Letter of the Heart
Letter to the Palais Dirigent
*A sealed black vellum envelope with a purple wax seal of black dragon infront of a bulwark of quarter square purple, gold, and obsidian adress to the Palais Dirigent main office*
To whom it may Concern,
Bonjour Staff, Council, or the Lady Governor herself I am a foreigner of your city known as Dracos von Nightscape. I have lived in your fair city since the day of the Falkovian occupation, how briefly that was, during the era of the Fox Companys rise and fall and the acts of former BaronJuste Marceux. I am a humble occupant of your city having worked as a librarian in the Grand Bibliotique for more than four years providing your country's library with books found across the Core and offering my humble wisdom to the man masses of your citizens. When I had fled from the lands of Barovia having mastered the medicinal arts of Apothecary and recognized as a Doctor among their and most part of the Core I found the challenge of recognition in your City estrange and difficult. Regardless I begun anew in your land as it was the most advance and civilized in comparison to a man who has walked from the borders of the Mist into the Core as such lands of Barovia.
I have applied many times for citizenship in your fair country and although not a true citizen attempted to hold myself to the standards of your society and its laws. Abliet it seems a many of those who would judge my character are far from fair or reasonable. I can understand the stringent need to be cautious in letting any into such a civilize society and the care of law ot grant any citizenship. And yet here I am almost five years in your country and still I await from my first letter long ago and on the occasions I can spare from my labors to come to the office to request update on my acceptance to citizenship. I believe I have adequately learned Mordentish and comprehend well the social normalities of your people especially your gentry. I can provide much to your country both in my wisdom, intelligence, and heart as I have on many occasions proven worthy and yet never properly rewarded for my aid to your people and society.
Long ago I had aided your people to safety to the woods beyond Edrigan when the Falkovians dared to harm your people. Among others such as former Red vardo captain Ra'Careheal and Remi of the Fox Company I had provided healing both through Natural and Spiritual means to the wounded of your people and your defenders. Sadly I was captured briefly by the Falkovian and subjected to their cruelity and uncivility. I was blessed to have escaped their encampment during a raid and manage to enter Port Lucine only to be shocked in its momentary take over. Which in concern given the historicals of the many who have been acknowledged by your city as famed most were quite villianous. But, as history shows time and time again Port Lucine survives and learns. From then on I had tried to aid your people though I am a foreign priest I tried to provied healing and wisdom to your people in those dark times. But, my lot and I were subjected by Remi of the Fox Company and the once renoun Jean Renaud falsly accused of being Evil with no evidance other than the word of a madman from Barovia given citizenship along with his wild band known as the Blood Hounds. Thankfully, though few listened to my warnings of this man diagnosis of lunacy, Jean Renaud was finally detained.
From that Era came many attempts among your changing Gendermie to aid them and your people in a peaceful manner. Was it not for the long past Jaochim Schrotter to clear my good name from the accusations of the Fox Company and Jean Renaud I would not be able to contiue in safety and respect aid your people. We're it not for former Gendermie Sargent Antole de le Rochenoir I would not be cleared of the false accusations of experimentations. In turn I provided your Gendermie with free service of Healing and Wisdom to better your people's safety. And yet, sadly, history repeats itself with the maligned and abuse of power. I have stood ground months past to protect the Former Baron of Mousset attacked by a reckless student in the University with my own flesh as sheild and even capturing the assailaint and yet never was I recognized for my bravery or my kindful act. When the Gendermie held the former criminal Felix Toure by command of the Sargent Boucher at the time I was to accompany his contingent and provide healing and protection in which I did dutifully to the people of your city and your defenders. Even before then in defense of the incivil war of noblehouses that would endanger your Ouvrier there after I aided in healing and even giving proper rest with in an Apothecary's capacity to your fallen and the citizen who were criminals of your city.
For the good I have done I know I am not flawless. I have been challenged by the very enforcers of law and yet historically it would seem my wrongful accusers themselves are the fallen of character than myself. A noble man does not seek reward for his good deeds. But, and ambitious man in the good of people does have expectations. And so I ask once more what I may do to become a citizen of your fair city? I have forfieted my former foreign life as Merchant Noble's son to a land such as Barovia. I am a humble physic of natural medicines, a learned scholar of medicines who hopes to attend your fine univeristy, I am a priest of well aligned diety and faith, even a educator of those poor and in need of guidance as I vowed I be. So my glorious host what must I do to obtain citizenship of your fair country as those before like Lexington Grey, Your Arena Champion Teodor, or even as the man Jean Renaud. My desire to be with in a civilized society in comparison what is out there is grand. I will continue to serve as your humble librarian and archivist providing the city and its people with the wisdom and knowledge needed for their betterment until told otherwise. I thank you for your time and please let me know what I must do to obtain my citizenship.
Sincerely, Monsiuer Dracos von Nightscape