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In-Game Book Submissions Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
Vallaki Justice:
Title: The Chronicles of Nasir Razthelyk
//Edited out as it contained borderline secretive information, and details that should be found in-game. Will not be considered for inclusion in the module.
Title: The Chronicles of Adrianna Adamachi
//Added to HAK update 2.29. MAB
Alcoholic Squirrel (Birdman):
The Chronicles of Kaazimir Dvornikov
//Added to HAK update 2.29. MAB
Title: A collection of published Reports from the Wayfarer Kinship, Vol 1#
//Added to HAK update 2.29. MAB
Title: Le Coup de Revers: The Dementlieuse Civil War
Title: The Hazlani Experience
Title: A Glimpse on the Nature of the Mists
//Added to HAK update 2.29. MAB
Title: A Practical introduction to the Akiri Ma'at By Phillberte d'Alard
Icon (book's appearance, if known): il T_BOOK_033
Suggested locations: Port-à-Lucine library, Houlgreaves, The University of Dementlieu
Spoiler: showIntroduction:
Har’Akir is a fascinating and unique location within the mists. With the multitude of temples, crypts and other ruins located within the sands many would be archeologists and graverobbers flock there.Often individuals assume that the Ma’at is simply a code of laws. This is not the case, but why is understanding it important to an archeologist? What could an enlightened society like the serene republique gain from understanding it? During my time within Har’Akir I have both spoken with natives and studied their ancient culture. This has brought me to a conclusion that to truly understand Akiri culture, one must have an understanding of the Ma’at as it is essentially the foundation of the study.
Part 1: A brief history of Har’Akir
Understanding why the Akiri hold the Ma’at so highly in their culture involves understanding their past and how that has shaped the present. According to Akiri legend the Ma’at existed from before the isolation of Muhar caused by the phenomena known as the “Wall of Ra”. In the past Har’Akir was a much more prosperous land ruled by pharaohs that is shown by a variety of precious coins I have found within the ruined temples. Ma’at practice existed then, a code of life striving to bring the populace closer to the gods. It was during the rule of the last pharaoh, Anhktepot, that ruin came to the Akiri people. Anhktepot lusted for more than his station and defied the gods cursing the akiri sun god Ra. For his defiance Anhktepot was cursed and created an army of the dead. Those close to the pharaoh struck against him for his arrogance, mummifying him while he was still alive but it was too late. The servants of the god Set began to gain traction in the land and corrupted the temples of the other gods as well as the Wall of Ra phenomena appearing and cutting off the settlement of Muhar from the outside world. As time passed Muhar fell more and more into ruin until it reached the state it is in today.
Part 2: The Ma’at
Ma’at translates roughly into harmony in the common tongue. There are seven principles that consist of the modern Ma’at all with the intention of bringing the Akri closer to their gods. In Akiri mythology the god of death, Anubis, weighs someone’s heart against the weight of a feather. If they weigh less than the feather they pass forward. By following the principles of the Ma’at the Akiri believe that their heart will reach this. Truth, Justice, Harmony, Balance, Order, Reciprocity and Propriety. The current version of the Ma’at is less religious than the ancient version from before the formation of the wall of Ra; serving more as a constant state of redemption in hopes the desert may flourish again rather than supplication to the divines. The Akiri believe that adherence to it avoids the “wrath of the gods”. The Ma’at is more a philosophy and way of life than anything as wholly strict as a rule of law may be elsewhere. It is also worth considering that these principles apply to many other aspects of Akiri life including Law, Morality and Spirituality. As its name translates the Ma’at is a harmony.
Part 3: The Seven Principles
-Truth: Truth in how the individual goes about their day. Honoring your dealing with those you interact with and the divine. It also can be the ability to understand the difference between real and unreal. What is, what has been, what will be and what may be decided.
-Justice: Justice is the concept of equality. One birth is not above others. In the golden era of Akiri culture even the Pharaoh was chosen by the divine to serve a role. Through understanding one’s role in life one is able to contribute to society’s advancement.
-Harmony: The state of being in which different expressions of Divine Spirit, humans, animals, plants, and others move together in ways that create alignment and beauty. Each expression must be authentic and express fully all that it is created to be. It is only through authenticity that harmony can truly be achieved, and occur naturally when each entity is being true to it’s spiritual reality.
-Balance: A state in which the internal and external environments of an individual, or group are aligned with the Divine, nature, one another and the rest of creation. It is the experience of existing in the place where opposites meet, the creation point, where new life is generated and new possibilities come into being.
-Order: A state of being in which things are arranged in ways that are uncluttered, free of excess, clear.
-Reciprocity: The belief of what comes around goes around. There is motion, rhythm of cause and effect that moves forward and backwards. Similar to the concept of divine karma. The actions of individuals affects what is to come.
-Propriety: The circular way life must be. It teaches to not do harm on to another, that the truth is every living thing deserves to exist including the self.
Part 4: The Cultural Value
Why does the Ma’at matter for the study of Akiri culture? It is a belief and mindset that permeates every aspect of akiri life, not only today but also in the golden era of their culture. The tenets of the Ma’at are relatable to an enlightened society such as our own. Order, Balance, Justice, Harmony and Truth are all ideals we should strive for as a people. It is not these ideals themselves that cause the atrocities of Akiri culture to justify slavery rather that they are twisted by barbaric men and women TO justify them. Though some of the Akiri Traditions are barbaric to those of us in the republique from the outside, they are based on ideals that when not taken to the extremes or distorted can only help make a greater land to live and thrive in.
Title: A Dissertation of the Rajian Caste System By Phillberte d'Alard
Icon (book's appearance, if known): il T_BOOK_036
Suggested locations: Houlgraves', Port-à-Lucine library, University of Dementlieu
Spoiler: show
The lush Verdant Lands and in particular the humid jungles of Sri Raji are full of vibrance and life. These jungles are full of life and this extends to the human population as well as the fauna. With only three cities within these humid jungles the massive population in the multiple thousands are found. As I have stated in my previous work the Rajian people live under a strict caste system that permeates every aspect of Rajian life. It is my belief that understanding their caste system, even if at a glance and in broad terms, will only aid in proper study and relations should you ever find yourself dealing with those of Rajian birth.
A Brief Synopsis
The Rajian belief of reincarnation is an essential component to understanding the workings of their caste system. It is of Rajian belief that all life is within a constant cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth where your actions in life affect where you will be in your next life. It is only those who through self perfection, actualization, and piety that souls will move up the castes and eventually break out of the cycle achieving the state the Rajian call Nirvana. This movement is not always forward, as those who are wicked will be punished in their next life. Though there are thousands upon thousands of castes within the system there are four major categories that they are all wrapped into; The Brahmin caste which consists of priests and sometimes great heroes. Members of this caste are an extremely rare sight to meet. The Kshatriya is the caste of nobles and heroes of the Rajian people, they are also rare to meet. The caste of most common folk is called the Vaishya. This would include merchants, craftsmen and other more skilled professions. The class of the poor and the bottom caste is classified as Shudra. This includes farmers and others that society feels is easily replaceable. Many within Sri Raji believe that this system originated from their god of creation Brahma with the Brahmin representing the eyes and mind of Brahma, the Kshatriya representing the arms, The Vaishya representing his legs and the Shudra representing his feet.
The Shudra
Our journey through these castes will begin at the bottom, The Shudra. This caste is quite numerous and consists of many of the laborers in the rice paddies as well as those who do more manual labor. From my interviews with members of this caste who were displaced by the mists, the life of a member of this caste is quite rough. The individual spoke of how their work was as a rat catcher. Their caste within Rajian society was low even within the Shudra; they are looked down on by those that worked in the rice paddies, an example of how this hierarchy persists even within the categories. The common expectation for those of the Shudra to provide their service or good, to work until they dropped dead for as the interviewee said “My rewards, were in my next life. The better I did my role, as a woman and a Shudra, the better my next life would be.” The attitude from those higher on the caste system was generally that the Shudra are to be mindless bodies and that their duty is to serve. Beyond these expectations and the expectation that the Shudra are replaceable, the caste as a whole is illiterate. It is forbidden to teach Shudra letters as it is believed it damages their ability to serve and work. When I pressed the interviewee on this matter, saying wouldn’t written orders be easier for them to follow, their response was “It would be, but (are) the benefits are worth the risks? An educated servant is more useful than an uneducated one, but they could be inclined to forsake their duties.”
The Vaishya
The next group up in the caste system is The Vaishya, a caste of more skilled laborers and craftsmen. During my initial trip to Sri Raji the farm foreman I met was of this caste and this was also the caste my group was perceived as by the locals, though outsiders, it would be my studied assumption that we would be in the lower rungs of the caste. The Vaishya have more liberties than the Shudra; they are allowed to learn to read as well as own property. To use the analogy of the body, the Vaishya are the legs that support the rest of the body. Though fraternization between the castes is restricted it often falls on the Vaishya to manage the Shudra. As with the Shudra, this caste is much larger than the other two castes. Most that you will encounter if you travel to Sri Raji will be of either the Shadya or the Vaishya.
The Kshatriya
Moving further up the castes we come to the caste of royalty as well as many warriors. This caste is much more rare than the previous two and also seen as much less replaceable than the others are. Those in this caste are, at least by Rajian society, considered to be highly skilled and important. You are quite likely to find generals and those descended from war heroes. High ranking administrators also would also fall into the Kshatriya.
The Brahmin
Upon the pinnacle of the Rajian castes is the Brahmin, home to great heroes, priests, and even the Maharaja himself. The highest of the Brahmin would be the high priest or priestess of Kali the primary god of Sri Raji with the attendant priests falling below them and then other gods following behind. The Polythistic nature of the Rajian society makes this quite an interesting category to look at from the outside. My scholarly opinion on this matter would be that below priests of Kali would be those of Tvastri as the Rajian people, despite their superstitions, do value knowledge and wisdom and that is what Tvashtri represents. By all I have been able to find it takes quite a few reincarnations to even reach this caste let alone to push beyond it to Nirvana.
Chosen of Kali
There is one way that those of any caste can gain more respect than tied to their caste is to be chosen by Kali. When one is slain by Kali during the nightly sacrifices they are elevated from their current station as to be chosen by the gods is a great honor. Likewise those who actually RETURN from this fate are seen as being chosen by the gods themselves to have some greater purpose in life. As stated by the individual interviewed “It doesn’t matter if Brahim or Shudra. If you get chosen by Kali, everything changes. There was a man in a street near where I lived. He came back from Bahru. He was a farmer, but after that, everyone treated him with the most respect. Many Vaishya came to him with offers of food or gold, even if before that they would have simply ignored him.” From this account and what I have read, those that return seem to be treated as if they have elevated up many levels of the caste system. As to how this happens to an individual, I have found no trend or writing that indicates such beyond simply being chosen by the gods as their superstitions state.
Closing Thoughts
I think after reading through all this you see a frightening trend. It is very clear that this system is designed to oppress and only grind down those below the cult of Kali. Much like the Akiri Ma’at this is a system that is designed around ideals that on their own may be seen as positive and light but in practice they are twisted to much darker ends. The fact that Shurda are forbidden to even learn letters is just reprehensible. The strict order and theological oppression reminds me of the grip of the Iron faith in Nova Vaasa and Hazlan. The Shurda are essentially slaves in everything but name from how they are treated by society as a whole. With that said a system without the obvious corruption and oppression of those that are viewed as “expendable” are not exploited could in theory work. I do not think the mysticism of reincarnation is true, but showing an acceptable level of respect to your betters as the caste system asks is not a bad thing. Striving to self improve is also not intrinsically a bad thing. What does need to be shown is that those above need to act with the best interest of those beneath them in mind. It is THEIR duty to see that those less fortunate than them are able to survive in more ways than “work until you die and then in your next life you will be rewarded.” Beyond the scholarly benefits to understanding nations that might be interacted with, there is little to nothing that the Republique could bring benefits from the Rajian Caste System.
//These will not be considered for inclusion. MAB
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