Bug Reporting Ticketing SystemLooking for DM (LFDM) ModeJanuary 13th, 2025 - Server updated to version 2.31lJanuary 9th, 2025 - Server updated to version 2.31i
ATTENTIONWANTED: ALIVELINA THE NECROMANCER OF NERULLFor the Crimes of Venerating a Demon, Foul Ritualistic Practices, and Entreating the Liliacul NegruREWARD: 1,000 FANGShe may be recognized as a human woman of average height. She favors red and white attire and is known to make use of a scythe. A capable witch and known practitioner of necromancy.Be it known that dire consequences will befall those who harbor or entreat this individual within the borders of Vallaki. Sergeant R. AmanarVALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE
ATTENTIONNIGHT MANDATEIn the interest of preserving the peace and prosperity of Vallaki and its people during these demanding times, this mandate will remain in effect until the first frost of the cold season that would demand the warming of homes.EXTINGUISH ALL LIGHTThere is to be no open flame or other visible sources of light within Vallaki from the seventh hour of the evening until the sixth hour of morning. This will extend to the entirety of the town and its surrounding outskirts. Do not use hearths or chimneys during these hours.Businesses and homes must assure window coverings are entirely secure to prevent observed light. REMAIN SILENTThere is to be no conversations nor sounds that would attract attention. Businesses remaining open during these hours must assure that the activity within does not draw attention.Those traveling must take appropriate measures to reduce their presence.Use of Bells, Horns, or other Disturbances are forbidden unless authorized by the guard.It is the duty of every person, be they resident or visitor, to obey these mandates to assure the safety of the town.THERE WILL BE NO LENIENCY FOR THOSE FOUND GUILTY OF ENDANGERING VALLAKISergeant R. AmanarVALLAKI BOUNTIES AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE
ATTENTIONAuron Blackcrown is hereby BANISHED from the Municipality of Vallaki for 5 YearsFor the Crime of interfering with the duties of the Vallaki Guard and endangering the people of Vallaki.He may be recognized by his long black hair and lightly tanned skin. His armor is designed to intimidate. It is dark plate metal with talon like clawed gauntlets. He wears a green cloak with the symbol of Bane emblasoned on the back. He is known to command the cult organization known as the Obsidian Claw.Be it known that should one harbor this individual or entreat them while within the borders of Vallaki will suffer severe consequences.Private Ioana Leonte⚖️VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE⚖️
ATTENTIONTHEFT OF TAXESVALLAKI HEREBY COMMANDS ITS LOYAL SUBJECTS TO BRING JUSTICE TO THE CRIMINALS INVOLVED IN THE THEFT OF COIN PURPOSED FOR TAXESThese criminals gathered together before the gallows during the evening of August 25th and accepted coin that was not theirsThey turned their ears towards words of rebellion and in doing so, chose to support the harm of this good townSO IT SHALL BEUNLESS THE STOLEN TAXES ARE RETURNEDIt will be accepted that those who provide their witness of that night and surrender the coin taken did not seek to engage in seditionTHOSE WHO COME FORWARD WITH INFORMATION WILL BE REWARDED AND THEIR SERVICES RECOGNIZEDDO NOT PERMIT THIS MAN TO MAKE YOU A CRIMINALHE SEEKS TO DESTROY YOUR HOMES AND THE PEACE OF YOUR LIVESREBELLION WILL ONLY RESULT IN DEATHTHOSE FOUND TO BE IN POSSESSION OF STOLEN COIN WILL BE CONDEMNED TO DIESergeant R. AmanarVALLAKI BOUNTIES AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE
ATTENTIONGUNDARAKITE REGISTRATIONIt is by the order of the guard that all people of Gundarakite lineage must be registeredRegistration will require personal information such as name, family, date of birth, residence, and occupationTravelers will be required to register their purpose within the municipalityRegistration may be filed at the Bounty and Commissions Office located in the lower town or with any on-duty guardsmanAll those of lawful conduct and cause will be permitted within VallakiFAILURE TO REGISTER WILL RESULT IN CONSEQUENCES EQUIVALENT TO THE SEVERITY OF THE OFFENSEVALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE
Wanted: Dead or Alive Pik Pok The Flea-Ridden Miscreant Of The FilthwaysCrimes: Disturbing the peace, Vandalism, Loitering. Endangering the People of Vallaki.Reward: 100 FANGS Pik Pok is a pitic, waist-high, red hair, who can usually be found wearing a wooden mask. He speaks ill, and refers to himself in third person, often found near Ladies Rest inn together with his wild bear. Brown and gray fur tunic and fur shoulder coverings, with arms and legs bare, now missing his left hand. Is a known Skinchanger, witch is highly likely to do something stupid.Be it known should the troublemaker in question turn herself into Garda custody willingly. Bounty will be retracted and punishment lessened. He may not disturb the peace when seeking to surrender.Lance Corporal Iliescu⚖️ VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE⚖️
ATTENTIONAndris the Mutt! has been FLOGGED and is hereby BANISHED from the Municipality of Vallaki for Two Days Time!For the Crime of breaking the Travel Mandate, Light Source Mandate, Loitering and Continued Lying To A Officer Of The Garda.May be seen in Brown Leather Garb with a White Cloak. Beware for this one is a skinchanger and tends to do indecent acts as an animal.Be it known that should one harbor this individual or entreat them while within the borders of Vallaki will suffer severe consequences.Lance Corporal Iliescu⚖️VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE⚖️
ATTENTIONWANTED: DEADDaxThree Counts of Attempted murder of a Vallaki GuardREWARD: 5000 FANGSDax is a fat pale skinned fey with redish blond hair. He fights with a bow and arrow and wears brown leathersBe it known that should any harbor this individual or entreat them while within the borders of Vallaki will suffer severe consequences. Private Ioana Leonte⚖️ VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE⚖️
ATTENTIONHouse Elevash is hereby BANISHED from the Municipality of Vallaki in PERPETUITYConspiring with Enemies of the Count Be it known that should any harbor these individuals or entreat them while within the borders of Vallaki will suffer severe consequences.Private BengescuVALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE
ATTENTIONBraonlannIS HEREBY DECLAREDAN OUTCASTHe may be recognized by his reddish hair, stocky build, and the blue scales covering his torso, arms, and legs. His presence is a disturbance and he will not be accepted among the good and decent people of Vallaki.Should he be witnessed during the day he will be removed from sight by any means necessary. Private BengescuVALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE
Wanted: Alive RalnasonCrimes: Evading Lawful SummonReward: 100 FANGS Probably mist-addled or overly stupid since decided to avoid summon. Escort the Illiterate outlander to the citadel.Lance Corporal Iliescu⚖️ VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE⚖️
QuoteATTENTIONThe Rat KingIS HEREBY DECLAREDAN OUTCASTHe may be recognized by his rat like helmet and rat tail, he is a pitic specialized in martial combat and vraja. His presence is a disturbance and he will not be accepted among the good and decent people of Vallaki.Should he be witnessed during the day he will be removed from sight by any means necessary. Private DinescuVALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE
ATTENTIONThe Rat KingIS HEREBY DECLAREDAN OUTCASTHe may be recognized by his rat like helmet and rat tail, he is a pitic specialized in martial combat and vraja. His presence is a disturbance and he will not be accepted among the good and decent people of Vallaki.Should he be witnessed during the day he will be removed from sight by any means necessary. Private DinescuVALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE
QuoteATTENTIONWANTED: DEAD or ALIVEThe Rat KingMurder of a Garda, Impersonation of a wererat REWARD: 5000 FANGSHe may be recognized by his rat like helmet and rat tail, he is a pitic specialized in martial combat and vraja.Be it known that should any harbor this individual or entreat them while within the borders of Vallaki will suffer severe consequences. Private Dinescu⚖️ VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE ⚖️
ATTENTIONWANTED: DEAD or ALIVEThe Rat KingMurder of a Garda, Impersonation of a wererat REWARD: 5000 FANGSHe may be recognized by his rat like helmet and rat tail, he is a pitic specialized in martial combat and vraja.Be it known that should any harbor this individual or entreat them while within the borders of Vallaki will suffer severe consequences. Private Dinescu⚖️ VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE ⚖️
Wanted: Alive MURIHALDANEGARYCrimes: Evading Lawful SummonReward: 1000 FANGS Be it known should the individual's in question turn themselves into Garda custody willingly. Bounty will be retracted and punishment lessened. Be warned. That should these individual's elude capture or refuse to turn themselves in. Consequences will follow.Lance Corporal Iliescu⚖️ VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE⚖️
AttentionInformation SoughtA young child, approximately 8 or 9 years of age was attacked and brutally murdered. Their body was brought to the Sanctary of the Coming Dawn on September 3rd in thea year 779. Any who have information on this matter should present themselves to Private Ioana Leonte or any member of the guard at the Citadel
ATTENTIONWANTED: DEADGar-GarTheft of the Count's Taxes, Interfering with the duties of the Vallaki Guard, spreading sedtion.REWARD: 7,500 FANGSGar-Gar is a large, green skinned caliban freak. He has been seen wearing heavy plated armors of red and black as well as armor of silver with gold accents. He carries on his person a greatsword.Be it known that should any harbor this individual or entreat them while within the borders of Vallaki will suffer severe consequences. Lance Corporal Ioana Leonte⚖️VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE⚖️
AttentionTravel AdvisoryTravellers from Vallaki, let it be known that the roads beyond our borders are often frought with danger. This is especially true in the winter months. While travelling to our neighbor cities and villages, it is adviced to travel with company. Courriers would do well to hire mercenary guards to accompany them along the road. Warm clothing for the winter months is advised. Any travellers that come upon disturbing scenes or otherwise concerning incidents along the road are encouraged to report these events to a member of the Vallaki Guard.Lance Corporal Ioana Leonte⚖️VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE⚖️
AttentionInformation SoughtAn Officer of the guard, Lance Corporal Leonte, and two Privates were brutally murdered outside the gates of the Citadel just into the Market District of Vallaki. Lance Corporal Leonte's body has been abducted and the Vallaki Garda are looking for witnesses or information toward these events and her swift recovery.If you step forward with anything that leads to the recovery of the Officer, and information toward who was responsible you will be rewarded well.Lance Corporal Bengescu⚖️VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE⚖️
ATTENTIONGeist is hereby BANISHED from the Municipality of Vallaki In PerpetuityFor the crimes of practicing necromancy and associating with the known necromancer, Vin HozaHe may be recognized by his red hair and fair skin. The man is a dangerous and deranged outlander and a cultist to some outlander god, Boccob. He is often found near the keep of the Dyad in the mists.Be it known that should one harbor this individual or entreat them while within the borders of Vallaki will suffer severe consequences.Lance Corporal Ioana Leonte⚖️VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE⚖️
ATTENTIONBif the Cannibal Pitic aka Bifurr of Clan Ironside is hereby BANISHED from the Municipality of Vallaki In PerpetuityFor the crime of cannibalismHe may be recognized by his red beard and fair skin. He is a fat, heavily tattooed pitic with no teeth. He smells foul and speaks foul and consumes the flesh of people.Be it known that should one harbor this individual or entreat them while within the borders of Vallaki will suffer severe consequences.Lance Corporal Ioana Leonte⚖️VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE⚖️
ATTENTIONWANTED: DEAD or ALIVEColin Beauregard AKA Dimitry GrigorasFor the Murder of Two Vallaki Garda, Abduction, Torture, and Murder of a Vallaki Garda Officer, Veneration of the Fiend Known as the 'Daughter of Hell'.REWARD: 10,000 W.F.This vile creature masquerading as a man has wavy black hair, a well trimmed beard, and lime green eyes. The self proclaimed 'lawyer' from Dementlieu abducted one of our Officers, and carved disturbing imagery into her body in service to a Fiend in the hopes she would submit though she did not. This sexual predator came to Vallaki while pretending to be a lawyer, trespassed into the Citadel against lawful orders to remain outside, and then caused an intense fight within our jails while wielding vraja. He was executed for these crimes only to rise again and return a day later to commit even more atrocities upon the people of Vallaki.If you presently suffer banishment from Vallaki your sentence may be commuted by turning in this wretch. Nobody will blame you.Be it known that should any harbor this individual or entreat them while within the borders of Vallaki will suffer severe consequences. Lance Corporal Bengescu⚖️ VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE ⚖️
QuoteATTENTIONThe Obsidian Claw and its adherents are hereby BANISHED from the Municipality of Vallaki In PerpetuityUntil such a time when their disgraced and banished commander, Auron Blackcrown, is no longer in command.The agents of Auron Blackcrown will not be permitted within the boundaries of the municipaility.This flagrant attempt at circumventing the law will not be tolerated. Be it known that should one harbor these individuals or entreat them while within the borders of Vallaki will suffer severe consequences.Private Mikhail von Striganov⚖️VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE⚖️
ATTENTIONThe Obsidian Claw and its adherents are hereby BANISHED from the Municipality of Vallaki In PerpetuityUntil such a time when their disgraced and banished commander, Auron Blackcrown, is no longer in command.The agents of Auron Blackcrown will not be permitted within the boundaries of the municipaility.This flagrant attempt at circumventing the law will not be tolerated. Be it known that should one harbor these individuals or entreat them while within the borders of Vallaki will suffer severe consequences.Private Mikhail von Striganov⚖️VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE⚖️