« on: June 23, 2022, 11:25:01 AM »
Rehearsal for 'The Diabolic Match'
Troupe members involved in the production are requested to attend on Saturday.
There will be space alloted for anyone willing to join the production to audition for a role.
//Time and date:
« Last Edit: July 09, 2022, 01:29:17 PM by inkcorvid »

Active: Nissa Arden, Chiara Grassini
Shelved: Dindalmogra Ggol, Serinda Takmarin, Lyra Rimewood, Sofie Reiss, Aidelina Gatteux, Odette Sautereau, Livny Skovgaard, Innogen Ashe
Closed: Anjeza Bajramovic, Nim Farboffle