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Author Topic: La Fleur d'Ambre - Candidates' Debate Transcript  (Read 274 times)


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La Fleur d'Ambre - Candidates' Debate Transcript
« on: October 17, 2022, 02:41:01 PM »
[The following transcript is printed and distributed throughout Port-à-Lucine.]

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The Candidates' Debate
as transcribed by Madame Dhelindria Rathcore

We would like to open by acknowledging the unfortunate loss of Monsieur le Général Gaston Virieux. We considered at length whether or not to move forward with the transcripts, and we decided that the Général would have likely wanted these words published since the Silent Fields campaign was so important to him. We at La Fleur d'Ambre extend our sincere condolences and respects to his family.

Aidan Rathcore: Welcome, Messieurs et Mesdames, to La Fleur d'Ambre! Before you we have the three declared candidates for the Silent Fields commission, and we shall endeavor to allow each the chance to show you why they are worthy of your support in their bid.

However, the Council of Brilliance has also made known that they shall accept other bids for the post, and before we begin I would be remiss not to ask: do we have any in the room who mean to declare their candidacy?

Baudouin de Courcillon: I will declare my candidacy.

Aidan Rathcore: Indeed? Monsieur de Courcillon, I invite you then to join us at the table.

Alix Sinclair Martineau: I shall.

Aidan Rathcore: Indeed? Dame Alix, please join us at the table.

Gaston Virieux: Hrm! Yes! We incest. I mean insist.
Yasutsugi Katayama: If foreigners are permitted I would be honored for the opportunity to assist Port-à-Lucine in this endeavor; and would like to declare candidacy if so.

Aidan Rathcore: It is not for me to say what the Council of Brilliance requires of its candidates, Monsieur Katayama. I defer to those in attendance.

Jacques Reynard: He may offer his service. It will be the nobility who decide who is best suited to lead their sons and daughters. 

Aidan Rathcore: Monsieur Katayama, we invite you to the table.

Yasutsugi Katayama: An honor, everyone.

Aidan Rathcore: Very well. We have our candidates! Many of you are of well known and distinguished careers, but for the sake of those who may not be familiar, we shall begin by allowing each of you a chance to introduce yourselves and, if you wish, make name of some of your exploits.

Monsieur le Général, we shall begin with you and make our way clockwise, if it pleases.

Gaston Virieux: My name is Gaston Virieux. My family has, over the course of its storied history, served at the behest of the nobility, mhrmh, on many occasions. I had the pleasure of leading the single-most successful incursion into Falkovnian territory, working with the noble retinues of Dementlieu and the militia of the Gendarmerie Nationale to fend off the Kingführer's soldiery. Our peace was hard won, and leaned upon joint venture with the other nations of the Four Towers treaty. I am, unlike many before you, not green. Tested. Perhaps tired from my efforts, but... what is needed now is not sound bodies, but sounder minds. If you value the lives of your soldiers, and the lives of your son, mine are the hands in which to entrust them.

Aidan Rathcore: Well spoken, Monsieur le Général. Monsieur le Baron?

Raymon Lucroy: I am Raymon Lucroy. My family has served Dementlieu time and again to defend our homeland from the Hawk. I have served as the Baronet de Angiers, a lieutenant in the Gendarmerie Nationale, and an officer in the Company of the Fox. I have fought twice against the Falkovnians in two separate engagements: first to defend against his son's assault on Port-à-Lucine eight years past and then as they assaulted Ameranthe. I have also defended the country's institutions and the Council as well as the ideals of Léon when our countrymen unfortunately fought one another.

I have led men into battle time and again. My family honors its commitments to the Republic and remains true to its cause - and regardless of the decision made on who leads us there, which I hope to have the honor, I believe we shall be victorious. We need leaders who lead from the front to engage with the chaos of battle and I can be that man.

Aidan Rathcore: Merci, Monsieur le Baron. Monsieur Katayama?

Yasutsugi Katayama: My name is Yasutsugi Katayama of the honorable Clan Katayama. I have come a long way not just physically, but mentally as I entered a world that I could only imagine in my dreams. My arrival here was met warmly with great respects towards me and my family's mission. I come from a long line of warriors; I am a member of Rokushima-Taiyoo's bushi-caste and a Samurai in training. I came here to fulfill a quest to earn the right to be called Samurai. With this warm welcome I have accomplished so much: an excellent swordsman, a master smith, and a successful businessman.

Port-à-Lucine has offered me so much at a time that had and would feel uncertain to anyone. I appreciate this greatly and wish to offer my opportunity to serve even if I can not lead. Our home is wrought with the horrors of war. I have lost many brothers to the ongoing civil war on my island. My restaurant is named after my late and honorable brother Shotaru. I know what it's like to lose family, I know what hardship feels like, and for people who have been so good to me I do not want such befalling them. I am here today to offer whatever I can to aid the Serene République honorably.Thank you all for having me this day.

Aidan Rathcore: Merci, Monsieur. Dame Alix?

Alix Sinclair Martineau: I have the distinct pleasure to be surrounded, today, by not only the finest scions of this benevolent République, but those duly elected rulers who guide us through such turbulent times. My exploits are many, so I will be brief in stating my case.

I have served this République for five years, in one fashion or another. As a Gendarme. As a Deputy of the Council of Brilliance in restoring order in the late days after ensuring their safe arrival upon these shores, beneath the fangs of hounds who would destroy what we hold. I have risen private armies, built fortresses, and engaged in none but successful military endeavors in my time here. Some of you may have heard of them; some not. I fought at Chasseigne-de-Forte against Falkovnian marauders during the Siege of Ameranthe, with a unit outnumbered seven-to-one. I proved victorious, and quelled all raiding in that region. I served to escort this Council of Brilliance, and aid in restoring their rightful rule, against the flagship of the Duc d'Ameranthe, stolen from under his nose, by pirates that now sought their lives.

Though my men suffered, the Council did not. In the years following, I took private contracts, and have faced the Falkovnian menace on fronts both in Falkovnia, and in Invidia.
In contract to the Vladantilan Prince, my Company of the Phoenix engaged in a siege of the glittering gem of Falkovnia, Silbervas, and saw its walls breached, and defenders, men of the Dead Man's Campaign, slaughtered. I sacked Silberkopf, FalkFürher Vlad Drakov's summer palace, and took prisoner his son and heir, Mircea Drakov, to whom that armor belonged, and that portrait was taken from the wall of his quarters.

[Dame Alix motioned to a pair of trophies she brought to display: a set of black and red Falkovnian Raptor Knight armor and a painting depicting a young Falkovnian man dressed in a frilly suit instead of that armor.]

In fetters, I bequeathed him as a gift to our Council of Brilliance, as a prize of their own, to remind Falkovnia the price of Ameranthe. In Navorhan, I fought Invidians and Falkovnians alike. In both circumstances, the Company of the Phoenix suffered minimal losses. Fifteen in Navorhan, of a hundred deployed. Fifty of three hundred deployed at the siege of Silbervas. And I have served, even here, to maintain order at the Council's request, when House Vennier rose arms against this very city to seize it unlawfully, at the Battle of Plessis Forest, bringing my Household retinue to arms, alongside the Company of the Phoenix, and the Gendarmerie Nationale. Halting them in their tracks.

Say what one may of accusations of my private life. I have never served this country and been found wanting in succeeding in my duty. In matters of war, logistics, or commerce.
And the Prince of Falkovnia soiled himself at the sight of my men, when they arrived. He was every bit the likeness of his portrait. If you desire success, I hope you shall choose me.

Aidan Rathcore: Merci for that... succinct account... Dame Alix. Monsieur de Courcillon?

Baudouin de Courcillon: My, I don't know how any of us are to compete with that. 

I am Baudouin de Courcillon.  Some of you will likely know my family name as we have a long history of supporting the République in times of war.  First through our quality weapons and then with manpower. My name will be less familiar, as I only just returned after a decade of absence.  In that time, though, I have fought in Invidia and to a lesser extent in Borca.  I returned briefly to my home to fight at Ameranthe.

I will not dictate a long list of exploits, and I have not led large hosts of men into battle against seemingly impossible odds. But I have fought alongside them, in the mud, and filth, when all you can see is red and all you can feel is the blood coating your skin.  I know how they think.  I know their fears.  I know what they need to survive. I thank you for your consideration.

Aidan Rathcore: A man of the people, merci, Monsieur.

Last and certainly not least, Caporal d'Aubry?

Gabriel d'Aubry: I am Gabriel d'Aubry, Caporal within our Gendarmerie Nationale, here in Port-à-Lucine. My family has defended our Serene République for years, always willing to put their lives on the line for the advancement of our people. Duty is a man's greater mission, and there is no greater honor than defending one's country against threats, no matter where they come from. Loyalty to this République should always come first, and my loyalty is undoubtable. I have been involved in the Grain Deal for months now, thanks to Général Virieux, and I am most familiar with the terrain, troops and threats that we will face when on the Fields. Getting the command of our forces would be an honor, one that I would put every second of my time into making a success, as I've done for months now. I wish for that command because I believe I am the best choice for it, as my actions to defend our République have shown. But if I wasn't chosen, I'd still be the first in the Fields, fighting for Dementlieu and our people, under the command of the one who was chosen, like any patriot would do.

Aidan Rathcore: Well said, Caporal. Merci.

We have many speakers today, so I will trim our questions somewhat to be respectful of the gentry's time, and to allow time at the end for a few questions from the floor.
Each of you will have no more than five minutes; after all have responded, we'll have an opportunity for rebuttals or comments upon your fellow candidate's answers. The question I will put to you is this: What is the greatest challenge you foresee in the coming campaign, and how do you plan to address it? When you are ready, Monsieur le Général, we shall go as before.

Gaston Virieux:  Hrm. Glory hounds, plain and simple. Some will see this simple exercise as a means of advancing their glory and station. To reverse poor fortune or such. They'll need a firm hand to guide. Firm, indeed.

Aidan Rathcore: Merci, Monsieur le Général. Monsieur le Baron?

Raymon Lucroy: The challenge will be logistics and positioning of forces. Information is key and we must know the enemy's disposition to ensure our supply lines are safe and we can engage the enemy to favor us in each engagement. We need a capable and active leader to see to it in person.

Aidan Rathcore: Magnifique. Monsieur Katayama?

Yasutsugi Katayama: I would agree that a great challenge will be the logistics. Making sure lines are kept with proper supplies; and equipment. We must make sure we cannot only out perform but also out last.

Alix Sinclair Martineau: Logistics. Every conflict is won through the supply train, not through the valor of men, albeit that is a contributing factor. Brigands in the woods performing guerilla strikes will divide and conquer any force foolish enough to engage it head-on. I believe that we must focus upon securing infrastructure, establishing basic roads, and securing workers across the fields.

The situation is not all that dissimilar to the Eastern Reconstruction following the Civil War, where bandits and deserters ran wild following the end. I was forced to deal with that issue when work brigades were sent to repair and extend roadways. Once established, we can focus on hunting down the dens of miscreants that would see our people suffer.

Aidan Rathcore: Merci, Dame. Monsieur de Courcillon.

Baudouin de Courcillon: I happen to agree with Monsieur le Baron and the other sentiments expressed so far.  Many of our enemies, though not all, are career bandits.  They will be comfortable roughing it in the harsh terrain as well as already familiar with hit and run tactics to pillage supply lines, as much as nearby settlements.
A fortified supply train to establish an early and defensible foothold will be a necessity.

Aidan Rathcore: Merci. Caporal?

Gabriel d'Aubry: While they have a good point with the logistics, I will go elsewhere by mentioning that coordination with our allies shall be a challenge. Having two generals on the field, each commanding their own troops, will make coordination for objectives harder. They might have different ideas on how to best succeed. Communicating clear goals and intentions with our Borcan allies will be of utmost importance.

Aidan Rathcore:I shall open the table for a moment to rebuttals or comments. Many of you saw the same challenges; do you have further questions for your compeers regarding solutions? I shall take hands as they are raised.

[From the audience, Mademoiselle Roxana Barozzi of the Borcan Delegation raised her hand.]

Aidan Rathcore: Mademoiselle Barozzi?

Roxana Barozzi: I quite agree, Caporal d'Aubry, communication is paramount... so I suppose we ought to just speak plainly with one another. Just when is it that you intend to harass and attempt to book the others belonging to the Borcan delegation? I have to plan out the Vicontessa di Marciniera's schedule after all, and I ought to see the day cleared for whenever you intend to handle that.

Aidan Rathcore: A bit of a... pointed query, that. Do you wish to respond, Caporal?

Gaston Virieux: If I can answer, firebrands like d'Aubry are invaluable, mhmhrm. Very valuable in the front lines, leading the charge. Though lacking, indeed, in diplomacy.
Gabriel d'Aubry: I don't wish to respond to a pointless hypothetical, no.

Roxana Barozzi: Pointless. Of course, Caporal. 

Gabriel d'Aubry: Afterall, this debate is for people who wish to lead our forces to shine, not for Mademoiselle Barozzi to make a show of herself.

Roxana Barozzi: Caporal, I am sitting in for the Vicontessa di Marciniera this evening. If you do not wish to take the past grievances of your allies seriously, that is fine... but do not expect us to take you seriously either.

Aidan Rathcore: Do you wish to comment regarding the Général’s question of diplomatic ability, Caporal?

Hermann von Wittendorf: Caporal d'Aubry is the perfect fit if you want a hundred men to march their feet right into their mouths. 

Gabriel d'Aubry: While you might enjoy this little show Mademoiselle Barozzi, I do not believe that these types of discussion are fruitful when discussed with an audience to listen.

Roxana Barozzi: You do not think the gentry might be interested in how you conduct yourself around those you will be working with? I beg to differ.

Gabriel d'Aubry: While you are making a point of not taking your grievances seriously, I have tried to speak to you at multiple occasions in the past weeks, yet you've always declined.

Aidan Rathcore: Dame Alix.

Alix Sinclair Martineau: You mention that diplomatic overtures are crucial, Caporal d'Aubry. I concur, and I've been in this capital not for a day before hearing of your keen hand. Pray tell, when can we expect our crackerjack team of dwarven sappers from Lamordia at our side? The Toiling Band, they were called? 

Aidan Rathcore: Caporal, you have the floor to respond.

Gabriel d'Aubry: I can only imagine this isn't a serious answer Dame Alix. Unless you want me to discuss our strategy to clear the Fields, with the Falkovnian Ambassador here?

Alix Sinclair Martineau: Is it? I heard they weren't even siding with us. I suppose you must have a plan hidden up your sleeve, and I shall respect your expertise in this field.

Aidan Rathcore: Monsieur le Baron.

Raymon Lucroy: It's best not to answer the enemy's feint and sally forth exposing yourself to the enemy. As for sappers, I hear the Black Company is available. And I don't see why we cannot discuss strategy. We're going to burn down Falkovnia, of course.

Jacques Reynard: Mind your tone, Monsieur le Baron. 

Raymon Lucroy: Of course, Councilor. A jest better suited between soldiers than the gentry. My apologies.

Jacques Reynard: The Serene République has no interest in war with our neighbors. We value prosperity and peace, and act only in defense of ourselves and our allies.

Aidan Rathcore: Quite so, and the concern of strategic visibility is a valid one. Let us move on then to the second question- and after, an opportunity for questions from the floor.

It has been mentioned that unlike some of our previous engagements, we shall have separate armies under separate generals in the field in this campaign. How do you plan to best coordinate and compliment our allied forces in the field? Monsieur le Général, you have served us well in taking the lead.

Gaston Virieux: Unified command. Mhrm. We cannot pretend our differences do not exist. Our forces should be distinct, but compliment and aid one another. Hammer and anvil, rather than trying to swing two hammers at once.

Raymon Lucroy: In the field we often have separate armies under a unified command. We must always be aware of our own movements and dispositions. In the past we utilized a robust courier system. With international forces, a liaison in each army is key. The liaison is oft a graduate of an academy who knows their own country's doctrines best and has experience on the field. The Général is undoubtedly the pioneer in modern strategy and we can always make improvements at lower echelons.

Aidan Rathcore: I would invite any of you who wish to speak on it to speculate as to how our different styles of combat may be used to compliment each other, as well; aside from communication concerns only. Monsieur Katayama?

Yasutsugi Katayama: One great force is sufficient and useful, but carefully planned joint attacks from smaller units can be more crippling than say one unified unit... with smaller forces we could draw out theirs while flanking another. This can be particularly useful especially if they have hidden forces.

Aidan Rathcore: You propose our allied forces ought to march aside one another, rather than operate independently?

Yasutsugi Katayama: Operate in coordination with one another. In my home armies are often fought with many generals as family heads will serve their lords who serve our 'Shujin' similarly here; working together to take advantage of our enemies can yield great results.

Aidan Rathcore: Merci, Monsieur. Dame?

Alix Sinclair Martineau: It has been mentioned to me that there shall be three armies. Dementlieuse, Richemuloise, and Borcan. As we have remained Wardens of the West for so long, and so greatly we must value the example set before us by our esteemed Council of Brilliance. That the number is well-suited to resolve any disputes of command, by a Council of Three. I have great admiration for our Borcan and Richemuloise allies, and while they are not suited to our style of war, we must allow them their voices, and come to a common consensus.

The Générals should know each other well, and act together without deceit or rogue maneuvers. This will be the first time our armies have marched together since the uproar of the Révolution, and our Civil War. Our Serene République must remind them of the value of our alliance, and their co-equal places within it. Making any final decisions here would deprive them of their voice.

[The Richemuloise ambassador, Monsieur Esteve Peirol, clarified a few points raised.]

Alix Sinclair Martineau: Oh. Apologies, no; no Richemuloise. Apologies, I've been here for a day. It's a lot to consume. In short, it should be between the Générals to assign sectors and work best to their strengths. The Borcans are known for their levies and swordwork with exemplary fame, and we Dementlieuse, our firearms expertise.

Aidan Rathcore: A well-argued point, oui. Monsieur de Courcillon?

Baudouin de Courcillon: I am rather fond of Monsieur le Général's hammer and anvil comment.  We should be seeking every opportunity we can to crush hostile forces between the weight of each of our armies. Open and more importantly secure communication between both generals will be of utmost importance, and we should certainly be playing toward each other's strengths.  We do after all desire the same thing. Well, most of us.

Aidan Rathcore: Caporal?

Gabriel d'Aubry: The idea of unified command was brought up during the negotiations for the deal, and was quickly shut down by our allies. As this would be a twin command campaign, I would assign Sieur Dorian de Sauvre as Liaison Officer with our allies, and ask them to do the same. It would make communications much easier and make sure both armies are on the same page with the same objectives.

Aidan Rathcore: Very good. We'll use this last block of time to open the floor. 'Tis the gentry who will decide whom to support, and so we shall allow any present to ask their questions- either of the table as a whole, or any particular candidate.

[At this time the Général's failing health became apparent, and the debate was called to a halt so that he could be attended. Despite swift response from the best physicians present, he was regrettably beyond treatment.]
« Last Edit: October 17, 2022, 02:57:06 PM by BlankStare »
Current PC: Aidan Rathcore