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Author Topic: The Shepherd  (Read 867 times)

The Shepherd

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The Shepherd
« on: April 26, 2022, 09:02:55 AM »
A darkly clad figure sits on their knees before a fire with an iron pot boiling on top. From their bag they pull a varied amount of strange and occult ingredients. The final being a full glass jar of blood, which boils in the mixture before the figure stirs it with a wooden spoon. The bubbling concoction simmers and vents a vile scent as the figure then finally, with shaking hands, withdraws an enveloped letter from their bag. Crumpling it into a ball, they drop it into the unnatural stew and watch it sink.

The letter's contents follow.

My Dearest,

I hope this message finds you, wherever you are. Life is unbearable without you and I fear I have crossed a threshold. If you are looking upon me, my love, then I'm sorry. Sorry for what I've become and what I'm going to do. I must punish those responsible. Perhaps all is not lost. If I can, I will dredge up every last ritual, every spell, every occult book until I find some way to bring you back. The work ahead of me must be done, I only hope you'll see it.

Until we meet again,
The Shepherd
« Last Edit: June 03, 2022, 10:15:54 PM by The Shepherd »

The Shepherd

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Re: The Shepherd
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2022, 08:47:09 AM »
Sometime much later, the same figure is hunched over a desk with their hands over their face. In this light and without a hood, it's much clearer he's a man, a distressed looking one at that.

"This isn't right. It's not right. It's not. It isn't right. I can't do this anymore. Nothing's working- nothing's working."

Only then another figure steps into the light, a woman leaning on the desk seductively with an amused, pitying expression on her face.

"My dear, don't be so troubled. Perhaps you need to seek more justice."

But this only draws a fearful, paranoid expression from the man as he looks up at her.

"But- it's not right. They didn't- they didn't deserve to die. They didn't do anything."

But this only draws an amused chuckle from her lips.

"If they didn't deserve it, you wouldn't have been sent here. Can't you see? They're disgusting."

"You have to kill them all."



The man brings his hands away from his face, expression stony. There was nobody there, there never was. He stands and dusts himself off regally, making for the door.

There was no time for guilt. These people needed a Shepherd.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2022, 10:16:03 PM by The Shepherd »

The Shepherd

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Re: The Shepherd
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2022, 10:35:29 AM »
Blood drips from a wicked blade. Standing over a table covered in crimson, body parts, and strange sigils is a figure alone. He speaks only to himself, unless another stands nearby, unseen?

"Mm.. how weary it is to keep trying. All my homemade little ideas have no power. I thought the blood of innocents would draw something to me, something more favorable than an embittered ghost."

Pausing and looking elsewhere in the room, the man listens even though no words are being spoken, before he speaks again.

"I have all the patience in the world, my dear. As much fun as this all is, I do fear I'm wasting my time. Perhaps more drastic measures must be taken to return you to me."

The man's face is calm and collected, despite being splattered with blood, giving him a particularly uncanny appearance. In a graceful swoop of his arm, everything is knocked from his table to the floor of the poorly lit sewer. The only interruption of his magnificence is the sound of footsteps and grumbles.

A flicker of frustration crosses his expression as he slips into the shadows, evading what seemed to be little more than a band of patrolling sewer thugs
« Last Edit: June 03, 2022, 10:16:12 PM by The Shepherd »

The Shepherd

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Re: The Shepherd
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2022, 10:15:39 PM »

Once more, blood drips from a wicked blade. His surroundings are a bit finer as he gently cleans the crimson from his blades with a rag. Humming merrily and occasionally pausing to sip from a glass of red wine. In high spirits, the man can't help but grin widely as if he were the happiest guy alive.

The Shepherd

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Re: The Shepherd
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2022, 12:43:37 PM »
A man paces a dimly lit room, his expression calculating and focused. He's thought only of her; that vision of beauty like he hadn't seen in years. She came to him in the darkness, observed his work, and smiled. He was taken immediately, of course. If the giddy joy his work brought him was powerful, the obsessive way his thoughts remained on her far overshadowed them.

But how to prove worthy? How to move forward? Creating a family of orphans was a start, yet not enough, it seemed. Even later, he felt it- felt something looking down on him. He had doubted if it was even real, but he resolved that it must be. His work was attracting attention. For now, all that was left was to proceed.

The Shepherd

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Re: The Shepherd
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2022, 08:07:20 PM »
The longer he stayed awake, the more that came back to him. The joyous man and his memories. The Shepherd. The man could only look to the floor in horror as his own crimes swam to the forefront of his mind. He had not been himself- he would never- he could never-

His head lifted, looking all over the dim room for any sign of her- any sign of his wife, either. Yet if one would expect the dreadful tiredness to bring him hallucinations or comforts, it brought none. It brought, ironically, a cold clarity that shocked him into staying awake.

What could he do? What could he say? It would damn his family- his children- his memory, after so many mistakes, could he do that?

The truth would set him free, but it would shackle those who mattered to him.

What if he lived? If he lived- he would have to sleep. He couldn't stay awake forever. Couldn't, couldn't. As he paced back and forth, his thoughts came rapidly, eyes sunken and tired.

If he slept- then HE would certainly wake up.

Stay Awake.
Stay Awake.
Stay Awake.
Stay Awake.
Stay Awake.
Stay Awake.
Stay Awake.

The Shepherd

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Re: The Shepherd
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2022, 07:48:21 PM »
The moment her lips touched his forehead, it felt as if every worry in the world was gone.

The Shepherd

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Re: The Shepherd
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2022, 03:47:05 PM »

Peter l'Berger

And so, the weakness was purged from my blood. The dogged conscious, the other man, the one who came first, now gone.

In his wake, The Shepherd reigns. My control is absolute. My purpose is unchanged.

More than ever I see that my work is of utmost importance- more than anyone. I have died and been born anew.

With the spilling of blood, so has power spilled unto me.

Let the sheep quiver in their beds. Let them beg for mercy before me,
For I am The Shepherd, and I Am Risen.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2022, 05:05:11 PM by The Shepherd »