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Author Topic: The Life of Mr. Addams  (Read 358 times)


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The Life of Mr. Addams
« on: December 12, 2021, 03:59:03 PM »
Captain George Henry Addams, 15th Kings Rifles Regiment
"For King and country"

I leather journal lays bound with a strap. As its cracked open a ink quill continues weighting.

My time here in this land has grown dismal.. When I and my squad had stumbled through the mist we had hoped to explore this land for the King.
Since then... my men have disappeared one by one and I am left alone in this nightmare land. "Crusaders" from the dark ages, knights and undead. Evils and horrors beyond comprehension. A small glimer of hope is a land so called "Dementliu". Truth be told it is more like bloody France then any where else.

It boggles my mind they have discovered this land rich in resource then our proud kingdom. Non the less their "outpost of France" is rittled with crime and betrayal. Call that a higher callings sense of Fate, for them to be to busy struggling with their own treachery then to profit from this lands rich resources. Prehaps since they are to busy getting invaded by a foreign nation of simply minded barbarians, once the Kings army arrives here in force It may be alot easier then dealing with the French proper.

I do not know If I can rely on such a dreamers rendition of events sadly. "Dementliu" is the only civilized land to lay my head in any case. If It wasnt for the overwhelming crime filth of their cities. Prehaps laying my head in a simple field encampment would still be preferable then constantly beating back the near-de-wells just to pass the streets from a club house and to the hotel. I do not know.


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Re: The Life of Mr. Addams
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2021, 11:40:13 PM »
Captain George Henry Addams, 15th Kings Rifles Regiment
"Light pockets"

  I leather journal lays bound with a strap. As its cracked open a ink quill continues weighting.

  Further pains to my travels. The cost of shot and powder in this land is dreadful. I find my pockets becoming painfully lighter the more I venture out to explore this land.
The only place for it to be found is "Dementliu" and at such a price. I must admit I have taken my time in the Army for granted. Naturally we where trained in shot, cleaning and handling. At times we had to make due with scrounged supplies or captured goods, but never like this. I on my own face a struggle to keep my self equipped and ready for battle at a moments notice. My hopes of finding my fortune in this land will need to be put on hold.
  As if my predicament wasn't dire enough. Every time I travel to that bugger port city for supplies I find my self backed into a corner by its thugs. Just the other night I nearly lost my head to those beasts, as if my pocket moneys wasn't enough. I am beginning to find my self more frustrated. My usual temperament seems to be crumbling... Just today I lashed out at a recent acquaintance. I dearly hope my words where not taken to heart. Ever so angry, Blast this hell scape of a continent. It is one thing to be brought to meager means by such prices for supplies. But to lose my clenched coins to thieves and cut throats?  I must compose my self. I do not understand why the only advanced civilized countries watchmen in this land cant even keep its own streets clean of such filth. Perhaps someone must do their job for them.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2021, 11:42:28 PM by itsriggs »