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Author Topic: [Field Study Excursion] Arcane Sciences and Siege Warfare  (Read 516 times)


  • Dark Lord
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[Field Study Excursion] Arcane Sciences and Siege Warfare
« on: November 06, 2021, 07:33:52 PM »
[Fliers begin to circulate within Port-a-Lucine]

Field Study Excursion: Applied Arcane Sciences in Siege Warfare and the Military

A field study excursion to appropriate fortifications on the Eastern border to examine the role of the Arcane in siege warfare. Participants will be touring the fortifications, identifying its strong and weak points. The field study excursion will include both a theoretical and practical side designed to give a comprehensive primer into the doctrine of arcane warfare in its relation to fortified positions for those unfamiliar, or deepen an already advanced student's learning into the subject matter.

We will be meeting outside the eastern gates of Port-a-Lucine and depart at first light.

Hosted by Mlle. Celeste Alarie of the Warmage Program of the University of Dementlieu

« Last Edit: November 12, 2021, 06:44:55 PM by Vissy »
Active Character: Heian, Catilia Calostin
Other Character(s): Gilraine Alean'ani, Lia Lanthaloran, Liu Suyin
Shelved Character(s): Vinyafael Yavanna
Closured Character(s): Rakel Leviken, Celeste Seifert, Heir Andaratei


  • Dark Lord
  • *****
  • Posts: 637
Re: [Field Study Excursion] Arcane Sciences and Siege Warfare
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2021, 08:02:07 AM »
// This is today
Active Character: Heian, Catilia Calostin
Other Character(s): Gilraine Alean'ani, Lia Lanthaloran, Liu Suyin
Shelved Character(s): Vinyafael Yavanna
Closured Character(s): Rakel Leviken, Celeste Seifert, Heir Andaratei