Author Topic: The Journal of Charlotte Katharyn Ember Beauregaed  (Read 728 times)


  • Society of the Erudite
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The Journal of Charlotte Katharyn Ember Beauregaed
« on: June 26, 2021, 05:15:53 AM »
Trapped in Barovia.

Just as I thought things could not get any worst, we are yanked from our path by the mists and deposited in this paranoid realm of fearmongers.

Our research indicates the roads are likely closed or blocked at least for now, and we shall have to rely on the Vistani for escape - Not that we have located any willing to garner us passage out, and even if we did it would likely require a small fortune.

We shall need to mount a sizable expedition to escape - An expedition which will require an equally sizable coin, so we have begun working with the locals.

There is a promising lead from some Sieur Dowen, apparently he is in need of assistance and possesses no shortage of coin.

As always, I must turn misfortune into oppertunity.


  • Society of the Erudite
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Re: The Journal of Charlotte Katharyn Ember Beauregaed
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2021, 06:54:14 AM »
House Beauregard grows.

I've hired the serves of a wandering singer, Ideca, she calls herself.

A pretty face, and an equally pretty tragic story. With her voice and her sorry eyes, she'll make a fortune in the capital, and through her, my reputation will grow as well.

Perhaps something will come out of this wretched detour, after all...


  • Society of the Erudite
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Re: The Journal of Charlotte Katharyn Ember Beauregaed
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2021, 06:24:28 AM »
It worked!

I never thought it would, after all these years, but it did. Here of all places.

With the help of this creature, I shall unlock even greater mysteries.

There is no longer any going back.


  • Society of the Erudite
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Re: The Journal of Charlotte Katharyn Ember Beauregaed
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2021, 04:28:33 AM »
I've not felt the need to write in months.

Frankly escaping from that wretched hole put me in significantly better spirits, things were back to normal.

It turns out normal disgusts me.

I would have never tolerated this in Malouet.

The Cat agrees.

We should have killed them all.


  • Society of the Erudite
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Re: The Journal of Charlotte Katharyn Ember Beauregaed
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2021, 07:53:59 AM »
I knew there were problems.

You hear about it in the north sometimes. The de la Rochenoires and their treason. The scandal with the Courtney girls. The Avjan incident.

We condem them, the minority, those few isolated individuals who /dare/ betray the republique. We of course have clean hands, no secrets. No Caliban in the closet.

But it's not like that is it?

They're all rotten. Even as I write this I can smell the stench of corruption, rising like a fog, following around their laywers, their retainers, their secrets.

I joined the Gendarme to defend the Republique. Yesterday had me question for the first time what, or who, I am actually defending.

I should of stayed in the north. At least then I could do something.

All I can do here is sink beneath the surface till I end up as consumed and rotten as the rest of them.

Is that why he did it?


  • Society of the Erudite
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Re: The Journal of Charlotte Katharyn Ember Beauregaed
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2021, 12:27:10 PM »
I can still feel his eyes crawling across my skin.

The touch of his hand makes me shiver, and I could scarce stop from wretching as soon as I was out of his sight.

But he is who is he is.

I have a duty. I must wear my dresses, I must smile, I must behave as is proper, I must not let the sickness show.

They were beautiful flowers too. The only ones I have ever recieved.

I always knew one day I would pay a price. Is he so much worse than another man?

Your heart went soft for Corbeau, and he was a wretched traitor. Is this not better?

Is it?

Is it?


  • Society of the Erudite
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Re: The Journal of Charlotte Katharyn Ember Beauregaed
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2021, 07:28:31 AM »
So, the bitch is dead.

Hard to imagine. Have I dreampt these last few days?

Even father is relieved, I could see it in his eyes when he told me.

No longer will that mutated freak be bringing disgrace upon our house with every breath she draws. No more guilty secret.

Perhaps the curse is lifted.

I think about him every night. A man of such power and influence. A way with words and passion unlike any other. I admire him. I do.

Why then, does his touch make me ill? Why does every time my mind wander to the possibility of a first kiss, do I feel the urge to crawl into a corner and dispose of dinner?

Why must duty always be so hard?

I saw another bird join the Gendarmerie. As if they had not brought enough sickening disgrace upon us already - And now we we let a selfish criminal coward teach law. How could she ever understand Dementliuse law, when she lacks the courage to even see justice done to herself?

Well we'll show them. We'll show them all.

Then we'll see whose cursed.