Author Topic: Letters to a mother from the Citadel  (Read 445 times)


  • Outlander
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Letters to a mother from the Citadel
« on: October 24, 2021, 07:42:28 AM »
**Iuliu went to the Warehouse District's courier station in order to have the following letter sent at first hour of the morning. It was addressed to a numberless house in Berez.


I have arrived safe in Vallaki. Scuza-ma, I could not write to you earlier. These days I have been focused on gaining a stable occupation in order to support ourselves.

I know you did not want me to, but I have signed up for the Garda. I am already rank private. So be proud of me.

The men and women here are mostly good, we take care of each other. I have had to make hard decisions already. I have witnessed things and given proper account of them. Without involving myself. I try to stay away from the troubles that plague it, because of the strong characters of certain tovarasi, I hope these issues will be dealt with soon. There is a very good Lance-Caporalu, his name is Cosmin. He smells very bad, I think because he does not stop wearing warfare armor, but he take care of all. Maybe one day I be like him. I also learn a lot from another private, Stolojan. Reminds me of papa a lot. There is other people from Berez in the Garda.

I need to go patrol mama. I still search for little Stefan. You know a lot of people was displaced during  siege. Maybe I find him in Vallaki. Don't despair, mama.

I send you with this letter some rings I bought with pay, you can sell for fangs. Get Mariam to help you, so you don't get scammed by pitics when selling. Pay is not that good but better than anything that there was in Berez.
