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Author Topic: Post your character bio here  (Read 137045 times)


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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #175 on: March 09, 2016, 02:49:27 PM »
Spoiler: show

Fabio Almanico
Race:     Human, Borcan
Sex:       Male
Height:   5' 10" (177 centimeters)
Weight:  170 lbs (77 kilos)
Skin:       Olive
Eyes:      Brown
Hair:       Dark Brown
Religion: Church of Ezra, Home Faith

Appearance:        Fabio is of average height, hardly a stranger to physical labour, but otherwise unremarkable. He has a quiet, sombre demeanor.
                             His attire is most often a suit of platemail, with a long green cloak, bearing a thin white trim.
                             Otherwise he can be seen wearing a suit underneath a well-worn coat. At all times he has a finely carved wooden symbol of Ezra tied around his right hand.

Personality:        Fabio appears to be a quiet man, usually controlled in his speech. More often than not he may jest in a dry fashion.
                            His stoic and disciplined demeanor hide most of his true feelings. All in all, his caustic wit, remarks and fatalistic outlook reveal a cynical worldview.
                            In spite of this, Fabio seems more than dedicated to his faith, with an almost arrogant reassurance in his beliefs.

Special Features:      Upon closer inspection of his face, it becomes evident that at least the left half is paralyzed, stuck in a content and serene expression.
                                   He does nothing to hide the feature, however he is reluctant to share the origin of it just the same. To some this would seem an unsettling trait,
                                   for he adjusted to it by maintaining an emotionless expression at all times.

Short History:        The second son of a Borcan banker based in Lechberg, Fabio was privvy to a higher education, though never to be of any 'use' within the family.
                               Given the freedom he had, he caused occasional mischief - leading to the fated moment of his revelation, and initiation into being an Acolyte of
                               Ezra's Home Faith. His exile to Barovia is primarily self-imposed, to both redeem himself and find his path according to the teachings of his faith.

« Last Edit: July 14, 2016, 05:03:49 AM by Mereyn »


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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #176 on: March 10, 2016, 12:40:11 AM »

Full Name: Miuo Eppy Darlings
Pronounced: Mew Dar-Lings
Gender: Female
Body: Pear Shape
Scent: Vanilla & Honey
Height: 2'5"
Weight: 28 lbs
Hair: Black
Hair: Hip Length
Hair: Loose Curls
Eyes: Black
Eyes: Large and Round
Lips: Full
Skin: Sickly Pale
Voice: Soft, High Pitched, Timid
Age: Young
Race: Halfling
Home: Vallaki, Barovia
Languages: Common, Halfling, Elven, Balok, Mordentish, Infernal
Occupation: Scholar, Card Reader, Linguist
Scars: All across her back, inner forearms

Miuo appears malnourished, the likely reason for her overly small statures and sickly pallor as well. Physically one is unlikely to call her "beautiful" in the traditional sense, coming off as sickly and perhaps creepy in appearance, many may find her presence a touch unsettling or unnerving when she happens to be caught staring at the particular individual observing her. Beyond such she is entirely normal in appearance, in that she has no physical abnormalities or unique traits like birth marks or freckles. Should one however see her in more revealing attire they would quickly note her scared back and inner forearms. She however goes to great lengths to ensure that they are concealed and covered nearly at all times. Her appearance would be a blend of barovian traits, as well as that of her outlander father. Such blending has added to the fact of her appearance being seen as undesirable by most. A flatter wide face coupled with the dark color of her irises have given her a bug eyed type appearance that makes her face seem disproportionate in its features. Her curly hair leaves her with a near persistent slightly unkempt look.

Despite her small stature there is little question of her age, due to extensive corset wearing her waist has narrowed beyond that of being normal. Giving her a slightly exaggerated hourglass form, along with the fact of obvious breasts it would take someone of extreme sight loss to mistake her for a small child. Attire wise, she seems to rarely ever wear jewelry. When she does it is only ever items of function. Her ears would be noticeably unpierced, she would also wear no makeup. Her clothing would be simple and modest in appearance. Never seeming to wear anything ostentatious, or revealing.

Those who have traveled with Miuo can note her rather cold of indifference to brutality and violence. Unaware of the fact she had spent nearly her entire existence at the hands of immense physical and mental abuse. This has lead to not only warping her ability to react normally when confronted with such. But has also warp her sense of right and wrong when it comes to social behaviors. She is equally likely to greet you with a pleasant smile and a act of kindness. As to requesting harvesting your flesh should you perish in your travels with her. Her view of socially acceptable/unacceptable and good/evil is blurred at best. This type of upbringing is the single strongest motive for the vast majority of her actions.

* Her family, more so her mother.
* Physical contact (less a fear, more so it makes her uncomfortable)
* Falling out of favor with the cards (A deck of cards she has been indoctrinated into believing posses immense divination power)

* To become one of the foremost known linguists.
* Eventually teach the study of various languages to others.
* Possibly gain a position at the university in port teaching various languages.
* Being free from her family, permanently.

What made them become an adventurer:
After suffering systematic abuse, cruelty, mutilation as well as psychological torment at the hands of her mother she fled home when the opportunity presented its self. At first getting as far away from her family, and then loosing her self in the small bustling numbers of Vallaki as well as among the outsiders who could offer some minor protection if she should be found. As well as acting as partial guides and escorts to other areas, and in a way concealment from any who might be looking for a young halfling woman wandering alone.

Where did your PC come from:
* She is originally a resident of the Village of Barovia area.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2016, 05:57:53 AM by Miuo »

Alan Hunter

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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #177 on: March 16, 2016, 06:16:10 PM »

Name: Alan Hunter

Realm: Faerun [Toril]

Age: appears in his late twenties

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 193 lbs

Hair: Brown (dreadlocks)

Eyes: Brown

Skin: Brown/tan (Scar over his neck and a claw scar on his left cheek)

Race: Human (25% elf)

Shape: Lean muscle

Likes: Food, Alcohol, pretty girls, Elvin Maidens, doing what's right.

Dislikes: Spider, Bullies, Destruction of Nature, ruining innocent lives, Tiamat

Personality: Alan is a carefree guy and tends to live life to it's fullest. Each day is an attempt to do what is right and to enjoy life. He believes in balance that all things are not simply black and white. Much like nature things have their place however not all things are set in stone. His mother was a half-elf Druid of Meilikki his father a human Ranger of Arylon they raised their son to be wise and good but against his father's wishes his mother wanted him to know of the truth of heroism. Her death in the battle to free their land from the tyranny of the Tiamat had left Alan bitter against the dragon goddess and more so with his mother he did not blame her for leaving her but of the people who could not stand up to fight their own battles and letting others to do the fighting for them. It was a long hard lesson for him but his father showed him that heroism often is a great sacrifice but it is also one of the greatest prize to look back at your accomplishments. Alan never felt noble nor did he see himself such being the son of a hero. The young man was always polite and humble he learned simply being the son of a hero did not entitle him to things he did not earn himself. His father instilled hard work and discipline and the knowledge of a Ranger and a Druid. Alan can be easily portrayed as a man who follows his heart, humble, kind heart, but he is also discipline to follow his beliefs and stand by what he says and does even if others may disagree. He tries desperately to keep a median or fair ground with those he disapproves or does not get along with due to his father's upbringing.

Disciplines: Trained under the tutelage of Meilikki the Goddess of Nature and her some times carefree attitude Alan easily grew acquainted with her and her ways becoming a adaptable ranger under his father and elves of the Silver Bark Grove. Alan excells as the long bow though he could use other equipment that involves range he will often drop two two ligth weapons when it comes to close quarters showign some prowess in ranger tactics and spells. Due to his father and mothers teaching when he was younger Alan was raised to boserve and learn at an early age a strong belief in still to him through the philosophy of his parents.

"Battle if you cannot Avoid it."

"The choices of others are not the choices you make."

"Through balance is serenity, through observation comes knowledge, and understanding action."

"Do not to others as they treat you but as you desire to be treated."

"Compassion, Consideration, Care these are the seeds in balancing your heart and others."

Recently Alan has begun to self teach in information gathering and has done well. Due to an adventure with Elena he had found a book of Van Richten's Guide to Vampire Hunting and has applied his hunting skills as a Ranger too hunting Vampires, Undead, and recently Werewolves though the latter has proved immensely difficult due to the size of packs. He has also gained discipline as a merchant having worked for Alfdis and a few other mercantile groups as a salesman.

Faiths: Currently although a follower of Meilikki Alan is aware of gods and goddesses and give them the due respect they deserve. Recently due to an experience with the Mist and the observation and research of Ezra Alan has begun to believe in the Goddess of the Mist as Meilikki's voice seems so far. Though he loves nature and wishes to remain true circumstances have changed his life here in the Dread Realms to use the ways of the forest to help him hunt the night that would imbalance the world. Because of this he is dual faith in Meilikki's view of the world and Ezra Strength of how the balance is needed through the grand scheme but is still considered a novice of Ezra and her ways other than the four books given to him by Fabio.

Fears: Aside from Spiders Alan is afraid of failing those close to him to lose them for being so weak. He constantly fears that he will not be able to save anyone as he felt if he were stronger maybe he could have saved his mother. Trials have made Alan question if he could save anyone at all as often it seems to him he doesn't seem to motivate, inspire, or better any ones views or himself. He is also afraid of overly confident and strong women finding them intimidating due to his Elvin Nanny discipline him a lot as a child.
"For Evil to win is for good men to do nothing."

Barovian Beggar

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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #178 on: March 31, 2016, 11:52:24 AM »
NCE Easter 2016

Elijah Owen, Warden of Ezra, Second Sect of the Purehearts

Character Description: A well travelled and road weary man. He is usually dressed in green plate armor with a long sword sheathed at his side. By his attire it is oblivious he is an anchorite to Ezra on a missionary task. Closer inspection would mark him as a warden of the Second Sect, The Purehearts of Mordentshire.


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Mandirah 'Man's-daughter'
« Reply #179 on: April 06, 2016, 09:11:13 AM »
((Adapted mf_hansen's template for my own use))

Name: Mandirah, 'Man's-daughter', Slave Mandirah
Sex/Race: Female Half-Scro (half-Orc)
Age: 19
Origin: Ereshkigal, Spelljammer setting
Class: Druid
Profession: Slave, apothecary, hunter-gatherer.
Languages: Orcish, Common, Druidic
Voice: Alto, clearly-spoken, not often raised.

Height: 6' 0"
Body shape: Lithe shape, with muscular limbs and broad shoulders. (See image for shape reference [1])
Skin type: Light green, rough on her hands from hard labour.
Hair style: Long and black, often pushed back from her face with a plain headscarf.
Features: Two short 'tusks' (long canine teeth) one on each side of her mouth, overlapping her upper lip.
Scars: Many small scars cover her body, but a few longer scars can be seen across her back.
Tattoos: None.
Eye Colour: Dark brown, almost black.

Philosophy: 'The strong lead. I serve the Scro, for they are strong, and nature, for the forces of nature are stronger than even the Scro. It is better to be subjugated by the strong and wise, than to be free and without strength and guidance.'

Personality: Mandirah is a cautious individual, shaped by her upbringing in the slave caste. She attributes any personal strength or virtue to her Scro blood, and any weakness of character to her human blood. While she was once a rebellious slave, over time she was tempered by beatings and teaching to accept her lot in life, and to serve dutifully and obediently. While she is obedient, however, she is not cowed and insecure. Her experiences have bestowed upon her a wisdom beyond her years, and a quiet (but persistent) strength and confidence is present in all she does.

Attire/Possessions: Mandirah dresses in undyed rough leathers that could be described as skimpy, composed of an open waistcoat-style top and a loincloth about the waist. She wore these while at work tending the lush hot land of the planet Ereshkigal, where such attire seems much more fitting. About her ankles are thin bands, bearing inscriptions of ownership by a Scro clan. About her neck, she wears a thick chain with a small hook. This chain was used to bind the slaves on Ereshkigal together in a long line at harvest time; any slave that tried to run with their own share would be throttled as the chain pulled on the neckpiece.

A well-worn quiver is slung over her back, often accompanied by the stave of a rudimentary longbow. Just above her loincloth at her waist, a belt is wrapped around. Small pouches to hold vials and other small items loop about the belt. Finally, she carries a large rough-leather satchel for the rest of her gear (a large club and a chitin shell shield, as well as any other useful items like her cooking pot).

Hobbies/Habits: Mandirah is rarely idle. When she appears at rest, she is often listening or observing intently. She has some knowledge of herb lore, which she uses to produce tonics. She is an adept cook, as this was part of her duties on Ereshkigal. She trains with her bow and club, not for personal glory, but to gather more supplies for herself and the Scro she has found since arriving on the Demiplane, Starscream Urdgar Kemarrin Konjah. She is obsessed with finding him suitable tributes from battle, and with using all four of his Scro names whenever possible, as this only serves to highlight his superiority, and is a reminder to her of their different castes.

Health: Mandirah's general health is good, as she is of hearty constitution, though she does struggle somewhat with the much cooler climate of Barovia when compared with the lush tropical world of Ereshkigal.

Preferred foods: Meat and fresh fruit.

Faults: Mandirah is quick to apologise for any perceived shortcomings. She is also not a conversationalist. She is honest in a simple, blunt way, making her truths often sound unpalatable. Her reverence to the Scro results in prejudiced views towards those who are not Scro, though these are not violent.

Spoiler: History • show

Mandirah was born to a Scro mother, named Bloodskull Bazillak Shagar Shel (Shel, daughter of Shagar), and a human father, a slave named Cespar. Though they endeavoured to keep this union a secret, Shel's belly swelled with child. As Shel had shirked her sacred duty to Dukagsh in this coupling, she was separated from Cespar (who was doomed to hard, backbreaking labour and an early grave) and sent to Ereshkigal, a hot lush planet, where she gave birth. When her daughter, Mandirah, turned ten, she was separated from her too. Forced then to a life of labour and servitude, Mandirah, the half-Scro, had to grow up quickly.

On Ereshkigal, she spent her days in the sweltering heat gathering food and supplies for her Scro masters. In times of drought, she carried water for many miles to ensure that the crops did not die. She was given a bow and sent out into the fields to defend them from wandering beasts, and to claim their carcasses for further food. At harvest time, she and many other slaves were marched along in long lines as they sheared the long grains and grasses, the chain that connected them at the neck growing unbearably hot in the sun. In the sweltering heat, Mandirah toiled, and in nature's harsh embrace, she found power. As she approached womanhood, she rebelled, and was punished for her many transgressions. Moulded by sunfire and the beatings and teachings of her masters, she grew to accept her lot. For nine harvests, she did her duties. Now a young woman, though a woman nonetheless, she knew the time would soon come for her to bear more slaves for the glory of the Scro. Any rebellious thoughts that surfaced with it were swiftly quelled as she worked the land. She gave no thought to dream or ambition, knowing the disappointment she would find.

One day, as Mandirah worked the field, it was particularly hot. Panting for breath, the half-Scro began to find succour enveloping her feet in the form of cool mist. At first, she welcomed the reprieve. It was only a few moments later that she realised her surroundings had changed, the blast of Barovian winter air almost scorching her green skin...

It was then that she saw him. Starscream Urdgar Kemarrin Konjah, a warrior of the Scro.

They were both far from home.
Spoiler: Body shape • show

« Last Edit: June 12, 2016, 12:12:49 PM by Mandirah »
[Scro intensifies]


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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #180 on: April 30, 2016, 02:27:32 PM »
Name: Narrick "The Gambler" Baker
Origin: Neverwinter, Sword Coast, Toril
Age: 24
Race: Human
Profession: Gambler, "Treasure Hunter", conman, All around thrill seeker
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 263 lbs (fat but surprisingly nimble)
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Dark Brown

Likes: Good Food, Good Friends, sticking it to people that think they are better than everyone else because they have power, and surviving incredibly dangerous situations.

Dislikes: Oppressive governments, people that believe they are superior because of power


Narrick grew up in the city of Neverwinter, where he learned the "arts" of deception and stealth.  He applied these skills to gambling, quickly figuring how to bluff his way to victory in games like poker, and how to cheat in games that were pure luck. He used his winnings to set himself up in moderate comfort, enjoying (perhaps too much) good food, and good company.  Of course his "luck" got under the skins of some people, and the conflicts that arose from this (as well as his own uncanny ability to escape the situation) lead to him developing a love of the thrill of danger. This thrill seeking behavior lead him to take up the life of an adventurer. 

Shortly after leaving Neverwinter he heard a rumor about the dead rising in a small village to the south.  He could not pass up this chance to...err... "Help people". So he set off to the village.  Eventually he found the necromancer responsible, and sneaked his way into the spellcaster's library.  After some mild arson, Narrick found himself running from a horde of zombies and trying to hide within a fog bank.

Upon finding his way out of the fog, he discovered he had no idea where he was.  There were mountains here where before there had been only the coast.  He had become trapped within the Land of Mists.

Personality: Narrick is friendly and outgoing.  While he does seek out danger on purpose, he does his best to avoid direct physical conflict.  This means he will try to talk, or sneak his way out of trouble; or misdirect his foes before a fight actually begins so that they will ignore him until he has a chance to strike.  If he can add insult to injury while facing someone in power, he will.

Faults: Narrick does not think very far ahead, and doesn't pay close attention to his surroundings.  He is over confident in his own luck and charm

Fears: Being truly alone, that he will get his friends killed.

Motivations: To help those without power stand up against those with power, to fulfill his inner drive for danger, and to enjoy as much of life as he can.


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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #181 on: May 01, 2016, 04:52:02 PM »

Name: Fawn BildenBottle
Sex: F
Age: Early twenties
Hair Color: Orange/blonde hair
Eye color: Dark  Blue
Height: 3'3
weight: 63 lbs.
Looks: Average appearance, but poor Hygiene


The Story Of Fawn Bildenbottle ( At a Glance)

Abandoned, Left, lost and forgotten. It was a winter’s night, and the snow was falling heavily, the nearby rivers of Oerth were frozen blocks of ice. A infant  halfling, a Tallfellow one to be exact was found by the elf bearing the name Felwyn, the child was told to be left in the snow, covered in nothing but a thin bed sheet.

Felwyn, the young druidess,  was taking her late night stroll, when her companion “ Daisy” starting barking up a storm. Frightened, the dog ran off to the child's side.  Felwyn, eventually found her dog crouching over the halfling. She knew that the elves wouldn’t approve but what was she supposed to do? Leave it there for the Wolfs? No.. she couldn’t. So she took the child back to the Elven settlement... There she presented the sickly child to her elders, they responded by saying :

“ Child, you bring as a child that is different than our own? , you expect us to just raise a child that is not even elven, how can we trust it?”

Felwyn persisted, having a close attachment to the child already. “ .. Why Does being a Halfling change the importance of her life, sisters?”

The bickering consisted for several minutes, before the eldest elf raised her head shushing everyone .

“ Give me the child” she simply said, gesturing to Felwyn. Felwyn kissed the child on the head, before handing her over to the eldest elf. There, she would examine the child, a small grin appearing on the woman’s timeless features.

“ Well.. What would you know.. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen one of you. A tallfellow.. In these woods” .
 “.. a what?” asked Felwyn curiously.

“ A Tallfellow hin,Tallfellows and elves used to run together freely in these woods, before the revolution happened about 200 years ago… The people in the village thought that since they looked like hins they shared the same passion as their cousins : Stealing… The Tallfellows are different, their ancestral roots are much deeper than you think. “

The elven council rolled their eyes “ You are old, and mad”.

“ These hins, their roots are elven.  They are taller than the ones in the city, lighter skin and hair too.. And those eyes. Look at those blue eyes, can’t you tell? This child is something special.Give her a chance for survival yes?”

Felwyn nodded desperately. “ Oh yes please, you must!”

The council, tired of discussing this agreed, nodding to Felwyn” Fine, but she’s your responsibility”.

 The child was always a shy one, even as an infant she never really liked to be touched, other than Felwyn. She developed a stutter when she was young as well, since the age of three when she picked up elven,  perhaps this was because she knew that she was different than those around her, and that made her nervous. Whatever the reason, the elves named her Fawn, bearing the name ever since.. She never knew her birth name, nor her surname. Ever since that day, Fawn grew and grew in the loving arms of Felwyn’s care. The child possessed a special talent for commuting with animals since  the day she was found, gaining the elven council respect . She learned Druidic more quickly, before she picked up eleven. There were several elven children in the settlement growing up, but none of them seemed to have a real interest in fawn, which meant the few conversations she did have was with her mother (Felwyn) and the dog that saved her life as an infant.

When she was in her late teens, she realized more and more that she didn’t belong in the elven settlement, the more and more she explored her Hinnish roots, the closer she bounded with the halfling goddess Sheela. She never could speak fluent Hinnish, but she would often sneak out to venture into the village of Oerth, to watch those of her kin. When the other halfling teens would notice her, they would often ridicule her for her clothing options, and her elven traditions.

So where did she belong?  If she was too hin-like to be an elf, and too much of an elf to be a hin?

She kissed Felwyn on the cheek, hugged her dog closely and said farewell to the elven council, she  then set off unto to her journey to find the truth about herself  . She took one wrong turn into the mists …. the rest is history.


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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #182 on: May 14, 2016, 02:21:42 PM »
The nights of screams and long candle lit evocations have not gotten him any closer to the power that his dreams have shown him. Trying in his homelands have made him hated by his own kind and along with being raised by humans, his art is not a thing that will make his kind affectionate to him at all. He wanders the "new land" with discontent for most of the beings he encounters but finds some friends. The amount of specters and other underworld beings have made him think there may be purpose to the wandering in this cruel land.

His name is

Malum Mortuus Magum

A male elf in his 120's of average height, Malum is cloaked in dark if not black colors. Always in the search of herbs for others potions and for reagents for his own concoctions. If you see him it is a rarity as the lands here deem him a menace and thus his contempt for the land grows. Or maybe it is a hate for himself. At odds with life itself in his pursuits. Humans curse him, his own kind curse him, the law curses him. As he thinks he curses out loud....

......."did they need to follow me......did they need to cut me and demand that I stop and deal with their laws? No They did not. They will pay. They all will pay. In making them pay....this "Vine" decides to get in my way.....for what....for glory....I sat behind him in the temple as his tongue told tales of my dark art. That was his biggest mistake. I found that this "Vine" was not just a commoner but a skilled bowman. I could only catch a few arrows that came at me from him. Their bite stung. Though he is skilled in deflecting my magic....the blades of the undead sting too......and shall sting again....and again........" (his words gets softer and softer as he smashes his fist into his hand)

« Last Edit: April 03, 2018, 03:20:39 PM by vlaadfolth »
What did the sadist say to the masochist when he asked the sadist to hurt him?  The sadist said "No".


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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #183 on: July 04, 2016, 04:47:30 PM »

Name: Rosalinda Joy  Janicky
Nickname: Rose
From: Faerun’ (The city)
Born in: Scornubel
Race: Lightfoot Halfling
Age :20
Looks: 12
Height: 3’4
Weight:84 lbs
Eyes: Hazel/Green
Hair: Reddish Brown
Religion: N/A
Class: Fighter

Interests: Fighting, Drinking, and standing up for what she believes in.

Disinterests: Storms, the color pink, and highheels.

The Life of Rose Janicky (At a Glance)

Before Birth:
Her mother , according to her father had trouble keeping loyal however they were never wed. The man that raised her swore that rose was not his biological father which is why rose inherited her mother's last name.

At Birth:
She was Given the name Rosalinda Joy Janicky.
Her father named her rose because she had the same dark rose colored hair as her mother did.


She never attended any schooling, and spent most of her days searching through garbage bins or beating up those who tried to bully or tease her. On the flipside, she would also fight for those who couldn’t stand up for themselves.

Teenage Years:

She spent many of her teenage years, picking up various jobs that were available to feed and pay off her father's gambling addiction so that she didn’t have to keep fleeing from city to city when he couldn’t pay off his fee.

Before the Mists:

Her father had gotten in trouble with the local government, and they were fleeing into the woods, somehow she had lost her father and taken a turn finding herself surrounded by mists .

The known:
Her mother was a very popular Bardess who was known for he enticing stories and her meaningful songs. She was also known for her stunning beauty and her.. Personal engagements . Her name was Janice Joy Janicky, and no-one knows what happened to her, but she was proclaimed dead at 35 and her body was never found. Rose doesn’t remember her mother , she was out of the picture by the time rose was 2.

Her “ Pa” the name that raised her, but never claimed to be her biological father.
Was known for being the cities local drunk, and had a gambling problem. Due to his lack of financial  management Rose had very little structure or necessities growing up. However he did train her how to fight with a sword, but it was mainly for his own benefit.

The Unknown:
Anything about her Biological father.
Anything about magic
Anything dealing with numbers
Any language but common.

Song of Danta

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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #184 on: August 08, 2016, 08:03:19 AM »
I've started writing short biographies here.
Roland, Pieter, and Mikkel are done so far!

EDIT: Maude, Henrikas and Diokles, too! Behold, the worst stories ever.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 09:37:37 AM by Danta »


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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #185 on: August 08, 2016, 01:14:32 PM »
Victorie Bahr; born in the city of Port-a-Lucine from a unregistered Falkovnia refugee, her mother raised her as best she could while she grew up in the slums of the city.  Spending her childhood as normal as it could be she would help her mother by either trying to raise coins or find food where she could.

Growing up her behavior was anything but proper for a woman or lady, she was older her anger often caused her to get into a fight or two with a few boys who would make fun of her short hair and her social status . Often acting more tomboyish when away from her mother though still tries act proper for her.

In her later years before her departure, she would hear many speak of the new free company just outside the city walls listening to their tales, and watching them on their occasional patrol through the streets at night. Now she leaves the walls of her city, in search of funds to now take care of her mother as she once took care of her, the thought of the company still lingering in her mind.

Monica O'Sullivan: Master explorer
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Minnalaushee, the illusionary bard
« Reply #186 on: October 25, 2016, 04:48:25 AM »
Character Name: Minnalaushee.
Nickname: Minna.
Race: Moon elf.
Place of Birth: an Elven town-city called Anamliataar, or "Souls that don't learn, but remember", in Common. From the plane of Toril, in the forest of Lethyr.
Deity: Araleth Letheranil, the maiden of Starlight.
Age: depends on who you ask OOC. Some say Elves age slowly from the get-go and that lore makes little sense to
me - would Elven parents really change diapers for decades on end? In the lore I favour, Elves age normally until they reach their twenties instead. Minna in this case is just reaching the "freezing" age, where she'll begin to age slowly and perceive the world differently, more like an elf.

History: she doesn't have much story thus far - grew up in a very secluded and traditional Elven community where trading is the means of commerce and socialism still works because they're too few and too disciplined to break their idealistic system. It is in this place isolated from normal interactions that Minna has reached the point of her life in which others might see her as an emerging adult - but for that she must perform a ritual that is traditional for the Anamliataari people: the "Becoming".
To complete her Becoming, Minnalaushee had to gather coin from the people in her village (everyone gave her an amount proportional to how useful she has been to others as a child and how better the community was because of her), and with this coin she is to embark on a journey far away from her home - to learn what it is to be an elf in a world outside her customs and her kin, to learn what it is to stand on her own without the mileage that her parents have walked for her already.
Minnalaushee chose to have her Becoming at the far-off Arabel... But little did she know she would never see this Arabel, nor would her Light shine upon Anamliataar again...

Height: very, very short.
Weight: not much. Frail bones, little in the way of gear.
Eyes: light green.
Hair: dark blue, wild, never brushed.
Physical Build: not an adventurer's build, that's for sure. Too thin and weak to even hold a sword properly.
Complexion: almost milk-white so after travelling she's developed a myriad pale sun-kisses that are barely visible - by the sides of her nose and upon her very slender shoulders.
Physical Features: nothing of notice here. Thin, long-limbed, not much in the way of womanly features. No scars, no callouses in her hands but the ones at the tip of her fingers (because of so much practice with string instruments).

Skills: Minna can play most instruments one puts in her hands, given a bit of time and practice. She has a really good ear for sound and can write great songs a day or two after she's witnessed the event that inspired them. She's a poet and a tree-climber: could probably climb from window to window in towns and jump from roof to roof. She knows a bit of herbs and healing and can also play certain magical notes to cast illusions on her audience to help them visualize the stories she's narrating.
Occupation: illusionary performer and keeper of lore. She seeks to travel the world and learn new stories to later perform in other places and connect people with new perspective and beliefs.
Known languages: Elven and Common.

Personality: light-hearted, inquisitive, naïve. She wants to make everyone happy and is happy when she sees others smile... She also lacks the callousness of seasoned adventurers, so she comes out as cowardly and overly sensitive when the horrors of facing evil do show up.
Alignment: Neutral good - she respects the laws wherever she goes, but... Not so much if they push at the boundaries of what she thinks is good and fair.

Equipment and items: Minna carries a large cloth-and-leather backpack with a notebook, a quill and a secured inkpot inside. She additionally always carries her long-necked pale and simply-designed sitar.

Accomplishments: she's considered a bright student in the shrine of Melira Taralen - the school of music and magic of her Hometree.
Goals: to know EVERYTHING and make a song out of it... She wishes to be the name on that old book that a young future hero will pick up at a forgotten library, the one that will inspire them to save the world by reading the epics she recorded and the brave people that she wrote odes to.

Possible Plot-Hook Ideas: if you want a song written in your name, take Minna for a spin! Have her along for your adventures and she will compose a tribute to them. She's brand-new here (as am I) so I'd be down with a mentor and I'm totally open to RPing with most evil factions: I know that it's hard to find a PC that -isn't- a warrior, that -isn't- strong and untouchable, and thus there is Minna.
I like to see her as plot fuel - whatever brews, she's a clean slate waiting for it.
-The Wanderer, Sophia Romanziere

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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #187 on: October 26, 2016, 04:30:05 AM »
A quick run-down of all my currently active characters. No particularly spoiler-y details here.

Name: Rurik Kasparkov
Race: Half-Vistani (Vatraska).
Origin: Torgov, Vorostokov.
Age: 19
Build: Bulky, toned.
Eyes: Dark brown.
Hair: Shorn, black.
Complexion: Ruddy with an olive tint.
Skills: Navigation (snowy terrain), tracking, carpentry, weaponry, survival, use of medicinal herbs, animal husbandry.
Occupation: Woodsman, craftsman.
Known Languages: Vos.
Traits: Shy, cautious, diligent, quick-tempered, affectionate, loyal.
RP Themes: Craftsmanship, survival, loneliness, madness (Lunatio).
Frequent Haunts: Zeklos Outpost, Vallaki's Southern Forest, Krofburg.

Name: Mikkel Naustvik
Race: Human.
Origin: Helbenik, Valachan.
Age: 30
Build: Above Average.
Eyes: Dark Brown.
Hair: Black, coarse.
Complexion: Bistre.
Skills: Medicine, healing, ritual magic, spear hunting, poisons.
Occupation: Healer, Priest of Hala.
Known Languages: Vaasi, Mordentish.
Traits: Tolerant, patient, spiritual, proud.
RP Themes: Healing, hag-hunting, eliminating the roots of suffering.
Frequent Haunts: Sisters of Compassion Hospice (Port-à-Lucine), Hospice of the Loom (Vallaki).

Name: Malagdrin
Race: Half-drow.
Origin: Guallidurth, Middledark.
Age: Unknown.
Build: Willowy.
Eyes: Ruby red.
Hair: Off-white.
Complexion: Ash colored.
Skills: Navigation (underground), scavenging, tracking, masonry.
Occupation: Vagabond, Lurker (Clerical title).
Known Languages: Xanalress, Undercommon.
Traits: Zealous, calculated, porphyric, mystic, reclusive.
RP Themes: Religion, Underdark culture, outcasts, slavery.
Frequent Haunts: Degannwy and the nearby cavern system. Any uninhabited cavern in Barovia and Hazlan.

Name: Roland d'Espivant (formerly Poulin).
Race: Human.
Origin: Port-á-Lucine.
Age: 36
Build: Stocky.
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: Light brown.
Complexion: Fair.
Skills: Chain smoking.
Occupation: Gendarme.
Known Languages: Mordentish.
Traits: Grumpy, family-oriented, workaholic.
RP Themes: Altruism, investigation, family.
Frequent Haunts: Port-á-Lucine - The Bullseye, The Gendarmerie Headquarters, Quartier Marchand, Quartier Ouvrier.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 09:51:21 AM by Gavin Mace »

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Rainer Lehmann : Biography
« Reply #188 on: October 27, 2016, 11:52:15 PM »

Name:                             Rainer Lehmann
Pseudonym:                    Liberius Nero
Race  & Nationality:        Human, Darkonese
Date & place of birth:     22.10.753 BC - ???
Languages & Accent:      Darkonese(Predominant accent), Falkovnian
Profession:                      Arcanist
Weight & height:             6'1", 187 lbs (82kg)
« Last Edit: October 28, 2016, 02:35:56 AM by Master Librarian »

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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #189 on: February 15, 2017, 12:45:19 PM »

An excerpt from Dr. Dermen's  study of the Desert people of Hotahanna. Krul was probably the most curious out of all of them he was the first one to take an active interest in me and even has learned enough of my language that we are able to make mild conversation. Though I want to know more about him he constantly has questions for me, They are always questions of where I came from, where I've been where I'am going. I believe through our talks that Krul wants to see more of the world and not just this desert.

Hotahanna are a Nomadic Desert people. that hunt and eat much of the wildlife to maintain there high protein diet. There large size is sometimes quite unbelievable until I see that the only non meat  thing they bother to grow and eat  in the desert is cacti for the water.

The Hotahanna have very limited interaction with the other races that inhabit or world, but I've learned they often will accept payment for travel and guidance through the harsh desert. I believe they see the value in the gold coins we call money. As a  way to buy superior weapons and armor.

Krul the most curious among his people has come to me asking that I take him out of the desert with him. His people say a man should see the world before he settles in. I have agreed to the Hotahanna's request to take Krul with me  after they had been such gracious hosts helping me with my research its the least I can do.

Iridni Ren

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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #190 on: February 15, 2017, 02:11:36 PM »
Iridni Ren (“Holy Renewal”) was born 16 years before entering the Mists in Chathold in the Prelacy of Almor. (She has since turned 17.) She is a mix of Rhennee and Suloise, resulting in violet eyes, very dark hair but pale skin. The striking appearance calls undesired attention to her. She feels inadequate and is not often quick-witted or knowing how to make small talk. So she'd usually rather listen to others than put herself forward. She does have unusual wisdom for her age about spiritual questions but only average intelligence.

Her own childhood was pleasant, but she saw poverty and desolation around her and from girlhood felt the calling to enter the service of Pelor. She wanted a path that her gentle meekness and lack of ambition for worldly success would be assets instead of handicaps. In her heart of hearts she would love being a loyal wife and raising a family, but most men frighten and intimidate her. Despite her physical beauty, she fears a husband would over time find her personality dull and tiresome.

The cloister appealed to her because a god's love is unchanging and everlasting. Her coordination is only average, so she also preferred a routine where she was less likely to mortify herself by being clumsy. Her need for predictability makes her worry she's boring to be around.

She has no clue why she was pulled into the Mists, but the experience was horrifying. She now feels abducted by a maniac who says he intends to keep her isolated with him for the rest of her life. She seized onto the Wayfarer Kinship as a lifeline offering her something like what she was accustomed to and needed to thrive (stability and good-oriented companions).

Her greatest desire now is to please her god. She does this through serving others, particularly her companions, and destroying undead. Conflict in general makes her stomach hurt but it's worse between people she cares for. Iridni can resort to violence if doing so will further her deity's aims, but otherwise she wants to avoid it. She wants to avoid killing human type creatures and seeks out only supernatural or unintelligent monsters like undead, weres, and the nonsentient.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 04:54:09 PM by Iridni Ren »

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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #191 on: May 24, 2017, 01:12:21 AM »
*Pic Coming- I am sleepy*
Name: Deva K. Willown
Race: Human.
Origin: Faerun, just outside Neverwinter
Age: 20
Appearance: Thin, not strong at all and pretty mostly by youth. Fair with some sides toasted by time in the sun. Blue eyes, ash brown hair.
Attire: Ranger's garb with pockets, belts and sheaths aplenty. She can't seem to resist a modicum of stylish flair in her cuts and dyes, however.
Known Languages: Common, not a lick of anything else.
Personality: impish, loud, emotional, flighty, manic, or anything that floats in on the breeze. As easy to manipulate as she is to please.
Loves: Exploring, Outdoors, Banter, Music, Poetry
Hates: Herself probably. Being in the Core.
RP Themes: Forest, Empathy, Innocence
Frequent Haunts: Vallaki Outskirts, the Lady's Rest, Degannwy
Alignment: CG. What she wants for in her heart is to do good- how she goes about it is dodgy and unclear even to herself. Very little guidance.
Possible Plot-Hook Ideas: Message or meet me IG to find out more.

Quick Background: The last of 6 children and the only girl, Deva's mother died in childbirth to twins. Surviving for a time on moderate income, the family was proud to host a library and a piano until falling on hard times and moving to a modest farm. Her father and brothers joined the logging business and, unwillingly possessed of boyish qualities, she took to falling in love with the woods and knowing them deeply.

In a most foreboding manner her father told her she would receive a special gift when she turned of age. Unfortunately her turning arrived with the Mists, and the harrowing of the Core upon her innocence has manifested the gift in strange and enchanting ways... with no Mother, no family to help her unravel the ribbons.

Worse still, she was with her twin brother when the hazy scenes of her misty capture cloud her memory. Did he come with her and was now lost, or did she leave him alone and bereft? Either truth tugs her heart awake at night.


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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #192 on: May 24, 2017, 04:12:49 AM »
void main()  */Thank you Greengrowl, for this template!*/

Name: Argali Dupont
Birthname: Maudlyn Dupont
Race: Elven (Mixed ancestry, sun & moon)
Origin: Faerun, The City of Thieves: Riatavin
Age: 102
Appearance: Tall, for an elf; and preternaturally powerful. Scars mar her visage, but she seems to take them in stride. Her eyes are oddly mismatched.
Attire: Not typically as depicted. Often donned in magical vestments and armed to the teeth.
Languages: Common, Elven, French(?) :D
Rumors! Argali is a member of the Wayfarer Kinship, a local Vallaki-based guild of sanctioned mercenaries, fully held in accordance of the Count's Law.
Personality: Cheerful. Playful. Mischievous. Valiant and vexed.
Loves: God's creation.
Hates: Villainy!
RP Themes: Discovering the ancestry she was denied as a child, growing up with her father, a highly decorated Cabalist.
Frequent Haunts: Vallaki municipality, Mistcamp, Port-au-Lucine
Alignment: Lawful Good: A code defines her being.
Plot-hook: Fite me


Maudlyn grew up denied her mother but for a couple score of months.
Her father trained her rigorous, to serve his purpose they surely must.
For every time she closed her eyes... she earned a scar to remember it by!
Her life did spiral on and on, into this fateful dreaded song~

||-Roleplay Profile-||[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: May 25, 2017, 01:54:48 PM by Mailbox-2001 »

Song of Danta

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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #193 on: May 24, 2017, 10:11:06 AM »
Eleanor joins the gang.

Name: Eleanor Holmwood.
Race: Human.
Origin: Born in Bradhurst House, an estate of the Holmwood family near Waterford in Mordent.
Age: 26
Build: Tall and gaunt.
Eyes: Olive green.
Hair: Waist-length, hay-colored. Always fastened into bunches.
Complexion: Fair.
Skills: Game hunting, guitar, cosmetics.
Occupation: Perfumer.
Known Languages: Mordentish.
Traits: Neurotic, gregarious, modest, shrewd, creative.
RP Themes: Mental illness, religion, exploration (discovery of reagents), high society.
Frequent Haunts: The Blooming Rose, Avenue du Progrès, her hotel room.

Erich von Stroheim

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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #194 on: June 08, 2017, 09:32:32 PM »
((My english is bad, so sorry if i destory a bit the language of Shakespear))

Portraits of Guthewulf:

... hum, while he finish his Sauna, let me tell you his Biographie:

Guthewulf is born in Kuldahar, the little haven in the Frozen Toundra known as the Spine of the

world. He was quickly sent to Easthaven, in the church of Tempus to learn how to control his

anger. Though at the first occation he flew the Temple, and toke the boat to Luskan were he

became the Leader of a small band of thug. Later his skill in combats attrackt many other

people allow him to build his first band of Mercenary called The Broken Blades. With them he

could join many millitary campaing, sometime promoting good, sometime promoting Evil. Though in

any case he always get paid.

He soon get married and had two childrens. He wanted them to walk in his path and in a

mysterious event his two sons got killed with their mother. The sadness for his lost made him

lose hope, and completly ruined him. He became alcoholic and lost his Band. Now a beggar, he

travel from town to town with only his bottle of wine as friend. Until his feet bring him back

in the Temple of Tempus in Easthaven were the monks toke him under their wings and cleaned him

from his torment. He soon became a respected Priest of Tempus, and participate in many

battlefield to glorifie the Name of The God of War.

Personality: Guthewulf respect nothing. For him all is conflict. From the day the Baby is born

and make his first scream, it is the start of the "Struggle to SURVIVE" to the death. Knowing

that, his way of life is all codes. From the code of answer a greeting, to the complex codes of

tactics on the battlefield. Guthewulf follow them all. It is, for him, the base of


Faith: His faith toward Tempus is total. For him Tempus is not just a diety that offer him

Divine powers. But his teaching, in the eyes of Guthewulf, is the best Code of life a Mortal

could follow. So despite he know that in the Core, his bound with Tempus is broken. He dont

lose his love toward the God of War of Toril.


Straight persons.
People who can show their gratitude toward someone who help them.
Prowess in combat toward someone stronger.
Sauna/warm bathes.
Discovering new foods.
Team work.
Show mercy on enemies when they wield.
And that all conflicts must have peace as a final Goal.
Nature, he could became a good druid, if he wasnt so quick to anger.


All the opposite of what he like.

I think he is done with his sauna now. . . So his protraits ^^':



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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #195 on: June 26, 2017, 11:14:38 AM »

Name: Fenya Nianne (fenn-ya nee-ahn)
Race: Star Elf
Age: 126
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 95 lbs
Complextion: Slightly tanned from travel, freckles across her nose and cheek bones.
Hair Color: Reddish Brown
Eye Color: Bright Green
Personality: Optimistic, annoyingly so.

General appearance: She can usually be spotted in her violet / red / multicolor performance leathers, with for her, double as her combat armor. She carries with her a small shield and longsword, as well as a longbow, which she uses more than the former. She also possesses a common tunic and pants, as well as a fancy dress for special occasions.

Brief History: Fenya may be optimistic, looking always to the light, and simply existing to make others happier. However, her Bardic training is much different. Hailing from the Yuirwood, Fenya was classically trained as a Dirge for her people, among Star Elf culture, an important role. She was to be the one whose songs and reveries would help aid the passage of the dead into the next life, as well as the mourning and healing process for the ones the dead left behind. 

But her heart yearned for elsewhere, and while still a young elf, she set out to the city of Neverwinter, quickly making friends and allies along the way, and through her performance and optimism she became the court jester to the Nobles and King. And for a while, life was very good for her. But her sense of wanderlust could not be sated, and soon enough she set off once again, this time going back to the East to visit her family, and then proceed further east to investigate the rumors of barbarian tribes of humans, and try to join one. Because why not? All the while, she prayed to Selune for new roads to explore, and new experiences to feel.

However, she had barely started down the cold road to Peltarch when the mists gathered about her form, and she was not seen on Faerun again.

Now in Barovia, she cannot say she didn’t get when she asked for from Selune...
« Last Edit: June 26, 2017, 11:18:17 AM by Shadowlancer »

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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #196 on: August 29, 2017, 07:24:50 PM »
Character name: Berek Sigers.
Race: Human.
Background setting: Planescape.
Class: Druid.
Package: Gray Druid.
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good.
Highest saving throws?: Will and Wisdom.
Languages known: Druidic and Common.

Berek hails from Sigil - The City of Doors.  A one-way portal flung him into Barovia and he is trying to make sense of it all, doing his best to adjust and  make a new life in this bleak and twisted landscape. He has a female bear named Shra he can summon/call.
Sigil does have a few druids but as the area is highly metropolitan they concern themselves more with the state of parks and urban ecology (sewers and caves, humanoid settlements, trade areas) as there aren't proper forests. There is a desert in the Outlands around Curst but he'd spent a good portion of his life up to the point he got sent to Barovia studying under the closest thing to an archdruid the City of Doors has, an individual highly attuned to plants by the name of Mourns-For-Trees.
Berek has a lot to learn about Vallaki's factions and tends to get by on a combination of charity from strangers plus his own subsistence.

Appearance: He has long blonde hair and tends to wear a combination of wood armor and furs.  There are tattoos up and down his body below his neck on both arms, his chest, back and legs. Do they have some sort of meaning behind them? That's possible; Would it help out any in the Demi-plane of Dread though? Doubtful.

Motivations: Berek has noticed while trying to map the areas surrounding and in Vallaki town that there appear to be some remains of what might be druid circles. He has asked the few  other druids and rangers if there is a circle and so far the best answer he has received is "once but no longer."  The land might benefit from one, or at the very least organized  hunting parties to somewhat cull down the overpopulation of were-creatures at night.   He also feels some degree of sympathy for the plight of the underclass and the outcasts living in the sewers. In knowing and coming to learn that the surfacers aren't typically going to go down there and risk their necks to provide much needed services, Berek has decided tending to this often maligned and shunned group might make for the greatest good.

Fears: Aside from losing Shra Berek fears not having any friends. Communities function best when no man is an island, after all.

Preferred weapons: spear, scimitar, club (melee).
Darts (ranged).

Favorite spells: Grease, Thunderstroke and Cure light wounds.
Character name: Kaine Morris
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 21
Alignment: Neutral good.
Origin Setting: Eberron.
Class: Fighter
Favored weapon: Bastard sword.
Occupation: Formerly: Lieutenant in the Brelish army.  Current: Porter and hired sword.
Religion: Eberronese pantheon.
Languages known: Common and Balok.
Highest save: Fortitude.
Background: Kaine is the son of Sharn merchants and went to a prestigious military academy. He is not a terribly experienced fighter but is at the least proficient in basic use of most weapons and starting to come along in his swordsmanship.  The Last War was already over when he graduated. He and his men in the 67th battalion were assigned by Brelend's Ir'Clan (king) the task of routing lizard men at the border of a new settlement so colonists could claim the nearby fertile swampland they intended to repurpose for growing crops. That was when the accursed fog rolled in separating him from his men and Kaine got misted away to Barovia. Shortly after that he ran into Lady Alina d'Dennith who explained to him what she could of the situation and kindly quartered and clad him in new armor. Kaine seeks to become a great swordsman and hopes to do right by his blade.

Motivations: Kaine wants to impress the ladies and to do the right thing.
Fears: That everyone will come to hate him.

Personality: Kind and a bit reckless. He possesses a sense of humor the Barovians may at times have a hard time grasping.

Character name: Bulir Dotian (NCE).
Gender: Male. Race: Gold Dwarf (FR setting).
Age: 50.
Alignment: LG.
Class: Paladin.
Religion: Clangeddin.
Favorite spell: Bless weapon.
Motivations: Glory. Wealth is always good too.
Fears: Being broke.
Languages known: Common and Dwarven.
Bio: You know the drill, following the thunder blessing of the All-father the number of gold dwarves has increased causing crowding in the Great Rift which means you go on a rite of passage going about doing deeds to amass fortune and fame to build your family name but we're not like those dirty shield dwarves or devious duergar. Into his fifth decade of adventuring Bulir got misted.

Personality: Usually rather friendly but gets offended when tall folk can't tell the difference between male and female dwarves or ignorantly assume they eat rocks.
"If'n we did that, we'd break our teeth! It's absurd is what it is!"

« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 05:24:58 PM by Kaine »


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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #197 on: September 14, 2017, 01:20:19 PM »
Character name: Dryjka Pietrovich
Race: Human.
Background setting: Other (Lowgarynn)
Class: Fighter
Style: Sword and Board
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Highest saving throws?: Fortitude.
Languages known: Common.

Bio: Dryjka remembers little of his time before the mists took him. He remembers some faces; emotions tied to ideas; the name of his wife, Kasia, and that somewhere along the line everything that mattered to him was swallowed up by a never ending ride of mindless dead and the greater deathless that drove it. Vallaki and Old Barovia have seemed familiar to him the way that two homes built by the same architect seem to be eerily not-quite-the-same: he suspects that whatever his homeland was like, this place of mist and murder is a none-too-distant relative.
These memories escape him now, although they seem to trickle back in scraps and shreds; due either to some fell magic of the one who took him, or the hoof-shaped dent in his skull that he is reasonably certain was NOT there before his taking, Dryjka strives to put his mind together once more, grappling for sanity and wholeness that he feels has not been his for a long, long time. The dead took his wife, possibly his children, and the only thing that counterbalances the furious need for vengeance is Kasia’s vice, speaking from the heavens.
He’s good with a hammer, good with a shield, and armor seems to sit upon him like a second skin. Dryjka is a man seemingly built for war… but war on what?
The dead call to him, and the clatter of their shattered bones littering the stone of the crypt beneath the Sanctuary is the sweetest song. The rest will sort itself out.

Appearance: Dryjka is a hulking barrel of a man, built like a thick-middled oak complete with its fiery-red autumn foliage. His face is a brutish, unpretty legacy of nose-breaking, feature-smashing combat, lined deeply by weather and scarring alike, but his smile is a pleasant thing below glacier-blue eyes that twinkle when he laughs. He stands just over six feet and two inches, easily approaching two hundred sixty pounds of muscle and meat that, while never attractively shaped, has long been a study of practical power and endurance earned in the tradecraft of battle.

Motivations: Dryjka has three driving forces in life at this point: First, he seeks to mend his fractured mind and stricken memories; Second, he seeks out battle with the undead scourge whenever and wherever it can be found; Third he searches for a place of belonging, both physically and socially, for he is an old dog whose family is lost to time and mist. He seeks to name the god of his faith, or failing to rediscover that, lend that faith to a god whose purpose is parallel. Dryjka has a paternal streak that stretches a league in breadth: the young and beloved, his friends and comrades, all are given shelter by the bulwark of his shield and broad shoulders.

Fears: Undeath (but not the Undead themselves), the wrath of his wife, the attentions of women (see fear number two).
Idiosyncrasies: Dryjka can be best described as an eccentric man, possibly unhinged by his taking or some trauma earlier in life. He occasionally carries on conversations with his wife, Kasia, who has been dead for some few years (all available evidence points to it), and has colorful ideas about reality and the ways of the world. How much of his oddness is due to actual insanity, as opposed to being an internal jest or facade, remains a topic of some debate.

Preferred weapons: Warhammer, Bow

Favorite food: Bacon. Also his favorite smell, color, and sport.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2017, 09:06:39 AM by Czernovog »

Barovian Beggar

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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #198 on: October 24, 2017, 09:39:53 PM »
NCE 2017
Milován Drózda

A rural hunter dressed in the muted colors of the Barovian landscape, Rough cured leathers and furs, functional but well worn.
He is a lean swarthy man of mixed descent. His lithe physique moves with a grace more characteristic of a dancer or acrobat than that of a woodsman. 

His dark features are sharp and angular, reminiscent of a hawk or some other such bird of prey.

The tools of his trade, his bow, knife and hatchet are well cared for and strategically worn about his person for quick access.
There is no customary pleasantry or kindness to his personality. The cruel melancholy lands of the Core beat that out of him long ago.

A romantic liaison between a charismatic Gundarakite outlaw and a wayward vistana, Milovan was born from two worlds but never truly accepted into either. He is a half-breed, always the outsider.

Milovan remembers very little from his childhood, as brief as it was. He recalls a few precious memories; his father’s jovial laughter and his mother’s haunting lullabies.

His father was hung by soldiers when he was barely five years old, this he clearly remembers. His mother, unable or unwilling to bare the grief and the burdens of parenthood left her illegitimate child on the door step of an orphanage in Krezk, never to be seen again. 


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Re: Post your character bio here
« Reply #199 on: November 15, 2017, 08:52:38 AM »
Name: Ailne Niven
Race: Human
Origin: Touraine in Nidala (Shadowlands)
Age: 23
Build: Strong and agile, tending more to the former
Eyes: Ice-Blue
Hair: Stark blonde
Personality: Serious, loyal, mission-focused
Biography: Ailne was born in Touraine and like many children, grew up near worshipping the Knight-Protector of Nidala, Elena Faith-hold, believing her to be the heroine she once had been. As such, she joined Elenas troops when she was sixteen, training as a ranger.

She came to regret this decision in time, when she started to realize what her hero had become and what her service entailed. Memories of the punishments she helped carry out haunt her to this day. This was finally what motivated her to flee Nidala, disillusioned and aimless.

From this point on she travelled the core, seeking something, even if she was unsure what it was for the longest time.

After a certain set of dramatic events of Vallaki, it appears Ailne has finally find her purpose. To fight on against the darkness, to make what little difference she can.