Location in-game:Degannwy, next to the grave headstone & Vallaki western outskirts.
Time:10 AM (UCT). I was possessing my familiar and my familiar was stationed in the Barovia - Vallaki - western outskirts map whilst my character was in Degannwy when I experienced a disconnection from the server.
Description:When I reconnected my character suffered magic damage equal to their full hp amount and was on the ground bleeding out. I also lost all the gold on my character and it didn't appear near the body and neither did it appear where the familiar was in the western outskirts.
Recreate:Position a wizard character in Degannwy. Summon familiar (I used pixie). Add some spell buffs with wizard spells to both the character and the familiar (Invisibility, Bear's Endurance, Haste, etc). Possess familiar and bring it to another map, maybe the western outskirts (I had mine right in front of the Vallaki city gates at night time). Crash the game or disconnect the internet.
A friend of mine was able to recreate this bug by crashing the game following the same procedure on their second attempt. At the time their familiar only had Invisibility, Haste and Bear's Endurance buffs only.
Ideas:The only clue I really have on what could be causing the bug is by having the familiar possessed and in a seperate map when a crash or disconnect occurs. My friend didn't have as many spell buffs as I did when they recreated the bug.