The Church of Ezra "Oh Ezra, look down upon me in this struggle, this struggle for the soul of Barovia..." prayed the Warden Mina Polescu. "Though its people fear your name, that they associate it with the sins of an ancient betrayal that was surely wrought by the Mists of Death so long ago to suppress your message of salvation, I ask you, to give me the strength to walk among them, to tell them of your story of sacrifice, to drive away the evils in their hearts, in their lives, and those that dwell near their homes in the night." She gripped her sword tightly, a symbol and aspect of Ezra's message of stalwart guardianship. "Blessed Ezra, you who gave yourself to the Mists of Death so that I may, so that we all may have salvation and protection from their treachery, know I love you and do your will in this world, until my breath leaves me and joins you in the Hollow, to await the day of our freedom..."The Church of Ezra was born a little over one hundred years ago (666 BC), when Yakov, a son of the notorious Dilisnya dynasty claimed that a divine entity, Ezra, Our Guardian in the Mists, had given him a message to spread to all the world. According to most traditions in the church, Ezra was a virtuous mortal woman who, despairing of the evils of the world, forever surrendered her mortality to the Mists to become an eternal guardian of mankind. However, the fractious sects of the Church of Ezra have been debating the true nature and teachings of their ascended patron for decades. The original, lawful neutral sect, also called the Home Faith due to the hierarchy and highest office (the Praesidius) "at home" in Borca. The lawful good sect in Mordent, called the Pure Hearts, also teaches that anchorites must convert as many souls to Ezra’s flock as possible for their own good. The mystical, neutral Dementlieu sect claims that Ezra was a goddess who abandoned her callous fellow gods to offer mortals succor, and spends its time studying the true nature of their goddess. Lastly, the lawful evil sect centered in Nevuchar Springs prophesies an imminent Time of Unparalleled Darkness, when the unfaithful will be consumed by darkness. All anchorites agree that Ezra cannot protect those who do not accept her into their hearts.
In the context of our server this organization is represented only in two domains, Barovia and Dementlieu.
In Barovia, the Church of Ezra is represented in the Eastern Barovian Congregation, headquartered in a temple in Vallaki, the Refuge of the Fifth Light which was founded nearly three decades ago by the now Sentire Mugur Costinus. The Congregation is also composed of other much smaller temples throughout the domain, the Pure Heart chapel in the enclave of Raduta, and the now abandoned Shrine of Dutiful Mercy in the Village of Barovia. The Sentire of Vallaki has few concerns with anyone who passes into his area of temporal authority knowing well that even wandering Anchorites would need to obey his edicts and respect his position. Combine this with the Burgomaster Svari Ionelus coming to power, a man who is himself an Anchorite and a former student of the Sentire Costinus. Effectively meaning - if an Anchorite wishes to do Ezra's work in eastern Barovia, they must do so at Mugur's blessing and under his guidelines. Despite this, the Church of Ezra and its followers are a minority in Barovia and its faithless locals. They are perceived by Barovians as Borcan representatives and looked upon with great caution.
In Dementlieu, the Church of Ezra is represented in Port-a-Lucine, Ste.Meres-des-Larmes Cathedral, heart of the Erudite sect, and in a small chapel within the nearby village of Edrigan. The Dementlieuse Congregation answers to Bastion Leonie Caille, but much of the administrative tasks are left at the discretion of Toret Armand Pineau, who serves as the primary custodian of Ste. Meres-des-Larmes. For the majority of the residents of Dementlieu, faith is not a significant part of their daily lives. Among the wealthy, strong faith is often viewed as a sign of weakness, while the poor generally find solace in the church, but often only in times of need or despair. Fortunately, this does not bring concern to the local church about the attitude of its flock.
Eligible MembersRaces: Humans mostly but non-humans are welcomed.
[The Ezrite religion is almost exclusively focused in human majority domains and Ezra is a champion for mankind. However, the Zealots being Darkonese have baptized many demi-humans into the faith and look upon demi-humanity favorably. Non-humans however remain subject to the domain's racial prejudices and outcasts like calibans would not be permitted to join.]
Classes: Clerics, Mundanes
['Mundanes' represent any non-caster class which has decided to join with the church to serve as Templars. Atypical classes, such as Barbarians, Monks, Rangers would be scrutinized, and arcane spell casters would be turned away from such a position. Favored Souls and Paladins are both a boon and topic of debate. For information regarding Favored Souls in Ravenloft please read
Alignments: LN
[The general alignment in the Eastern Barovian Congregation is LN, it is a Home Faith mission, while the Dementlieuse Congregation is TN as it is an Erudite mission. The other alignments of the other sects can be represented by those few strangers they've marginalized or host as guests. Templars and other laymen need not worry much on this topic, but obviously people who drift outside the traditional alignment groups for the religion will be noticed, corrected, and have other pressures applied to them in the course of role play...]
Themes: Intrigue, Politics, Morality, Monster-slaying, "Native Culture".
Other:Clerics of Ezra must have Mist Domain and one of the following domains: Protection, Law, Destruction, Healing, or Curse. Be mindful that domains should be reflective on the anchorite's chosen sect. For more information click
Clerics of Ezra must have one of the following alignments, each usually corresponding to a specific sect: LN (Home Faith), LG (Pure Heart), LE (Zealot), and TN (Erudite). Please read the following
rule on Anchorite alignments and the Shield of Ezra for more information.
Most clerics of Ezra wear metal armor or cloth attire. Those who differ from this tradition would be subject to scrutiny ICly.
Clerics of Ezra may only use a longsword if they are of the Home Faith or Pure Hearts, any one-handed edged weapon if they are Erudites, and any one handed weapon if they are Zealots (as well as
never going unarmed). Clerics from all sects however are expected to carry a shield.
Related Links:Church of Ezra Resource.
Interested? Contact:A member of the
DM Team.
Or seek out a member of this faction in-game.