The Cult of the Morninglord > Cult of the Morninglord - Announcements

[Proclamation from the Sanctuary of the Eternal Dawn]



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Dawn rises to burn away the Darkness.

To all faithful;

The darkness envies our light, message, hope. In attempts of spite out of their self hatred, they seek to harm us, weaken our will.

We shall not give them the chance.

Given the recent happenings, I humbly ask and advise all of you to either seek succor in our Sanctuaries at night, or within your homes. Do not go out after dusk, and do not let strangers in, do not open your doors.

Have your sunset prayers in your homes until this evil has passed. Keep the Dawnfather close to your hearts, as he is the succor, the salvation, the protector.
The clergy will have their hearts and ears open to listen and help all those grieving.

Thy lips be cleansed.

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