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Author Topic: Hand of Redemption: Journal of Alyzenya Iromythe  (Read 695 times)

Raven Credale

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Hand of Redemption: Journal of Alyzenya Iromythe
« on: November 14, 2021, 01:10:24 PM »
  These lands that I find myself in are quite strange. The land is rule by unjust tyrany and the people appear to be dejected. As if the mere thought of standing up to their oppressor is unthinkable. It sadens me to see such things and to see the fear people have for those in Power. I know that there is nothing I can do to change these laws, but it does hurt to know that what there may be, they will not last. These Barovians seem set in their ways. The Garda seem to suspect everyone of something...I would like nothing more than to turn this iron fisted government into something resembling Tassledales Republic laws and Democracy...but I am but one servant of Tyr here.

    Instead, I believe I will focus my efforts on getting stronger when able to and to Pray to Tyr for guidance in the tasks I set before myself. I know it may not be possible, but I do believe that in my heart and soul that those who have done wrong can redeem themselves. I know that not everyone seeks redemption, and that not everyone will change from their wicked way, but I will try my best to lead them onto a Just path. But if they return to their wicked ways and harm those that are innocent, good, or defenseless, that I shall uphold my duty as a servant of Tyr and bring swift judgment to them. Everyone deserves a chance of Redpemtion...but I know not everyone will fully commit to it.

    Redemption is not something to take lightly, nor is it a joke. Should I come across any who regret their past action and seek redemption, I shall offer my aid to them. If they attempt to use m kindness for their own selfish gains, then I shall do my best to send them to their makers.

Raven Credale

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Re: Hand of Redemption: Journal of Alyzenya Iromythe
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2021, 07:00:09 PM »
    It feels good to be a part of something that's aligned to my personal beliefs. Feels like I've a purpoes and goal in these Mist lands to strive towards. I know the Laws of Vallaki will not be changed, but I can still aim to stand up for the innocent or those that have been wronged. But I must remember that not everything is lack and White. That there are two sides to each story and each situation needs to be handled with a clear mind. It would be wrong of me to jump to conclutions without getting a proper look of things. For example, I saw a dwarf arrested becasue he killed the thief who stole from him. What is just that he get arrested? Possibly not. Was it fair that he be arrested for killing the one who had robbed him. Maybe. If the robber had been left alive, the Dwarf would not have been arrested and the Robber instead may have been flogged or put in prison for a few days.

    The laws of Vallaki seem rather depressing though. Most if not all is punishable by death...Rather sad that the civilians of this Grey city must suffer under such a strict government. The people seem to be wary of each other an those of us that are not from their lands. It is sad to see people like this, but the hearts of men are not so easily changed what time has taught them to fear those who are different. I have met some that are friendly to us. Some who stray from the normal behavior of Barovians and it is nice. But there are still those that are wary at all times. Perhaps time is what it will take. Or perhaps I will find myself else where while Vallaki stays in the same place. It is hard to say what the future has in store for me. Whatever it may be, I shall strive to keep a level head and a Kind heart.

Raven Credale

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Re: Hand of Redemption: Journal of Alyzenya Iromythe
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2021, 07:47:37 PM »

   It's been a time since I thought about the days back when I was in the temple of Tyr in Tassledale. There was one time when I was a little girl, I was out in the farmlands. It was mid-afternoon in the Summer. Abbot Fredrick was close by, taking care of some dispute that had happened between the neighboring farmers, I was laying in the fields watching the clouds roll across the blue sky, enjoying the light and warmth of the sun. When the dispute was over, Fredrick walked over to me and held out his hand.

   "Come along Alyzenya, it's time for us to return to the temple." His voice was calm when he spoke to me. Almost fatherly like. I gave him and nod and took his hand as he pulled me to my feet. He paused a moment while looking me over before plucking a piece of hay out of my hair with a sigh. "Sometimes you are just to relaxed, aren't you."

    "Well I can't help it. There so much in this world that I find light in. So many people that have a spark in them that's ....comforting." I replied without properly thinking. "Is it wrong of me to feel this way Abbot?"

    He gave me a comforting smile then ruffled my hair. "There is nothing wrong with having faith in others Aly. It is a sign that you have a good heart and trust others, even if they might be strangers. But take care that you don't let others use this kindness of yours for their own gain. Be ever mindful that not everyone is a nice or as sweet as you are my little buttercup." He would pinch my cheek, knowing it would get a rise out me. I puffed out my cheeks in a huff, only to lose it when he held out some flowers to me. I blnked my crystal blues eyes at the sight of them and canted my head while gently holding the flowers in my hand.

   "One day you're going to be a beautiful woman Alyzenya. A beautiful woman with a kind heart. You'll have trials and perils ahead of you in a world that blames our faith for many things. But remember, there are always two sides to a story, and at one point others were innocent just like you are now. No one is born innately evil or innately good. We all make choices that guide us on the ever twisting and winding road of life. It is our jobs as the faithful of Tyr to see who is guilty and who is not. We must always have both sides of a tale. Both sides of a conflict before we make a Just decision. Many will not be in favor for what we choose. But it must be something we believe in whole heartedly."

   I took his words into consideration as I looked down at the flower in my hand. " a one is innocent forever. We all wilt like this flower will?" I asked with a cant of my head. He gave me a nod and a sad smile. "But Abbot, aren't people worthy of a second chance?"

   "That is a choice up to them My buttercup. Many will say they want to change but continue to do their old ways. And many will change for the better. But it is impossible to say what a person will do even with a second chance. Not everyone can be saved. And those that do, must choose to save themselves before they can accomplish getting a second chance in life." He ruffled my hair again before we walked back to the temple.

   I know that it has been sometime since then, and Abbot Fredricks words still echo in my mind. But I should meditate for now.

Raven Credale

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Re: Hand of Redemption: Journal of Alyzenya Iromythe
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2021, 04:57:56 AM »
Fiends...even in these lands there are those that call upon them. For what they seek from the summonings and deal making i can only guess. Power being the most relevant. It reminds me of how often I would see the Justicars leave the church, riding off on a crusade to deal another blow to those that would worship the infernal filth of the nine hells. I'm aware that some devil's are lawful and that they are more keen on keeping to their one sided deals. But the fiends...the fiends are worse as they will do anything. Abbot Fredrick once taught me of the Blood Wars. A time where devil's and fiends went after each other. Then he taught me of the Justicars. How it was an order in the Church of Tyr that specialized in dealing with fiends and Devil's. Going so far to even walk the hells in order to bring justice. Abbot Fredrick could see what he sparked in me when he told me that.

   "A Justicar hm? It will be tough work for you Alyzenya. And you'll need to be older. We're not going to send children into the hells to fight demons. That's to barbaric." He said to me one day and ruffled my hair. "When you're older and with more experience, then we'll see about you joining the Justicars. For now, keep working on your skills and refining them."

   I had pouted but I didn't fight him on this. But I understand what he means when he said that I was not ready for such things. The fiends i faces yesterday...I was afraid. The air around them sent chills throughout me. Every part of my being was screaming at me to run while my companions fought. This...proved to me that I am still not where I wish to be yet. I am still trying to master my third circle of spells, but in time. In time I'll be able to face fiends...and even if I do not officially gain the rank of Justicar...I will still draw upon what Abbot Fredrick taught me. Fiends and Devil's will face Tyrs Justice. For there are no redeeming qualities for them.

Raven Credale

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Re: Hand of Redemption: Journal of Alyzenya Iromythe
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2021, 09:34:59 PM »
   The things I have learned recently, one is that I shall never accept dark magic as a justifiably thing. Two, those that seek it or a reason for it to be justified are already among the monsters that plague the lives of the innocent. And should be killed on sight with no hesitation. Three, if they beg for their lives then they are just as pathetic as the things they roam with and should still be cut down. I have no tolerance for those that cannot save themselves. And I have no tolerance for those that play the victim.

    But, I must remind myself. I do not fight for vengeance. I do what I must and what I can in the name of Justice. To Punish the guilty, to right the wrongs and to always be true and just with my actions. I prove that I am not like others who follow Tyr. I am not so black and white. I laugh, I joke, I see the shades of grey in the world and I know that it is up to myself to descern what is right and what is Just. Though I am aware that this may come into conflict later on. I wish to help those that are lost redeem themselves, to help them right the wrongs that they have done. But so so many have lost their way that I see only one ending for them. It saddens me at times. But...I am just one person and I cannot save those who do not wish to be saved. These lands of despair and agony are a pit of negative things. But I shall not be swayed by this. I shall keep fighting against the creatures of the night and I shall keep my faith in Tyr.

   But...should I ever fall and fail to keep true to myself and my faith, it is my hope that I am ended by a friend instead of a stranger. And if I must sacrifice myself in order for them to survive...I am alright with making that choice. is to soon for me to make such claims. I do not have the strength I need in order take such risks. I know...deep down that my won't have a happy ending. But...I would like to enjoy the middle of the story for as long as I can. To preserver through a the good and the bad times, to maybe find love and romance, and to protect my most precious, if not at times disfunctional, family. Before the Mists I only had Abbot Fredrick and the other priests of the temple. Here...I find myself understanding what "Family" is. It is not blood that makes a family. It is those who would stand by you in the toughest of times. Those who would consol you in your lowest points. And those who try to pull you off the path you were not meant to walk. Family cares more about you than those who simply call you a friend or an Allie.

   Perhaps I am looking to much into things. Maybe getting to deep into my thoughts and writing like i am preaching. Maybe in time...I can prove these words to be true. But with all things, only time will tell.

Raven Credale

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Re: Hand of Redemption: Journal of Alyzenya Iromythe
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2021, 04:54:08 AM »
   "Seek no revenge for the fallen Alyzenya. Revenge blinds one to the truth of things."

    I remember Abbot Fredrick telling me this a long time ago. Back when I was still young and innocent to things. When the normal injustice was other kids bullying me and picking on me for having no real parents. I remember one boy that use to bully me the most back then. He was human, brown hair and eyes, light tan skin and a button nose. His name was...Klaus. Klaus Firdan. He was the son of the town mayor. Remember so many days where he would come to the temple and pick on me. Where he would pull pranks on me and be so mean. I went and told Abbot Fredrick about this and how I wanted to get revenge on him. But...he said those words to me instead. So...when Klaus came to the temple again I looked at him and vividly remember saying "If you like me so much, then just say it. Stop beating around the bush to get my attention and just spit it out already Klaus."

   He did the typical thing boys his age did. They acted like that was the most disgusting idea ever. He denied it and said it wasn't true. But that didn't stop his cheeks from turning red. I could tell he was embarrassed that I figured him out back then. Instead of pulling another prank that day he just turned and left the temple. Abbot Fredrick softly chuckled as he walked over to me. Saying he had expected something from the Little Lioness instead of Little Aly. I just smiled my usual bright friendly smile and said. "Revenge obscures the truth of the matter. And even if it seems like a just cause, revenge only hurts others in the end. Vengeance is the factor that harms Justice."

   He patted my head with a smile, before part me with another question. "This may be true. But, what if the one who seeks Vengeance is justified to do so? What if the Vengeance sought is for the greater good? Is it still vengeance or is it Justice?"

   I did not have an answer then, and I still do not have one now. Perhaps in time I'll know it. But for now, I shall keep pressing on and doing what I believe to be right.

Raven Credale

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Re: Hand of Redemption: Journal of Alyzenya Iromythe
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2022, 09:21:19 PM »
   It has been quite some time since I last wrote. Much has happened and I am uncertain of how I want to proceed with things. Lately I find myself with the unfortunate luck of coming across a constant Werecroc. Before this one has torn my hand off as "payment" for dragging my corpse out of the Ghoul House. And now...It had made me an offer I will always refuse. Eat the flesh of man and accept his Loa. I will not turn myself away Tyr. I will keep protecting those that I am able to. Even if it means that I must put my life on the line.

   It is...concerning how I maintain such calmness in the face of a threat like this croc. But I suppose that is not a bad thing. I am of sound mind and body in my choice to reject this being, this croc. But this does not mean I should be lenient in my actions. I must keep vigilant and make sure that this threat eliminated. I just need to get stronger and faster with my spells.

Raven Credale

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Re: Hand of Redemption: Journal of Alyzenya Iromythe
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2022, 08:56:17 AM »
  Banished from Vallaki, if Abbot Fredrick heard of this he would be un an uproar. Claiming that it was false and misunderstood information. I can see him bringing out every possible thing to prove my innocence if he was here. How I miss him dearly. These Mist Camps...I can see why Jin'x isn't fond of it, so I've moved myself back to the Tsar Pool. It is not Vallaki so my banishment should not hold here. Suppose I'll need to toughen myself up before I can prove anything to anyone I guess. The alleged Mandrake root is just a mere myth considering all things. None have claimed to find it and no one knows where it is. So trying to prove my innocence with that is absolutely pointless to pursue.

   No til someone from the Kinship comes up with a way to prove I'm not afflicted by Fortiers disgusting curse, I'll have to abide by this unjust banishment. Perhaps I'll try my hand at some of the caves around. See how I fare on my own out here. Worst case is that I loiter in a tavern or something.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 03:34:11 PM by Raven Credale »

Raven Credale

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Re: Hand of Redemption: Journal of Alyzenya Iromythe
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2022, 06:48:01 AM »
So much time has passed. So many new faces. And some events have been quelled. Yet some still remain. Some that I need to..."repay" for certain things. I know Abbot Fredrick would be against such ideas but sometimes it is in the name of Justice that these actions need to be taken. I do not mind if they happen the me. But I cannot remain comfortable with myself if I stand by and allow them to happen to others. I am a protector. This much I am aware of, this much I strive to accomplish. But more than that, I am a healer. When I first arrived here in the misty lands of Barovia, I wanted to listen to all sides of the story. To give the benefit of the doubt to many. But I quickly learned that in doing so, I was simply allowing myself to be filled by the very faces of evil. I learned quickly that it may be necessary to take on the Tyrran Mindset in these lands and see some aspects in Black and White rather than in color or shades of grey.

But even so, it is uncomfortable knowing that some would rather view me as an object of their desires and be so crast and bold with their words and implications that I am just something to bed instead of being a is greatly uncomfortable. In fact the idea of romance is...not something I am comfortable with. I have made this know to those that hound me, I have told them I am not interested in such acts. Yet they pester and push...all because of "How beautiful" I am. Personal it makes me miss the days where if I said I follow Tyr many would look at me with disgust. Suppose I can still get that reaction from the Garda. Thought they do that with many of the Outlanders.

But regardless, I am not vain like some washed out vampire. Who needs to flaunt their assets to get someones attention. I am fine with just me, myself and I for now. I know my life is extended a bit thanks to the elven blood in me, but I will not allow such words or facts persuade me that I am above a humble stature. I am but one wave in a vast ocean.