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Author Topic: Hak Update 2_28 - Detailed List of Changes  (Read 1999 times)


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Hak Update 2_28 - Detailed List of Changes
« on: June 06, 2022, 11:06:13 PM »
We've now loaded a new version of the hak on the test server to test new features and changes.

At this point we'll need your help testing this new content to make sure it works properly and there are no bugs. If you wish to help us test, you'll need to download the following haks:

-CEP 2.65 (if you don't already have it, download and extract to your My Documents\Neverwinter Nights\ folder)
-POTM Hak Test - 2_28a.7z (extract to your My Documents\Neverwinter Nights\ folder)

Once you have extracted both haks into the Neverwinter Nights folder, you will find our test server at IP Address & Port: - use it for "Direct Connect". Once connected, you can either use existing characters or create a new one, using the new class, which can be found at the bottom of the list of classes; all new characters can freely level up to level 20 on the test server for now. You can find more detailed information here.

Try to test as many things as possible, and report anything that feels off, or incorrect on the forums.

Class Changes & Fixes:
-Added new base class: Warlock.

-Updated Dirgist prereqs to require 7 bard levels.

-Slippery Soul now grants a save bonus vs Curses rather than lowering the Curse DC.

-Fixed minor issues with Black Powder Avenger (updated the craft level in the descriptions of Create Petard and Buck and Ball, made Create Flash Power a level 4 craft).

-Fixed an issue with Green Dragon Disciples' wings appearing translucent (thanks Favee).

Feat Changes:
-Updated the appearance of the Reindeer's dire version (Frozen Wild Shape).

-Added six new touch attack spell feats: Weapon Focus (Melee Spell) / Weapon Focus (Ranged Spell) / Greater Weapon Focus (Melee Spell) / Greater Weapon Focus (Ranged Spell) / Melee Spell Specialization / Ranged Spell Specialization

Spell Changes:

-Added 2 new spells: Caustic Mire and Hold Portal.

-Added Hexblade support to Greater Mage Armor scrolls (not retroactive)

-Protection from Curses/Mass Protection from Curses now grant a save bonus vs Curses rather than lowering the Curse DC.


-Added new wearable VFX hats (wizard hats, bowler hats, top hats) and 10 new VFX masks which will make their way in-game soon (huge thanks to Malagrouf)

-Added several new heads (10 dwarven male, 14 dwarven female, 5 gnome male, 18 gnome female, 1 elven female, 1 human female)

-Added several new clothing and robe options.

-Added 9 new mage staff appearances (Model 9, appearances 1 to 9) from this pack.

-Added Txpple's first VFX pack

-Added 2 blank chalkboards (13210 and 13211), 95 new paintings and posters (13216 to 13309), 3 new statues from this pack (7635 to 7637), TheMadPoet's garbage placeables (13501 to 13505).

-Added 11 new prehistoric animals from the May 2022 CCC (Ice Age) (4390 to 4401)

-Added new kid models (4381 to 4389) + the hopspotch placeable (13500) from the CCC-March update.

-Added 48 holdable food items from the CCC February 2022.

-Retextured Strahd's model (thanks to Strigoi).

-Reorganized the hak structure.

-Optimized textures and models and fixed missing icons.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2022, 10:22:40 PM by EO »


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« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2022, 11:07:08 PM »
Caustic Mire
Spoiler: show
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 4
Innate Level: 4
School: Conjuration
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Medium
Duration: 1 Round / Level
Additional Counter Spells:
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No

A foul sludge seeps out of the ground, coating the area before the caster. It covers the ground in an acidic slime, roughly the consistency of thick mud. Creatures inside the sludge have their movement speed reduced by 75%. Every round a creature spends in the sludge, it suffers 1d6 acid damage. The fumes rising out of caustic mire are flammable. Any effect that deals fire damage within an area of caustic mire deals an extra 10% of damage.

Hold Portal
Spoiler: show
Caster Level(s): Monster Hunter 1; Wizard / Sorcerer 1
Innate Level: 1
School: Abjuration
Component(s): Verbal
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Single Object
Duration: 1 Turn / Level
Additional Counter Spells:
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell magically locks a door or container. The Open Lock DC is 20 + caster level, and the Bash DC 10 + caster level. If the door is already locked or has a Bash or Open Lock DC, it will be set to this invocation's DC unless higher already. This invocation does not affect doors that require a key to be opened.

A successful dispel magic spell can negate a hold portal spell.


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Re: Hak Update 2_28 - Detailed List of Changes
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2022, 03:47:36 PM »
In the next round of tests, we will be adding the following feats:

Weapon Focus (Melee Spell): Weapon Focus for melee touch attack spells (+1 AB).
Weapon Focus (Ranged Spell): Weapon Focus for ranged touch attack spells (+1 AB).
Greater Weapon Focus (Melee Spell): Greater Weapon Focus for melee touch attack spells (+2 AB).
Greater Weapon Focus (Ranged Spell): Greater Weapon Focus for ranged touch attack spells (+2 AB).

Melee Spell Specialization
Spoiler: show
Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st-level spells, Weapon Focus (Melee Spell).
Specifics: The character deals more damage with melee touch spells. Damage-dealing spells that require a melee touch attack roll gain a +2 bonus on the damage they deal. This extra damage applies only to the first successful attack of spells that allow multiple touch attacks, or to the first round of damage for spells that deal damage over multiple rounds on a single successful attack. Only spells that deal hit point damage can be affected by this feat.
Use: Automatic.

Ranged Spell Specialization
Spoiler: show
Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st-level spells, Weapon Focus (Ranged Spell).
Specifics: The character deals more damage with ranged touch attack spells. Damage-dealing spells that require a ranged touch attack roll gain a +2 bonus on the damage they deal. This extra damage applies only to the first successful attack of spells that create multiple rays or missiles, or to the first round of damage for spells that deal damage over multiple rounds on a single successful attack (such as Melf's Acid Arrow). Only spells that deal hit point damage can be affected by this feat.
Use: Automatic.


  • Assistant Head DM/Developer
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Re: Hak Update 2_28 - Detailed List of Changes
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2022, 12:29:00 PM »
We've loaded a new version of the hak and the module on the test server. You can download the hak at the same location as the previous version:

This version includes the following fixes/changes:

-The appearance of the new heads has been fixed
-VFX Items are now available in-game (the OOC - New Character Area shop has many new VFX items, others can be found in Port-à-Lucine or in other locations in the module)
-All reported Warlock/new spell bugs should now have been fixed (hopefully!)
-The new touch attack feats have been added (Weapon Focus/Greater Weapon Focus/Specialization)
-New placeable appearances have been added
-Added the Musée Guignol to Dementlieu (feedback is welcome)
-More icons have been added for the new spells, feats, invocations, etc. (but this is still a work in progress)

As usual, we welcome any and all feedback, bug reports, etc. The more feedback we get, the faster we can release this hak update.


  • Assistant Head DM/Developer
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Re: Hak Update 2_28 - Detailed List of Changes
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2022, 03:45:53 PM »
We've loaded another new version of the hak and module on the test server. You can download the hak at the same location as before:

This version includes the following fixes/changes:

-Added the missing Top Hat VFX.
-New VFX items available in the Drain and the Dementlieuse Black Market (scary masks).
-All Warlock icons have been added.
-Fixed issues with heads and new clothing/equipment.
-Fixed many Warlock spell bugs.
-Fixed an issue with the Warlock's Spider-Shape (and changed the spider appearance)
-Clarified the description of Boreal Wind/Gust of Wind/Scalding Gust to indicate they can close/open unlocked doors.
-Updated the Warlock's description to indicate how it interacts with spellcasting PrCs.

-Added a Spa & Tattoo Parlor to Hazlan (in Nordenvall Village)
-Renamed Heavy Miner's Pick to Miner's Pick and added a two-handed Heavy Miner's Pick.
-Added the "night" conversations to the Western Outskirts gate of Vallaki to open it at night.
-Added horns/antlers support to the Bundle of Wood item
-Added support for "|" to add lines to disguise descriptions.
-Added "@dispel list" to list all spells affecting the PC, and "@dispel ###" to dispel specific self-cast non-hostile spells
-Updated the @relevel last level function to work for 24 hours following first use.
-Added tailoring supplies and crafting support to L'Atelier du Progrès in Dementlieu.
-Fixed further issues with Black Powder Avenger grenades.
-Fixed issues with the University of Dementlieu


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Re: Hak Update 2_28 - Detailed List of Changes
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2022, 11:55:18 PM »
These changes are now on the main server.