Author Topic: Placebels and crafteble placebelss are a mess  (Read 282 times)


  • Outlander
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  • Posts: 98
Placebels and crafteble placebelss are a mess
« on: December 07, 2021, 07:49:55 AM »
Hello Developers, After a few tests here and ther with some people we found out the compleet carpentery placeble craftebles are a mess.
Ontop of that the purchaseble placebles and containters are not working as intended.
They bug out, you can not put thing in and once places you can not remove them.

FOlowing items tested: Picknick basket and carpet. Both can not be picked up anny more.
I have no doubt it is with more of the items like that.

Carpentry compleet list scrambled all over. And items do not apear as they do as you previeuw them and get a totaly difrent form or design