Before Denalie entered the tavern that evening Teli was siting alone at a table in the Lady's Rest.He had his back to the wall and was facing the door.He was drunk and brooding about being locked in the inn.Every time the sun goes down Teli"s heart sank because he new that no matter what, there was nothing he could do but hide from the creatures of the night.When Denalie entered the inn that evening Teli's spirits lifted high.
He stood there aw struck at the perfect craftsmanship of his new war hammer. A feeling of freedom and new life came over him that instant,because now he had a weapon that could stand up to the might of the were creatures.With these feelings and his own determination to survive. He knelt down holding his hammer tightly above his head.'Ons me honnor I swears ta swings dis ammer ats all da evils I finds in dis new place,ands iffin I falls den I opes dat dis ammer be only in da ands of someones wits honnor ands goodness in der earts". I can't remember the oath word for word but that is pretty close to what was said. Kneeling there on the floor of the rest Teli's hammer was given a name and almost a life it's own.You could almost say it was another sign from the morning lord.