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Author Topic: 2nd brew cauldron at Megan Llewellyn's (sp?) house (and maybe at Herzog house)  (Read 1025 times)

Green Monster

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Could you please put a 2nd herbalism station at the house north of the Vallaki Noble district, by the lake? Too many times all three places near vallaki that arent in the Drain are in-use. I have limited playtime to get this stuff done, I can't always just wait around waiting for someone to finish. It would also be great to rp with another herbalist while getting the brewing I need to do done, like at the Mist camp.

Could also put a 2nd one in at the Herzog house.
Sadie Halloway (nope, no giant graphic, sorry ;-P )

Ryltar/ Robert Archer

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I agree megan's hut could use a 2nd one, though the herzog house is pretty small so may not fit thematically

Green Monster

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I agree megan's hut could use a 2nd one, though the herzog house is pretty small so may not fit thematically

You know, I've been wondering for a long time why the herbalism cauldrons are big enough to bathe in. There's no reason they should be. They could be resized. Or if resizing is not possible in the toolset then they could be changed to those little cooking cauldrons like the one in the Vistani camp near the outskirts.

I admit that the "Ravenloft Jacuzzi" looks cool, but I think smaller stations that would allow multiple crafters at each location would be good for RP.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 01:22:09 PM by Green Monster »
Sadie Halloway (nope, no giant graphic, sorry ;-P )

Iluvatar / Madness

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There so many herbalist cauldron around Vallaki... two in the sewers, one just outside Vallaki near the docks, one near the Zeklos outpost. There are already a lot of them available whom are all relativaly all near each other.
Iluvatar NCE


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Re-read the original post. :D

Green Monster

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There so many herbalist cauldron around Vallaki... two in the sewers, one just outside Vallaki near the docks, one near the Zeklos outpost. There are already a lot of them available whom are all relativaly all near each other.

HI! Thanks for so carefully reading my original post that specifically mentioned that very often lately ALL of those places are in use! And you forgot the one by the Fisherman's lodge, which is also quite busy.
Sadie Halloway (nope, no giant graphic, sorry ;-P )


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Re-read the original post. :D

The point Iluvatar was making is that it is considered by the Dev team that there is a sufficient amount of cauldrons in the Vallaki area already.
3 of those being relatively new additions precisely to address that point.
That there may be occasional lineups at crafting stations isn't seen as a bad thing. It's just an occasion to do something else.
Best Regards!

Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia

Green Monster

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Re-read the original post. :D

The point Iluvatar was making is that it is considered by the Dev team that there is a sufficient amount of cauldrons in the Vallaki area already.
3 of those being relatively new additions precisely to address that point.
That there may be occasional lineups at crafting stations isn't seen as a bad thing. It's just an occasion to do something else.

The point I'm making as that the dev team's assessment is incorrect. It is clearly not taking into account the recent dramatic increase in people pursuing herbalism. Just yesterday a gnome walked in to the one near the fishing lodge and started using it while i was buying bottles.

Additionally, multiple stations at each of the 3 above-ground locations would provide greater rp opportunities. So my suggestion has multiple positive points and zero negative points.

As to "Doing something else", not everyone has unlimited playtime. I'm off the next few days, but most days I have one and only one in-game evening in which to get all the brewing done and potions stored. Two if I stay up far beyond what is wise for someone who has to work the next day. If I don't brew and store the herbs I gather, my char is too encumbered to do anything at all.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2021, 09:10:13 AM by Green Monster »
Sadie Halloway (nope, no giant graphic, sorry ;-P )


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I, too, think three brewing stations in Vallaki's vicinity are more than enough, not counting the underground ones. The issue is rather people not knowing they exist, aside the most visited one next to the fishing lodge. The vast majority of those I've personally informed about the other two had no idea they're there. Spread the word IC!

Speaking of IC, I'd argue that several people gathering to brew in one cauldron is more of an RP opportunity than if there were multiple ones. Those waiting need to keep busy somehow, after all. Yes, I do agree that it can be time consuming and frustrating at times, I've been there myself more than once. Even so, spamming even more cauldrons in the area (which will probably end up remaining unknown to most people anyway) isn't necessarily the solution either.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2021, 09:57:33 AM by Kiyosa »


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With a little cooperation and RP, cauldrons can also be shared. No reason anyone needs to brew all 5764 potions in one go. :)


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As to "Doing something else", not everyone has unlimited playtime. I'm off the next few days, but most days I have one and only one in-game evening in which to get all the brewing done and potions stored. Two if I stay up far beyond what is wise for someone who has to work the next day. If I don't brew and store the herbs I gather, my char is too encumbered to do anything at all.

I think this hits the nail on the head. For those who have more favourable timezones/availability the problem does not exist, for those with less favourable - it very much does. Also, the server population has rather increased even since the last changes/additions.

So far, I do not see the negative effects of adding an extra cauldron (if such exist) outweigh the benefits of being more accommodating to the more casual, time-restricted players. Herbalism is one of the more relaxing, borderline therapeutic, activities you can do on the server, so I'm all for removing the hurdles to practicing it.
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