Author Topic: I, Magus  (Read 580 times)


  • Undead Slayer
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I, Magus
« on: April 12, 2021, 12:36:37 PM »
These are the collected works of Zala Hahpet, apprentice of the Red Academy, apprentice of Nasir Razthelyk, magus among the Order of Magi

The Divinity of Pharaohs

Before the rule of the pharaoh Ankhtepot and the land of Har’Akir flourished, there reigned other god-kings whose right to lead the Akiri people had been set by the Great Ennead themselves. Their chief responsibility was to maintain ma’at or harmony throughout the land and interpret the will of the divine as the lords of both the living and the dead. The Pharaoh had the ability to decree laws, settle courts, and defend Har’Akir in times of war. He was the keeper of the greatest spells, both in this life and the next. It was a system that was outlined by deities and thus should have lasted for countless generations.

What has changed that has shattered this system and caused the decline of the Akiri homeland? The explanation is surprisingly common, one prevalent throughout every culture’s history- the downfall occurred after a greed too strong. The Pharaoh Ankhtepot sought to extend his mortal life and avoid his responsibilities after death by commanding his most wise to find a way to circumvent his expiration. When they failed him, the Pharaoh then strode into the greatest of Har’Akir’s temples and raged at the gods themselves. For his actions he was cursed by Ra so that any mortal he touched would soon die, an effect that he discovered after accidentally killing his wife. Those murdered in this manner rose from the dead beneath his command and Ankhtepot quickly exploited this. His cruelty grew until those loyal to the Sun God that once served him rose up and slew him, though interred him as a Pharaoh as was still his divine right. It is said that Ankhtepot has risen again and it is his servants that wander the sands, bringing death to those that stray from Muhar’s walls.

If Har’Akir is returned to the favor of the gods and the Pharaohs restored to their thrones, one can logically assume that it will once again thrive.

On the Relationship Between the Phoenix and the Benu

It is widely known that there is much overlap between the collective lands separated by mists known as the Core and the world called Toril, not the least of which are those brought over against their wills. It can be reasoned, then, that many legends of both worlds coincide with one another. One such legend is that of the Phoenix.

Accomplished mages and alchemists alike will recognize the name quickly as a creature that produces much that is heavily valued, but there is far more to the aptly named “firebird” than merely components for powerful spells and potions. It is the belief in Har’Akir that before the sun was as it is now, it rose in the form of a bright and sacred bird known as the benu, the first phoenix in existence. It is said in ancient text that this bird was a manifestation of the god Ra, whose great divine power would explain how the race managed to migrate across the rift itself.

There is speculation surrounding the relation between the Akiri benu and the Torilian-known phoenix as all accounts state that only one benu can be alive at once and all pheonixs originate from the Elemental Plane of Fire. Some might consider these two creatures to be different species entirely, but it is the conclusion of this author that there is too much convergence between the two to discount a potential connection.


  • Undead Slayer
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Re: I, Magus
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2021, 12:40:29 PM »
The Seven Principles of Ma'at

Truth – the ability to understand the difference between the real and the unreal.   In this interpretation, reality is grounded in the belief of the Divine, that which permeates all that exists, that all living creatures are sacred, and all are spiritual beings deserving of respect and honor.

Justice – the state in which there is equity for all persons, for all creatures on which all of these rely for life.  Equity means that all have equal opportunity for basic needs to be met to live in peace, to fully and meaningfully participate and contribute to society, to offer gifts, talents, and or essence, toward the good of the whole.

Harmony - the state of being in which different expressions of the Divine and Life move together in ways that create alignment and beauty. Each expression must be authentic and express fully all that it is created to be. 

Balance - a state in which the internal and external environments of an individual or group are aligned with the Divine, one another, and the rest of creation. It is the experience of existing in the place where opposites meet, the creation point, where new life is generated and new possibilities come into being.

Order - a state of being in which things are arranged in ways that are uncluttered, free of excess, and clear.

Reciprocity - is the force that what comes around, goes around. There is a motion, rhythm of cause and effect, give and take, forward and backward to every aspect of creation.

Propriety - means to be and to do what is right, according to the truth that all living creatures are spiritual beings and deserve to exist.

Such is the code that each person that lives among the civilized parts of Har'Akir adheres to. How this binds or frees an individual remains determined by their will and strength.