to the priests temple where his life began as a conduit of that god's will. I gave him a wry smile, bluntly asking if even he believed such a tale. "Even I have some trouble in believing it" he told me with a haughty grin, and I knew we'd be fast friends with such an honest and amusing remark.


Aeric and Myself decided to clear our heads today. We went for a nice walk to an orchard of all places. As we walked, I dug into the mind of the man I've come to call friend in this new land. I found out he's a Paladin of the Judge of the Dead. I had not known that, but knowing of the more fanciful claims made of Paladins, I was immediately put on edge. As I dug deeper it became apparent to me that he was a serious man about his work, his calling. I was soon overcome with thoughts of being judged for my deeds in the Moonshae, for the actions I'd committed and committed to.
We then arrived at the Orchard in a bit of an awkward silence. It was quiet, beautiful, and unlike the last one I was in, not on fire.

I should admit to myself, finally, that I am a woman of two halves. One is Ljot the Skald, a singer and speaker of great deeds. I lift the spirits of the weary and soothe the minds of the troubled. The other is of Ljot the Axe, as I was once known, a woman with ice for blood and thirst for raiding I'm surprised I was taught to sing at all. I'm lucky in that my teachers saw something more in me than just another tempus-mad axe woman.

But I digress, when we arrived I felt compelled to level with Aeric. I thought it fair he knows that I was unsavory, that he may share a frontline with a murderer, but that I was remorseful. Stoic but warm as always, he spoke to me plainly what he expected if we traveled together. It was refreshing, such honesty. I'd say it even helped me come to grips with myself better. At least now, we are aware of what the other is. We'll see what the future holds.

I just hope Ljot the Skald is my future.


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