Since the NWN engine kills tab highlighting of the object when it is submerged, that makes it a frustrating guessing game when trying to click on the puddings, since their entire model is beneath the waterline and you have to guess where the pudding is based on how NWN chooses to render the text boxes, which stack in weird ways when many objects are next to each other as puddings are wont to do.
idea 1: make the water ankle height, like it is most places in the module
idea 2: replace the pudding model with something that peaks over the waterline, so that there is something clearly clickable on the screen
idea 3: ... delete puddings? 
The water in the Aboleth dungeon really is the biggest problem for me, along with the purple smoke.
While it is very thematic to the dungeon, it makes travelling it and fighting in it very difficult. It's frustrating trying to fight and unable to clock on the appropriate monster and simply die because you're flatfooted and can't fight properly.
Furthermore, it super hard to recover gold, weapon, shields and corpses when people go down since you cannot highlight those in tab. You have to keep moving your curser around until you actually hover the item.
Would it be possible to lower the water level to a point where we can see dropped items/corpses/gold? It would also help in fighting the oozes since we would actually see them instead of having to tab.
I love the dungeon overall, I simply wish it was a little easier to nagivate. Quality of life improvements!