Author Topic: The Archondum Fair  (Read 555 times)


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The Archondum Fair
« on: May 01, 2021, 09:02:52 PM »

Now all you know the Dwarves and their feasts among storied halls - hearths warm with parties that rise till 'ere come the morning light... Well, it tiss with great pleasure the Archondum with the blessing of King Moloch invites you, come the 'morrow, to join us in feast an song, story an drink, and games an trading to long speak through many a lifetime.

The fair is to be held within Dvergeheims center among the pillared halls of our kin. The time struck will be tomorrow, we await your coming.

On behalf of the High Archon and the Council of Archons therein we welcome you!

// May the 2nd, starting at 4 PM EST