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Author Topic: [l'Antre du Lion - Croquet Rules]  (Read 399 times)

Vallaki Justice

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[l'Antre du Lion - Croquet Rules]
« on: May 21, 2022, 06:39:39 PM »
[As the date closes near for the country club's debut game of croquet, a list of their house rules for croquet circulates around.]

l'Antre du Lion House Croquet Rules
Croquet Rules

Using colored or striped croquet balls and a standard-issue mallet, each player starts at the post nearest the first wicket and must get their ball through the course in the correct order, hit the turning post, and then return to the starting post.  One successive stroke may be taken if the player’s ball makes it through the wicket or hits a post, or two successive strokes may be taken if they strike another’s ball.  The first player to hit the starting post with their ball wins.

OOC Rules:
Using any of the following ability rolls, [Str], [Dex], [Int], [Wis] or [Cha], move through the croquet course from the starting post to the turning post and back, in order, rolling at the indicated DC at each wicket or post.  Each player’s ball will be tracked with a named item, placed near the post they are at.

Roquet and Taking Croquet:
The striker may also attempt to hit each other’s ball to impose a penalty of -3 the struck players’ next stroke as well as allow the striker to take two additional strokes.  This is a flat DC of 15 for the striker attempting to hit the other’s ball.  A ball may only be struck if it is within one post (i.e. A ball near the 3rd hoop may be hit by a ball at the 2nd/13th or 4th/11th wicket).
« Last Edit: May 21, 2022, 08:11:54 PM by LookMan »