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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #625 on: November 21, 2015, 04:37:36 PM »
A reminder to all. This thread is to post suggestions only. If you want to discuss those proposals you are welcome to do it in the appropriate thread there:

Thank you.
Best Regards!

Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #626 on: November 23, 2015, 02:36:41 PM »
Name: Glitterdust
Type: Consumable
Description: This appears to be a simple bag of silver and gold powder. When thrown, it expands into a cloud, coating everything caught within.
Effect: Reveals hidden and invisible creatures/beings.

Thinking along these lines:

Name: Glitterdust
Type: Single Use
Area of Effect: Medium
Duration: Instant/ 1 turn
Description: This appears to be a simple bag of silver and gold powder. When thrown, it expands into a cloud, coating everything caught within.
Effects: Player uses Glitterdust on target location. Creatures caught in the area of effect must make a reflex save/ tumble check or be "marked". Marked creatures will suffer a 10 point penalty to their hide score for one turn. Gust of Wind will negate these effects. Creatures can only be marked once, i.e Glitterdust debuff will not stack.
Appearance: Dust of Appearance
Value: 200-400

Name: Loose Gravel
Type: Single Use
Area of Effect: Medium
Duration: 1 hour
Description: A little bit of loose stone and gravel...careful where you throw it, eh?
Effects: Player uses Loose Gravel on target location. Using Loose Gravel damages all creatures in a target area for 1 damage. Using Loose Gravel also creates an area of effect lasting for one hour where in, creatures that pass though or are standing in the aoe must make a reflex save/ tumble check for every round they are inside. Those failing the save/check will suffer a 5 point penalty to move silently for 1 round. Creatures can only suffer once instance of the move silently penalty per round. Gust of Wind will remove the aoe.
Appearance: Caltrops
Value: 25-50
« Last Edit: November 23, 2015, 05:46:19 PM by LeviShultz »

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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #627 on: November 28, 2015, 03:04:55 PM »
Was thinking for some of the new spells, stuff like the following -

Name:  Wardstone.
Type:  Consumable.
Description:  This small clay tablet, a few inches across, glitters with a faint purple gleam when held in direct light.  A carven rune laid with amethyst powder covers one side of it.  When it is thrown firmly at a surface, it shatters, and the area covered is then warded against intrusion, alerting anyone nearby by means of a flaring light and a dull chime.  Limited in how long it lasts but very useful for those not wanting to be overheard, or to otherwise keep things a secret.
Effect - Casts Alarm, as per the spell, as a 5th level caster.

EDIT-  Whoops, had another one.

Name:  Feydust
Type:  Consumable
Description:  This glittering dust, apparently shed and collected from minor fey, is kept in a tightly sealed container.  If it is thrown into the air, it turns into motes of harmless fire - dancing in the air with strange colours and lights, and sticking to whatever it touches until the effect wears off.
Effect - Casts Faerie Fire, as per the spell, as a 5th level caster.

5/30/16 - Added both of these, although caster level is 2, not 5. - DM Blue
« Last Edit: May 30, 2016, 09:11:30 PM by Bluebomber4evr »


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #628 on: December 13, 2015, 12:39:17 AM »
Item Name: Tiger Claws

Item Type: Bagh-Nakh, Straight

Appearence: Top - 1 (8 ), Middle - 1 (4), Bottom - 1 (1)

Description: Styled to resemble the paw of a tiger, these small curved blades were used by a reclusive order of monks. So devout was their passion for the symbol of their order that they chose to arm them selves with a set of claws of their own. While small and a unfavorable weapon, the razor like blades cut much easier into the flesh. leaving behind burned claw marks in their wake.

Never the sort to attack head on, the order of the tiger would wait in the trees or among the foliage of their surrounding. Watching their foe, till a opportune moment would present its self for a easy kill. When they did choose to strike, like the mighty tiger it was swift and certain death for any who crossed them. The dead left where they had fallen, bloody claw marks being the only signature needed for others to know who had done such.

Because of the weapons over all size and design it makes it a poor choice for a head on attack. Leaving its user vulnerable to blunt weapons as well as trying to resist attacks from their foes. Their small size makes them a favorable option for those who wish to attack from behind in a flurry of blows.

Statistics: +1 Attack Bonus, Damage Bonus: Fire [1d4], Damage Vulnerability: Bludgeoning [5%], Decreased Skill Modifier: Discipline [-5], Decreased Skill Modifier: Parry [-5], Massive Criticals [1d6]

Cost: 488

Item Name: Gavel of Divine Justice

Item Type: Surgical Tools (iwsahu_013)

Description: The origins of these hammers are rather unclear. What is clear is the small rather unassuming tool carries the weight of all that is good and pure. Making it impossible for those of evil or malicious intent to use them. While small and simple, the gavel deals significant harm to undead. The gavel has passed through many hands, though often seeming to reveal or find its way into the hands of those who hunt the undead. The unassuming small hammer is simple and easily mistaken for a tool any trades man might carry, only the face shows any thing of note. Each gavel seems to of had some symbol carved deep into the metal.

Such power does not come without its own dangers. Holding such a item of pure goodness makes its beholder far more susceptible to the weakening effects of negative energies.

Statistics: Damage Bonus: Divine [1d6], Damage Bonus vs Racial Type: Undead [1d6], Damage Vulnerability: Negative Energy [50%], Massive Criticals [1d6], Use Limitation: Alignment Group: Good

Cost: 5998

I went a little "big" with the item properties since you cant focus or become specialized with them.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 03:32:49 AM by Miuo »


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #629 on: December 14, 2015, 03:43:46 AM »
Item Name: Pixie Wand

Item Type: Torch/Flags/HolySymbols (iit_torch_007)

Description: The wand radiates with a near almost blinding purple orb of light, revealing hidden secrets and secret passages as the enchanted light falls across them. Though in turn making it very difficult to not be noticed when the wand is held in hand. The shaft of the wand is made from white oak, while each end is tipped with a gold finishing. The top of the wand bares a array of symbols carved into the gold, which seem to bind the hovering purple orb to the wand shaft. It isn't exactly known where these wands came from, or who happened to make them. While useful in the revealing of hidden things, the wand is a favorite for illusionists due to the fact if you move the wand quickly enough it leaves a trail of fading light in its wake. Making it possible to write out short words or draw simple images in the air.

Statistics: Hide [-5], Search [+5], Light: 10m [Purple]

Cost: 750

Item Name: Blade of the Damned

Item Type: Dagger

Appearence: Top - 16 (3), Middle - 16 (1), Bottom - 16 (4)

Description: These vile objects are made and handled only by the darkest of souls, or those with the lack of such. Made from the bones of children who perished in unjust circumstances, the bones are worked and sharpened till they are able to cut flesh from bone with ease. The leather that makes up the grip of the handle is dyed red with the blood of those who loose their life to such blades. Seeming to absorb it and let it then flow into the blades master to ebb any wounds they may of encountered. So vile is the nature of the blades, that their user becomes dangerously susceptible to the divine wraith of those they may cross.

Statistics: Damage Bonus: Negative Energy [1d6], Damage Vulnerability: Divine [100%], Regeneration: Vampiric [+1], Use Limitation: Alignment [Evil], Material: Bone

Cost: 6654


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #630 on: January 02, 2016, 07:30:19 PM »
Item Name: Musketeer's Gloves

Item Type: Gauntlet

Description: It is rumored these gloves were commissioned by a certain mercenary company in order to train their fresh-faced recruits in the ways of modern military tactics. Magically enchanted to soften ones grip and give a smooth pull of the trigger, these gloves enable even the stiffest of sell swords to become skilled marksmen.Testing on the fields of battle, however, has yielded mixed results. Soldiers report that when forced to engage in melee combat they find themselves easily disarmed and on the wrong end of a saber.

Statistics:  Bonus Feat: Weapon Proficiency (exotic)
                      Attack and Damage Penalty -5
                      Decreased Skill Modifier: Discipline -5

Appearance: iit_glove_001

Notes: The idea behind these gloves is to make muskets and pistols more accessible while discouraging their use in melee combat. Though i'm not exactly sure how our flintlock system works, I believe "shooting" is effectively a range touch attack and uses BAB, thus should be unaffected by the attack and damage penalties. If someone wanted to use them melee, however, they'd incur suffer some rather harsh draw backs. I know this thread is more for loot items, but this might be good piece of equipment for a vendor to sell. Perhaps Huges in the Marchand or Nori in the Ouvrier.

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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #631 on: January 30, 2016, 07:14:42 PM »
Item Name: Silenced Service Pistol

Item Type: Pistol

Description: Commissioned by elements unknown, these "silenced" pistols were originally designed to magically muffle the sound of their loud retort. Only a few batches of prototypes were ever sold after it became known that the pistol actually silenced its wielder rather than the gunshot its self. These firearms still show up at crime scenes from time to time, hastily discarded after their purpose accomplished. A few are even rumored to have disappeared from the Gendarmerie's evidence locker...

Statistics: Move Silently +5
                  Arcane Spell Failure 10% 

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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #632 on: February 15, 2016, 12:54:58 AM »
Item Name: Sloth's Nail

Item Type:Longsword

Description: The Sloth's Nail, a name fitting for this blade as it is rumored that this bone sword is carved from the claws of giant sloth-like monsters.  From what world it is from, is unknown, but there is no denying that when struck, or wielding, this blade, one feels sluggish and slow to react.  As if the soul of the sloth resisdes in the blade itself...

Statistics: -3 to attack, - 5 to parry, on hit: Slow [DC 18, 25%, 3 Rounds]

Idea behind it: Plenty of elemental/damage longswords out there, but none (that I've seen) that has a status effect. Item cost is 4384 in the toolset.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2016, 02:04:46 AM by zodiacspear »
Zodiacspear (aka Timgood)
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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #633 on: February 15, 2016, 03:55:04 AM »
I understand that weapon needs some significant downside to justify the effect, however I would encourage you to look at changing them up. As it is, I don't see much of a reason for people to use it. There's lots of weapons out there already that have neat effects but never get utilized because the downsides are just too detrimental to be useable, there wouldn't be much reason to add yet another to the mod, just in my opinion.

I think you should go back in to the toolset and toy around with it, figure out a good balance of negatives that will still penalize the wielder without making it something no one will want to use. -3 to AB is pretty hefty, add on top of that the -5 to parry, which is essentially -1 to AC assuming they aren't using a shield. There are plenty of ways to penalize someone, trying something like reduced saving throws in addition to reduced skill points and only marginally reduced AB would make it a much more viable weapon while still hurting the user in a noticeable way.
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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #634 on: February 18, 2016, 01:46:40 AM »
Hmm, that is a good point.  Perhaps instead -1 to attack (or 2 considering the weapon is made of bone, but then again, it has a minor enchant to it), -2 to reflex saves, and -3 to parry would be a better solution?
Zodiacspear (aka Timgood)
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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #635 on: March 12, 2016, 07:28:25 AM »
Item Name: Helm Of The Magister

Item Type: Helm_115

Description: These mirror masks have been crafted to hold a vague basic male face. Only the front of the mask has been left untouched, while the rest seems to of been carefully etched with runes and glyphs of a magical nature. The largest design is that of a ornamental etching that looks ornamental with its blue metallic coloring. The highly polished nature of the mask, and with the design make it almost look theatrical in nature. And unless in the right hands seems to possess nothing worth note, other then the full encompassing design seems to limit sight as well as hearing in a very noticeable manner.

The helm may appear innocent and simple enough in appearance to not draw much attention. However most are not aware of the fact that such helms were created to conceal the identity of those who wished to teach magic of a more foul nature to eager young pupils without risking their identity in doing so. However such practices rarely remain unnoticed for long, and it is only a mater of time before the one who is teaching such is rooted out. Allowing such helms to eventually find them selves into circulation and in the hands of another who may just follow along in the long upheld history of such helms.

Statistics: Bonus Spell Slots: 1, 2, 3, 4, Decreased Skill Modifier -5 Listen, -5 Spot

Cost: 7675

Item Name: Thief's Hand

Item Type: iit_glove_154

Description: These gloves are not the most fashionable, other then being dark and sleek in design. Their purpose comes from functionality, the gloves boast a small metallic like exoskeleton that allows for various small tools to be locked into place and stored when not in use.Each tool resembles a thimble with something attached to the end, such as various key styles, hooked blades for easily severing purse strings while weaving about a crowed. None are quite sure who made these or where they might of come from given the nature of thieves across almost all lands and cultures have many similarities in common. The fact the gloves possess such small utilitarian tools allows their owner to add to their array of tools or to modify them for their own individual needs. Making these gloves quite desired.

Statistics: Open Lock +3, Pick Pocket +3

Cost: 2251

Item Name: Ring Of The Departed

Item Type: iit_ring_093

Description: This simple looking ring does not appear particularly extravagant or worth all that much. Given that it appears to be simple rolled brass and a small olive green stone. For those who are skilled in the discerning of gems, the small stone appears to be peridot. A stone known to bring the wearer good luck, peace, and success, health, protection, and sleep. The advantages of peridot are to attract love and calm anger while also soothing nerves and dispelling negative emotions. Or so many believe, though this ring does seem to aid in healing ones own pains as well as those in others.

The ring has a way of helping to anchor one to the realm of the living, helping to defend the wearer against those who use dark means to rip life away from others.

Statistics: Material: Brass, Gem, Saving Throw Bonus: Death +3, Skill Bonus: Heal +2

Cost: 2346


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #636 on: May 22, 2016, 03:42:49 AM »
Item Name: Palantir of the Paranoid Paladin

Item type: Fashion Accessory

Description: "With a swing of his mighty sword, the champion of Helm cleaved the last of his skeletal foes in twain. A roar of triumphant victory bellows through the dim, torch lit cave. Battered and bruised- shocked and singed- the weary Helmite had slain every enemy and tripped every trap, but at long last the object of his perilous quest lay before him. As he withdrew a crowbar from his rucksack and lumbered over to the chest in the back, he suddenly noticed something amiss. Faint footprints surrounded the chest and lead back to the caves entrance. The was "Unlocked!?" he exclaimed. The paladin quickly swung open chest lid, the shimmer of oil on the containers hinges glistening. Bare and empty... Again... All that remained was a familiar calling card, a simple house-hold key, taunting him. The Helmite let loose a cry of frustration vowing one day to catch the thief that steals while he slays."

No one knows the true origin of these crystal orbs, but the story surrounding their creation persists somehow. Those who peer through the carefully tooled crystal find their vision magically magnified. Further, the orbs powers can be called upon to reveal hidden dangers, mechanical and otherwise. With each use, however, one can notice a small crack growing larger and larger...

Statistics: +4 Spot
               Insight (3) 5 charges per use
               50 charges

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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #637 on: August 28, 2016, 12:52:24 AM »
So with the update of Identify item spell on how it has to now be cast on the item... can we possibly update the potions of lore and give them a renaming? Like. Lense of identification? and have it a magnifying glass as well as just give it two or three charges?

this would allow the potions to be removed and the magnifying glass can be more fitting for such.

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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #638 on: August 28, 2016, 03:17:00 AM »
Went and had a look at the 3.5 Arms and Equipment Guide, Book of Vile Darkness and Book of Exalted Deeds to find some suggestions.  Going to propose a few here, but for the most part toned down to be more in line with the server.

Item Name - Choker of Eloquence.

Description - Coveted by bards, singers and public speakers, this beautiful piece of jewellry is carved from ivory and jade.  With exquisite symbols of musical influence upon it, it creates a tasteful and striking appearance - and as well as drawing the eye, it also assists the wearer to make their voice sound smoother and more compelling.

Statistics - Materials - Ivory and Jade.  Amulet, with +3 to perform and influence.

Item Name - Testing Chalice.

Description - Made from a strong, clear glass, this otherwise innocent looking chalice immediately detects the properties of whatever liquid is poured into it.  Should the liquid be safe, it will remain unchanged.  But should the liquid be poisoned, it will turn a brilliant and dangerous looking shade of green, warning the drinker from imbibing such a thing.  Eventually the chalice will crack after so many uses, as glass is unsuitable for sustaining such enchantments - but nevertheless, these subtle items are popular in places where poison and intrigue are common.

Statistics - 2x1 Item, Able to cast Detect Poison, 10 charges.

Item - Blessed Woad of the Wayward.

This blue woad paint, found in a simple clay jar, is innocent enough save for the glittering traces of precious stones, ground into powder and sprinkled through it.  The smell of it is pungent and somewhat offensive, but should one be brave enough to daub it upon their face and incant the words written upon the lid of the jar -
"Efallai y bydd y goedwig yn gwylio dros mi" then the blessing of the woad will, for a short while, take effect.

Statistics - 1x1 Item, Single Use, Greater Mage Armour, Caster level 8.

Item - Orb of Warding.

This small white pearl glows faintly, and its sheen has a distinctly blue cast to it.  It is also somewhat more fragile than a normal pearl, and seemingly hollow - should one crush it in their hand, the pearl immediately turns to powder and the shimmering dust surrounds the bearer in an instant, providing a magical barrier that absorbs lesser magic spells - but is insufficient against stronger magic.

Statistics - 1x1 Item, Single Use, Lesser Spell Mantle, Caster level 9.

Item - Varzaru's Concoction of Alchemical Malignancy.

This odd looking device is made up of a steel reinforced bottle of a clear, thick jelly, and two smaller vials attached - one red, and one blue.  Upon each bottle is exquisitely written and very precise instructions of its use - 'To mayke use of thisse magnyfycent devyce of protecktyve enhancement, pourre the contents of yon vial - BUT ONLY ONNE - into thisse eyre recepptecalle.  Then pourre overre yon heade.'
Doing so will coat the bearer in the liquid, which will spontaneously combust upon contact with air, but creates a strangely protective layer over the individual in so doing.  It functions then as a protective spell against attacks.

Statistics - 2x1 Item, Single Use, Casts Elemental Shield, Caster level 7.

Item - Arrow of Disintegration.

This arrow has an arrowhead carved of a single emerald, and glows with a pulsating, menacing light.  Faint traces of green tinged smoke continually flow from it, and it has a disquieting air about it - something that isn't lessened by the way it burns away whatever it touches.

Statistics - Ammunition, Arrow, Casts Disintegration on hit, Caster level 10.

Item - Havoc Blade.

This greataxe has a twisted haft and blade, and made of three different metals that look only partially blended together.  It appears ungainly and should not be possible to wield with any sort of skill, but yet the weapon causes great, booming clangs upon hitting the target, and can stun the target with the sheer boom of sound that it unleashes.

Statistics - Material - Brass, Steel, Silver.  Properties - +1 AB, +1D4 massive criticals, Cast:  Deafening Clang, Caster level 4, 10 charges.  -3 listen, -3 parry.

Item - Doomsever.

This massive black greataxe seems almost too heavy to bear, and its hooked blades and enormous haft are heavy with the weight of the malice of the one that once bore it.  Apparently one of several, Doomsever was the name given to the axe of a particularly vicious and ruthless dragonblooded individual who once stalked the Core.  Nothing remains of them now, save for these axes - and the initial 'A' carved into the black adamantine haft.  Holding it, one gets a sense of the heat and rage that once powered it - and the greed and desire that was its downfall.

Material - Adamantine.  Properties - +1 AB, +1D6 Fire damage, -2 Will Saves, +20% weight.

Item - Moonshine.

These jars are irregularly shaped and found all over the core here and there, almost like they fell out of someone's pocket.  The liquid within varies, sometimes clear, sometimes faintly brown, sometimes tinged green.  All of them share the same property however - an alcohol so potent that it makes the eyes water and the liver shrivel up in despair.  Despite the variations, the sheer intensity of the stuff is such that you could almost think they were all made by the same person.  But how they didn't go blind on the first sip will remain a mystery.

Statistics - 2x1 Item, Single Use, Poison (self) - 1D6 Intelligence, 1D6 Constitution, 1D6 Dexterity, first and second effects DC 20.

Item - Slime Pot.

A pot of black iron, this disquieting looking pot has a nasty smell about it, and should the lid be opened it becomes so much worse.  Should a piece of flesh or a small dead animal be placed within it, the creature rots within the pot, and creates an unspeakable slimey mess - that when poured upon the ground, obeys the commands of the one who bears the pot.

Statistics - 2x2 Item.  Summon Creature, Medium Green Slime, 10 uses.  Evil Only.

Item - Dark Altar Stone.

Taken from a shattered sacrificial altar, this piece of black granite bears with it the curse of the one to whom it was devoted to.  When such altars are shattered, the pieces might be taken by those still faithful to the wretched entity to whom it was devoted and imbue it with that fell powers vengeance, and use them thus to spread pain, suffering and misery to the world.

Statistics - 2x1 Item.  Single use, Cast Spell - Wrack, Caster level 10.  Evil Only.


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #639 on: August 30, 2016, 01:50:06 PM »
Item name- Vallaki Guard Long Sword

Item - long sword

Description- With recruits and privates of the Vallaki guard now required to provide their own weaponry for service, these original swords made by the legendary quartermaster Ragz Thickshield have become a sought after collectors items.

Stats- the sword carries the exact same stats and appearance as the original.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 02:17:44 PM by Zwickelfaust »
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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #640 on: September 07, 2016, 11:57:36 AM »
Demonskin Cloak

Made by flaying a living demon and tanning the skin, the Demonskin cloak imparts upon the wearer some of the supernatural resistances of demonkind. This however comes at a cost: for dealing with demons, even in this manner, is sure to leave a stain on the wearer's soul...

Damage Resistances: Acid 5/-, Cold 5/-, Eletrical 10/-, Fire 5/-, Slashing 5/-
Damage Vulnerability: Divine 10%
Evil Only

Related discussion post:
« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 12:04:07 PM by aprogressivist »
“Moral wounds have this peculiarity - they may be hidden, but they never close; always painful, always ready to bleed when touched, they remain fresh and open in the heart.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #641 on: September 07, 2016, 12:23:45 PM »

These rare cloaks are rumoured to come from the Shadow Rift; folk wisdom claims that the Dark Fey lure foolhardy adventurers to their doom, then weave their very souls into these wondrous cloaks of dark gossamer. Whatever the truth of these stories, Shadowveil can impart on its wearer the power of the shadows themselves...

Charges: 48
Cast Spell: Displacement (9) (3 Charges/Use)
Evil Only

Related discussion topic:
« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 12:31:53 PM by aprogressivist »
“Moral wounds have this peculiarity - they may be hidden, but they never close; always painful, always ready to bleed when touched, they remain fresh and open in the heart.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting)
« Reply #642 on: September 10, 2016, 07:02:18 AM »
Item Name: Theiophilius' Tinfoil Hat

Item Type: Helmet

Description: Theiophilius was a Darkonese Gnome studying abroad at the prestigious University of Dementlieu. Semester after semester, the academic rigors he faced began to take their toll. His grades dropped, attendance plummeted, he even began to suspect his coeds of using mind affecting magic on him to make him him fail his classes. "They're just jealous of the Il-Aluk alma mater." So what did he do? He enchanted this tinfoil hat! With Theiophilius newly fortified mental faculties he went straight to the dean and told him of his concerns. He was promptly laughed out of his office and down the corridor. No one knows what has happened to Theiophilius since, all that remained of him is his tinfoil hat left in his dorm room. . .
Wearers be warned, though quite effective at repelling mental assaults this hat also makes one seem like a lunatic and hardy worth any consideration.

Properties: Saves vs. Mind Affecting +6
              Decreased Skill Modifier: Influence -5
              Decreased Ability Modifier: Cha -2
              Locked Appearance: Something utterly horrible looking that makes you look like a dunce. #96 suggested 

"A no wisdom ranger is literally unwise."