Author Topic: Dear Diary; A tale of two Vassalich  (Read 389 times)


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Dear Diary; A tale of two Vassalich
« on: October 31, 2024, 07:39:22 PM »
Dear Diary,

We made it to Barovia. It is a wet and dirty place. Naturally, Zephera hates it, which has brought me much joy. Ribbert, also, finds the mud refreshing. He has been wallowing in mud all evening after our exploits.

One day in and we have already accomplished so much. So many fleshlings, wanting to appease and bend the knee.  The first--I think Jacks was their name--surprised me with an astonishing amount of common sense. They knew to bend to our power immediately. I was quite impressed. Less so with their...friends. The lug-head they traveled with tried to give me a slab of meat for passage over -my- bridge. What would I do with meat?! I should have served him his own spleen....I was too merciful.

Thankfully, the rest of the day went well until Zephera messed it up. I had a perfectly decent hostage situation underway, and she did what she normally does and got in the way. The girl was also not cooperative. Someone needs to properly instruct her on how to be a hostage. There was no crying. No screams. Not a single look of terror. It was all awe and fascination....honestly if it wasn't my work she was admiring I would've taken an arm from her for being so inconsiderate.  But. She saw my talent and I can't blame her for that. She has promise... Her companion as well. It's one thing to have talent, but there is something to be said to understand how to direct said talent. I'm certain they will come to see my way of thinking--and finally teach the harpy to stop opening her big mouth.

Or worse. She spoiled a perfectly good ally for us too. There we were, in the sewer--disgusting by the way--and we found this mortal thing bleeding out. Perfectly good parts. A perfectly good body. We could've given it to our new friend in need--but NO. She healed the thing. Healed. It.  I know she did it just to spite me. I know she is trying to ruin our chances. I sometimes think she is working with him. She enjoys this, just as much as Xarlock. But she'll see. Diary. One day. One day I will pick her apart sinew by sinew and burn her to SCREAMING. ASH.  I just hate her. I. HATE. HER. I HATE HER. HATE HER HATE HER HATE HER HATE HER. *The rest of the lines are ink-blotted scribbles of rage and frustration that fizzle into the next paragraph*

*Ink drops dot the page in smears*

Anyway! That's it for now diary. You always listen so well.
-Zephynus Arcanus of Conjugation; Magnus of Necromancy (MoN), Magnus of Conjugation (MoC), Diploma of Arcani (DoA)

*At the bottom is a small rough hand-drawn sketch of a toad playing in mud next to a fresh corpse. This is next to another doodle of Zephera falling off a cliff*
« Last Edit: October 31, 2024, 07:53:47 PM by Naiad »
Ophelia Bell: Your Friendly Neighborhood Grave-Keep
Malachi:  A bird

Space Cowboy

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Re: Dear Diary; A tale of two Vassalich
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2024, 06:34:27 AM »
Dear Diary,

BAROVIA is a DIRTY FILTHY HOVEL, as I expected. As FILTHY as the local mortals who are MEWLING SQUEALING wretches who bow and cower before us.

As they SHOULD.

To believe that HE, Zephyrinus, LIKES it here. The IDIOT has finally lost his SENSES after all these centuries.

Perhaps this will be the OPPORTUNITY to be rid of him once and for all.


The MORTALS shall amass us KNOWLEDGE and POWER so that I may finally be rid of this CURSE that binds me to HIM.

Our former MASTER had denied us knowledge and power for SO long, I feel like a STARVING mortal begging for scraps I DO NOT BEG.

In the meanwhile, the girl and the old man show much PROMISE. As long as ZEPHYRINUS does not mess this up. LIKE HE ALWAYS DOES.


The rest of the page is filled with mad ranting that makes little sense, finally culimating in rips in the parchment as a quill has torn through the page.



  • Undead Slayer
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Re: Dear Diary; A tale of two Vassalich
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2024, 09:59:33 PM »
Dear Diary,

I died. Technically I re-died and re-animated. It shouldn't be too surprising as undead do tend to do that was the first time the process underwent radical. Testing. Naturally, everything worked perfectly. I think. He never told us the ins and outs of this. Was it supposed to take a week? Longer? Shorter? More analysis is needed.

I should be elated at the success of my previous theories upon resurrection through phylactrophic regeneration. My equations were once again perfect. Elegant even.


I have never been a man of god. What is a god to the equations of the universe? The order of existence is broken down into numerals and glyphs and only requires enough time and rationality to explain the most profound miracles—every probability...every eventuality. It is all calculatable and decipherable.

But death. That is a great undoing. The maw of it...the oblivion. I am not a man of faith. But I have come to understand the power of that Lie. Why men will deceive their entire selves, just for that comfort. 

There is power in divine consolation. Even if it is a lie.

Something I have overlooked, but will not any longer.
-Zephynus Arcanus of Conjugation; Magnus of Necromancy (MoN), Magnus of Conjugation (MoC), Diploma of Arcani (DoA)

*The page ends with a small doodle of a toad sleeping peacefully on a pillow. Next to the toad are tiny little glyphs and darkonian sigils of protection that surround the pillow*
Ophelia Bell: Your Friendly Neighborhood Grave-Keep
Malachi:  A bird