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An Open Letter: The Colibri Attack
« on: January 07, 2023, 10:56:35 AM »
[These letters begin appearing in the Quartier Marchand and Ouvrier, some may find their way towards the upper echelons of Port-á-Lucine by happenstance, but they are not publicly displayed.]

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A statement from the Wayfarer Kinship regarding the Events in the Ouvrier on the date of 1/5/778
[A notice in the Vallaki Outskirts and Noticeboard]

The Wayfarer Kinship heeded a call of aid of Roland Steele of the Company of the Bridge in the Ouvrier last night to halt a trap for the occupants of the Ouvrier and to aid in capturing Dove, whom was preparing to summon a Fiend with the souls of those who had arrived to just watch a normal showing of skill and art. Those involved in the efforts to halt such a mass sacrifice took steps to prevent as much bloodshed as possible. However, unfortunately the Caliban guards, whom were the only ones slain, refused to put down their weapons and charged those seeking to stop Dove. Petrification was used to prevent more bloodshed, and those petrified were returned to flesh in short order. Also of note is the spotting of Bella T. during the event, a known vampire, of which she summoned several vampiric spawn that were quickly dispatched. Eventgoers afterwards were quickly escorted out of the area and the injured were tended to when able.

If anyone holds information on the whereabouts or encounters Dove, a now Fiendish-like woman of sickly complexion who maintains horns on the top of her head, a transformation from what she originally was due to her newfound connections to her Fiendish lord, you are encouraged to contact proper authorities, or if you wish, a Kinship (Or Company) member will contact them in your stead if you wish to remain anonymous. Please do not take her capture into your own hands if it can be helped, she is known to be extremely dangerous.

Mesdames et Messieurs, brothers and sisters of our fair republic of Dementlieu! See now and heed these words of truth of a conspiracy veiled before your very eyes!

For those of you blissfully unaware, living under a rock or elsewise, upon the 4th of Janvier there was a terrible assault upon the Colibri theatre, headed by no other than the chevalier of our Serene République, Sieur Roland Steele. Alongside the foreign agents of the pretentious Wayfarer Kinship, they stormed the talent show and without concern nor discretion they began to swing both magics and steel at the gathered crowd. Many left bleeding, incapacitated, or outright killed in this attack. Six caliban were killed, and what for purpose? Why, these outlander vigilantes were looking to capture a single woman based upon suspicions alone.

Look upon the letter of the Wayfarer Kinship attached, and see what madness and insidious claims they protest; the ramblings of the insane and deranged. I weep at even the consideration that a chevalier of our enlightened realm deludes himself to not only associate with killers and blinded fools, but also endorses them! Need you be reminded it was Sieur Roland Steele, and his misguided Company of the Bridge, that called upon the Wayfarer Kinship? His actions not only reflect poorly upon himself, but upon us all. Are we to debase ourselves to the lunacy of Barovian vigilantes, presuming themselves above the law? Perhaps Sieur Roland Steele should take himself back to the muck-wallowing backwater from where he shares his claims.

And of the law - what says the Gendarmerie? They have been exceptionally quiet covering up this whole thing. When will you bring these killers to justice? When will they meet the guillotine like any murderer rightfully should? Surely you would not let such injustice stand, let alone from a citizen from our own country? Your inaction speaks volumes upon the matter however, I suppose it must be fine to kill as long as you blindly persecute a woman as a fiend. These foreigners go above your station, and have yet to reprimanded.

Do not be fooled, brothers and sisters. Stay vigilant in these trying times. Unity belongs to our fair people, but not to self-righteous pretenders. There is no peace whilst corruption and injustice lurks among us.


(( Placed in-game. ))