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Author Topic: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update  (Read 2959 times)


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About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« on: April 01, 2021, 02:58:44 AM »
Hi all,

Further to this thread I've been developing a solution to the inflation problem. As it happened I was looking at introducing more economic realism into the module anyway.

Here's a list of the changes:

1) Platinum Coins and Gold Weight
Gold will have weight as close as possible to real-life. To compensate, the bank will buy/sell Platinum Coins at a value of 10gp.

2) Fractional Pricing
The pricing of vendors and gold sink convos (the ferry, vistani, rentals etc) will change.
Basically, the prices for goods and services in a domain will be influenced by how much gold is banked in that domain. More gold in the bank = higher prices for food, rent, a ferry ride etc.
To facilitate this, Hazlan will finally be getting a bank. At this time Sithicus, Blaustein and The Mists (including the vistani) will just use an average of the other three banks.

What this means, as an example, a quick back-of-an-envelope calculation tells me that the current Vistani ride of 200gp would go up to around 5600gp under this new system where prices are fractions of the total gold stored.

The payouts for deliveries and bounties will not be affected.

3) New Gold Sinks
There will also be a number of new gold sinks. #1 is Pets. It will be possible to buy a range of pet animals in different places across the Core, and control them / speak through them like henchmen. They won't be immortal though, and they're not suitable for combat.

Any feedback is welcome,


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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2021, 03:10:55 AM »

i want a slime ball pet
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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2021, 03:20:47 AM »
Been looking for, like, a lizard mount for my drow


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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2021, 03:22:18 AM »
If we can get pet animals, does that mean I can finally have a human on a leash?


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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2021, 03:26:30 AM »
Sounds good. With Nature's Avatar, I am sure I can make pokemon battles happen with my pet.

Hazlan will finally be getting a bank

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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2021, 03:32:01 AM »
I like that all of the thugs in port are worth 3100 now. This is the boost that the Gendarmes needed.
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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2021, 03:32:57 AM »
I like that all of the thugs in port are worth 3100 now. This is the boost that the Gendarmes needed.

Tell that to my wallet. Someone has to pay for it :,(
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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2021, 03:36:09 AM »
Hi hello.

Will there be an automatic tax sent by forum message (mail) to each merchant asking for receipts so that they may pay their fair share of sales tax per domain?

Or will this just be removed from current bank accounts per domain?
Discord: Favee#4934


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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2021, 03:41:51 AM »
I like that all of the thugs in port are worth 3100 now. This is the boost that the Gendarmes needed.

Tell that to my wallet. Someone has to pay for it :,(
Ok. What I'll do is suggest that there is a Gendarmerie dungeon and you can go kill your superiors and turn them in with the Caliban Gangleaders for cash.
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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2021, 03:42:22 AM »
Is the calculation of stored gold including multimillionaires that are long dead and forgotten?

I like the idea, but hopefully it only counts the still active and not closured.


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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2021, 03:57:03 AM »
Been looking for, like, a lizard mount for my drow

Mounts aren't something I'm looking at at the moment. Despite improvements Beamdog has made to rendering and the pop-in issues associated with mounts, the mounted phenotype still won't support most of our custom content clothing and there's a lot of clipping issues.

Lizard will be one of the pets on offer though.

If we can get pet animals, does that mean I can finally have a human on a leash?

Yes. I'll be expanding the Har'akir slave market to accomodate this. There will be limited customisation options for your slave too, like name and description.

Hi hello.

Will there be an automatic tax sent by forum message (mail) to each merchant asking for receipts so that they may pay their fair share of sales tax per domain?

Or will this just be removed from current bank accounts per domain?

In order to track and enforce sales tax, there will be a new AMPC template: Ghoul (Tax Collector).

Is the calculation of stored gold including multimillionaires that are long dead and forgotten?

I like the idea, but hopefully it only counts the still active and not closured.

The total banked gold will be taken from a rolling 12-month average of transactions. There's no real way to track in real-time, at scale, which characters are 'active' or 'closured' at any particular moment, so this is the best solution.


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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2021, 04:14:09 AM »
What this means, as an example, a quick back-of-an-envelope calculation tells me that the current Vistani ride of 200gp would go up to around 5600gp under this new system where prices are fractions of the total gold stored.

So this would make it so moveing back and forth from mist camp a much bigger deal right?

actually a little on board for this, as it would make people stick around place that are not mistcamp more and maybe lead to more mist walking to avoid the costs

Edit- Just seen the date XD, but still would be on bored for pets and more mist walking :p
« Last Edit: April 01, 2021, 04:28:04 AM by mccarthy00 »


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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2021, 04:17:40 AM »
Look at the calander guys.


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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2021, 04:23:24 AM »
What this means, as an example, a quick back-of-an-envelope calculation tells me that the current Vistani ride of 200gp would go up to around 5600gp under this new system where prices are fractions of the total gold stored.

So this would make it so moveing back and forth from mist camp a much bigger deal right?

actually a little on board for this, as it would make people stick around place that are not mistcamp more and maybe lead to more mist walking to avoid the costs

I know it's April Fools (even without Heresy jumping in to point it out! :P), but I actually agree with that sentiment. Bumping caravan prices up a notch or two would really add significance to moving between domains, make it feel like a bigger accomplishment. (... I may be biased by the fact that several of my PCs have been abandoned in Vallaki by most of their friends and acquaintances. :oops:)

... That being said, this would need to be adjusted on a per-domain basis. I can't imagine a lot of people going to places like Blaustein or Ghastria for a few thousand gold... :|
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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2021, 04:49:11 AM »
I had to re-read the initial post three or four times. Honestly, give Hazlan a bank. The rest of it? I only realized after being wildly confused that it was April Fool's.


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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2021, 04:57:13 AM »
Been looking for, like, a lizard mount for my drow

Mounts aren't something I'm looking at at the moment. Despite improvements Beamdog has made to rendering and the pop-in issues associated with mounts, the mounted phenotype still won't support most of our custom content clothing and there's a lot of clipping issues.

Lizard will be one of the pets on offer though.

Jokes aside, if the custom content clothing did become supported, would mounts in PoTM be a more reasonable addition?  Or are the hurdles such as the entire world being designed without them in mind, and the subsequent pop-in issues be enough to stop that dream from happening?
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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2021, 05:01:27 AM »
wasn't until the end that I realized it was a joke. throughout the entire post, i was like  :shock:


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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2021, 05:26:11 AM »
I had to re-read the initial post three or four times. Honestly, give Hazlan a bank. The rest of it? I only realized after being wildly confused that it was April Fool's.

A bank in Hazlan is the least believable part of all 8)

Jokes aside, if the custom content clothing did become supported, would mounts in PoTM be a more reasonable addition?  Or are the hurdles such as the entire world being designed without them in mind, and the subsequent pop-in issues be enough to stop that dream from happening?

It falls at the first hurdle 'if the custom content clothing became supported'. That would need someone to make new meshes for every clothing slot, for both genders of every race, that doesn't currently have a mounted pheno (which is most of them). That's hundreds of new meshes.

Even if someone did want to undertake that thankless task, I'm sure there's a way to implement mounted travel, but it wouldn't be very good.
I do think post-EE improvements have ironed out a lot of the jank with mounts, and if you were a really determined module designer you could build one today that makes good use of them I'm sure, but back-engineering them into an already existing module would be both a pain, and not worth it.


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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2021, 06:26:21 AM »
Arelith manages to make some use of mounts, but the truth of the matter is, they're an RP tool more than a useful tool mechanically. It'd be cool to be on a horse, but your selection of attire and the practicality of them is limited. We could in theory add stables to rent mounts in every area, but if we bar them from entering certain interior spaces, you're just hopping on a horse to run around a patch of dirt them dropping them outside the areas you want to go to.

I could see a fad of Nobility riding them around in Port, however to where is uncertain. I could see people using them in Barovia and Hazlan and riding them over long distances, as it would likely be relevant to a riding skill, which would only at max level cap out to the speed Haste provides -- So you'll see people sticking to Expeditious Retreat and Haste potions, at best. Without riding skill, your AB, AC, etc is lowered, and you have a chance of being thrown from the Horses.

So tl;dr, I don't see it really effecting the module negatively, I just think it's a timesink for dev time that they aren't really interested in investing time in at this juncture. It would be a gimmick, at worst and a niche RP tool at best.


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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2021, 07:36:53 AM »
Not going to lie, you got me Cosmic!

At the moment I read the bank in Hazlan, I was so excited I warned all my Red buddies. I haven't even read the rest of the post.

Now I feel even more depressed :(

Make Hazlan Great Once!


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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2021, 08:03:58 AM »
Why u gotta do us dirty like that, I trusted you cosmic...


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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2021, 08:09:55 AM »
is this for real? how the hell is my level 2 going to get to port’s fashion week when the caravan costs 5000 gold?

i’m going to have to transfer it to him from my ninja looter, and i’m not happy about it

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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2021, 08:11:42 AM »
Hi all,

. . . 

Any feedback is welcome,

This mostly sounds awful... at least let us buy loot boxes with small chances to get these pets with real cash?
And give them some chances at rare items too? Currently the server has 0 support for people who are corpse hidden to find rare items, it's a massive balance issue.
At least with microtransaction boxes I can feel like I'm developing my hoard while I'm corpse hidden, which honestly would massively improve the experience of being corpse hidden, and from recent experience I can confirm it could use improvement (I've been dead so long the flowers in my forum avatar are wilting >-<)

Hi hello.

Will there be an automatic tax sent by forum message (mail) to each merchant asking for receipts so that they may pay their fair share of sales tax per domain?

Or will this just be removed from current bank accounts per domain?

Also wait... no one else has been paying their taxes to that one halfing in the top hat...?


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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #23 on: April 01, 2021, 08:15:45 AM »
Sounds good. With Nature's Avatar, I am sure I can make pokemon battles happen with my pet.

Well guess rangers got a massive power up here! MOAR PETS MOAR PET BATTLES. Let's make rooster fights a thing! Betting is a great gold sink!
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Re: About the new Prisoners of the Mist Economic Update
« Reply #24 on: April 01, 2021, 08:35:47 AM »
is this for real? how the hell is my level 2 going to get to port’s fashion week when the caravan costs 5000 gold?

i’m going to have to transfer it to him from my ninja looter, and i’m not happy about it

Visit and meet me ingame. I will take care of the transaction.
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