Author Topic: The making of Xiao Zen (Xi's Story)  (Read 590 times)


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The making of Xiao Zen (Xi's Story)
« on: June 04, 2021, 01:22:11 PM »

Xiao looked up at the master as he entered, her face the placid mask they taught her always to wear. She stood straight, with her body wrapped tightly in a red silk gown, her lips painted to match.

“Recite your instructions,” he said, examining the young girl with a keen, calculating look.

"Yes, master Cho." Xiao bowed immediately, her eyes dropping to the floor, hands at her side, before standing upright in a fluid motion.

"I am to play the Geisha at the Lotus Ball. I will attract the attention of Xing Wei and discreetly offer to entertain him. I will feign attraction, but my interest will not appear overt. I will provide tea, music, and conversation. When he is the most distracted, I will use my Talent and make him vulnerable."

Cho's eyes remained fixed upon her as she spoke. Most would miss the signs that he saw in the girl's eyes, but he was the master for a reason. She had that softness about her - that sweetness and innocence that made her attractive as well as a liability.

Ah, these fragile works of art; they had to be broken gently, carefully, or the entire creation became worthless. More work was going to be required. This girl was far from perfect, but she would do.

Xing Wei was a fool.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2021, 03:35:24 PM by EpicGolem »


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Re: The making of Xiao Zen (Xi's Story)
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2021, 11:35:21 AM »

As Xiao poured the man tea, she could feel his eyes upon her. She wondered what would happen to him. He didn't seem like a terrible person.

No, I mustn't have those thoughts. I must focus on my task.

You didn't just pour tea - this was a ceremony of sorts, where you presented yourself as a picture - the essence of who you were should be clear to the client.
She bends just the right amount, the gentle canting of the pot allowing the hot liquid to flow. Her face is reserved, but there is an openness to her eyes, an invitation to converse freely with her.

Qiao Hui dipped his head the proper amount as he received the tea. "Is that an Erhu in that satchel? If so, I would enjoy some music."

Xiao bowed a short, polite bow to acknowledge the request and withdrew the instrument, setting it upon her lap as she sat across from the man.
The bow began to move fluidly across the two strings at the bottom of the instrument, a traditional ballad of the Wang Kuo province filling the room with its sad, sweet melody. 
Xiao's body swayed with each note played, this erhu her partner in an intimate dance. She wanted to close her eyes and get lost in the music.

No, Xiao, keep your eyes on the client. The way they trained you to.

Qiao Hui drank his tea, watching her - his eyes revealing his enthralled state.  She was doing well, this was her fifth client and she hadn't made any mistakes. She would entertain him far into the evening, and he would ask for music again. They always did. The magic of the erhu guaranteed that. It also made them say things they shouldn't.

Like secrets.

Secrets they wanted.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2021, 03:19:56 PM by EpicGolem »


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Re: The making of Xiao Zen (Xi's Story)
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2021, 03:03:59 PM »

Things had gone wrong - terribly, utterly wrong.
The Wu Jen always checked them for wards that would defeat the magic of the erhu. When she invoked the instrument, the magic simply washed over him like he was made of stone.
Dai Hui must have slipped something on that she didn't notice. She noticed it now; a copper band around his right wrist that wasn't there before.

She might die tonight. She had been compromised.

Breathe, Xiao, master Cho taught you how to deal with this. She pushed the panic down into a small bottle and moved it to a shelf in her mind.
"Who are you?" The man queried, his face passive but his eyes cold with accusation.

"A simple Geisha." She replied like a meek, harmless dove.

"You're a liar." Came the reply, and the sound of steel sliding out of a sheath spoke of death coming.

In truth, she didn't know who she was. Some sort of spy? Her training as a diplomat took a strange, dark turn when she was taken in by master Cho. Nothing seemed to make any sense anymore. Her heart told her something was very wrong at the core of what she was made to do. She was lost. She wanted out of whatever this was.

Remember your training, girl!She could hear Cho's voice - that cold rasping voice - break into her thoughts like a lightning strike.

Hui's Dao came high, slicing at her neck...

Hui was right, she was no simple Geisha.

She slipped underneath the strike and rolled past him coming up on her feet running for the window.

A grunt of surprise behind her was enough to know that she had gained the precious time she needed. Her voice rang high with the notes required to invoke the ehru's second magic as she continued to close the distance to the window.

A roar of flame.
A man screaming. 
Darkness and Smoke.

Keep moving girl, we will always find you.


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Re: The making of Xiao Zen (Xi's Story)
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2021, 12:05:54 PM »

She fell, exhausted, and lay on the ground for a long while before she stirred and sat herself up. It was peaceful here. The long grasses swished in the warm evening breeze. Not far away, a bird sang to its lover.

The magic of the lotus pendant had faded, but that hardly mattered; she was out of reach. She was proud of herself; She had done something unexpected. Something brave.

She felt peace wrapping around her like a soft blanket at bedtime. 
Everything came to an end at some point; it was a reality she accepted for herself now. She would finally be out of Cho's reach forever. She wouldn't help them anymore.

She set the eight little figurines methodically on the ground in front of her. She had carved each one to represent a family member.

She turned to the first figurine, "Mama, you're such a beautiful woman. You always believed in me."

The next, a stoic warrior, "Baba, you taught me to honor and respect. You are a great man."

She swallowed hard and turned her eyes to the next figurine. "Jen Shu, I always wanted to be like you. You are so strong."

Unlike the other seven, the next figurine was not human but a bird. She turned to the raven, "Wen Li, you always made me feel safe. I miss you the most now. Why-"

She choked back a sob. Her vision was obscured with something now. What was this wetness coming from her eyes? This was not allowed. She could hear Cho's cold rebuke coming in her head but she cut it off with her own, "No! I am free from you!"
The bird who was singing took flight and all was silent except the wind and the grasses.

She turned to the next smaller figures, softly, tenderly,  "Little ones, I remember our sweet times together. The games I taught you, all the laughing and joy we shared. I hold this in my heart now"

She breathed deeply and let her eyes close. Joy and sadness were mixed on her face as she slid the dagger out of its sheath with a steady hand.

I can be brave one more time.

Her wrist holding the dagger was gripped in a firm but gentle grip as a familiar voice spoke to her, "I found you little bird. Let go."

She dropped the dagger and collapsed into the arms of the shadowy figure who now knelt beside her.

The barest of whispers escaped her quivering lips, "Wen Li..."


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Re: The making of Xiao Zen (Xi's Story)
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2021, 04:17:08 PM »

"You have her escort prepared?" The general calmly queried his son.

Wen Li answered, "Yes, Father. Six of my men and Jen Shu will escort Xiao by the river to the Forbidden City."

"Excellent, Wen Li."
Fan turned to watch Xiao entertaining her younger siblings from the balcony where they now stood. Singing and laughter had returned to the Zhen family again after two years. Two years of sorrow, then torment, not knowing what had happened to his daughter. But his eldest children would not rest until they found their sister. He was proud of them. They brought great honor to the Zhen family.

His eyes scanned the courtyard. Even the servants walked with a lighter step now that the Little Bird had returned. Jen Shu sat close by, watching her younger sister entertain them all with a ridiculous song about monkeys accompanied by an absurd dance. The younger ones all burst out with laughter. He moved his gaze to Jen Shu - she hadn't left her sister's side since she returned. Since that night, the woman hovered over her sister like a mother bear. He never saw the two of them apart now.

Bittersweet emotion filled his heart when he thought about that night. Jen Shu had cared for Xiao late into the morning, refusing entry to anyone. She presented Xiao, hours later and both women looked peaceful and refreshed. But Jen Shu's eyes were filled with something, that despite her forced smile, was impossible to hide.

It was what he felt now.

Unquenchable anger.

He turned to Wen Li, looking him in the eyes, "I have already discussed matters with the Ministry. She will provide information and be cleared of all wrongdoing. When you return, we will remove this cancer called The Black Lotus from Shou Lung." The words came as sure as the sun rose in the morning.

Wen Li replied without hesitation, "Yes, father."
The young man turned and left the balcony.

His eyes looked like his father's.