Author Topic: Fall 2020 Community Council Elections Have Begun!  (Read 4246 times)


  • Assistant Head DM/Developer
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Fall 2020 Community Council Elections Have Begun!
« on: December 07, 2020, 08:49:12 PM »
The elections for your community council player representatives have now begun. Go through the portal in the OOC Main Hall area to be ported to the voting booth.

Before you vote, we'd like to underline how important it is that you do not just turn into a popularity contest or a way of rewarding friends or even talented roleplayers. Try to be disassociated from personal interests when making your vote, and vote for those you feel may best serve the community. What the Council do is mainly mediating disputes and facilitating communication - it isn't like a governing institution, but a counselling and mediating aide for the community. Only and solely base your votes on criteria that you would deem important for this role - such as empathic ability, sense of justice, open mindedness, and ease of understanding. This is what will determine whether or not the Community Council will be a success.

You will get the option to evaluate your disposition toward each candidate in terms of "skeptical", "indifferent" or "positive". Once the voting is over, the four candidates with the best rating will become councilors. The DM team will then pick one candidate and so will the Development team, making it six player representatives in total. Later you will also be asked to pick someone to represent you among both the DM team and the Development team.

The voting booth will be accessible (at least) until the Monday the 21st of December, whereafter the votes will be tallied.

Below is the list of candidates. The nominees are welcome to introduce themselves at the designated topic here:

Thank you for reading and taking your time to vote - selecting the most fitting members for the CC is the best way to guarantee that there's always fairness and understanding throughout all parts of the community.

1. Alya / Naysayer
Forum account: Alya
Game login(s): Gemstone, Voyager-, Underneath a Sullen Moon, Valiance, Nadir, Veridical, The Elysian, Naysayer
Characters played: Sapphire Nightingale, Mia Czák/Dawnstar, Zeraphiná, Eve Gematria, Del'yth, Luna, Mayari

2. BraveSirRobin
Forum account: BraveSirRobin
Game login(s): BraveSirRobin
Characters played: Kazir Aglastan, Joachim von Schrötter, Dominik Korzha, Alix Sinclair Martineau, and a slew of other characters that were one-offs I never logged into again.

3. BW / Bwpsycho
Forum account: Bwpsycho
Game login(s): Bwpsycho, agntmonkey
Characters played: Rory Highfen, Artyom Vyacheslav.

4. Calad
Forum account: Marionétt
Game login(s): Calad, strahd always knows, Temirah
Characters played: Mara Ionas, Cethril Maires, Misha, Hazal Balid

5. CBT / Pav
Forum account: CBT / Pav
Game login(s): crossbow and bolt torture
Characters played: Federico Viscia

6. Cerynsa / Aweremink
Forum account: Cerynsa
Game login(s): Cerynsa, Aweremink
Characters played: Blake Hall, Saralynn Castle, Faith, Winter

7. emptyanima / Anima
Forum account: emptyanima
Game login(s): emptyanima, Anima, Exegesis, SheWhoSlaysDragons, Immith
Characters played: Constanta Lazarescu (emptyanima), Tristan Durand (Anima), Rosaria Vescovi (Exegesis), Immith (Immith)

8. FiendishDireSloth
Forum account: FiendishDireSloth
Game login(s): Fiendish Dire Sloth, Wicked Horrid Indolence
Characters played: Lucien Winterstar, Dmitry Nimirovic, Jacinth d'Espérance, Silef, Sythaeryn Aluscient, Miklos Szluka, Brashen

9. Foxtale
Forum account: foxtale
Game login(s): foxtale, moonweed, Tasha's Awkward Silence, Antonia Födes
Characters played: Mareike von der Vuchar, Enora, Felise Engels, Anica Petrovic

10. Inkcorvid
Forum account: inkcorvid
Game login(s): inkcorvid
Characters played: Iyraclea Rimewood ("Lyra"), Nim Farboffle, Sofie Reiss, Aidelina Gatteux

11. Iridni Ren
Forum account: Iridni Ren
Game login(s): Iridni Ren and rarely Haered Gwend
Characters played: Iridni Ren, Haered Gwend, Suspiria Ghastor, Enya Malone (AMPC), Dathyra Oristwind (AMPC).

12. JustMonika
Forum account: JustMonika
Game login(s): JustMonika
Characters played: Justmon- Wait, no. Lilith Farthingdale, Esperance Moreau, Rosealinde Goldsword [AMPC/Closured.]

13. Knight of Rhodes
Forum account: Audric Lacroix aka Knight of Rhodes
Game login(s): -
Characters played: Audric Lacroix, Mabra Duin, Adalia Rayne

14. LancerFreya
Forum account: LancerFreya
Game login(s): LancerFreya, BlueMageF, If I Were a Riche Man, The Sun Always Sets, AdobeWanKenobi
Characters played: Florette Patos/Von Khorvhich, Veronika Anne, Ara, Beatrix Haupt, Phillberte Gatteux, Ara, Abigayle Smith, Aurelia Gratiana

15. MacGruber
Forum account: macgruber
Game login(s): MacGruber
Characters played: Andrej Lorovich (a.k.a. Lorick Kross)

16. Matticus Caesar
Forum account: MatticusCaesar
Game login(s): Matticus Caesar
Characters played: Conner Cunningham, Pristi Feld, Yerrith Greenstone, Gryllus Athens, Remo Fenberry, Angel Fenberry, Bjarna Blitzthorn, and a cast of other lesser-knowns as well.

17. Peasant
Forum account: a peasant and his pitchfork
Game login(s): a peasant and his pitchfork, Mihai Albescu, No Chromo, An Albino Nubian, and many other one off’s aside
Characters played: Mihai Albescu, Oliver Towtales, Virgiliu Levkin, Rüle von Bentzinger, Teryn Cynewald and a legion of other alts over the years.

18. Phantasia / Sword
Forum account: Phantasia
Game login(s): RareChandeliers, Magna Phantasia, Amrita
Characters played: Virgil Luceanu, Juste Marceaux, Rosamonde Sivelle, Regis Sharpe, M.J. Harding, Sicart Picavet, Saoirse nic Léighinn

19. PlatointheCave
Forum account: PlatointheCave
Game login(s): X-Com, Enemy Ungnome; Anti-Corporate Activism; Gnome wasn't Built in a Day; BrighGuy
Characters played: Rhea, Katja Vinter, Salvisius Imbrex, Gaius, Cantia Eviis, Radu Lazarescu, Jaspar Espivant

20. Post / Hallvor Hadiya
Forum account: Hallvor Hadiya
Game login(s): DruinsBane
Characters played: Hallvor Hadiya, Losif Louse, Raoul La Berche, Imzel Imala

21. PrimetheGrime
Forum account: PrimetheGrime
Game login(s): PrimetheGrime
Characters played: Alorin Brightroar, Herris Oakwood, Elenuta Dragomir, William Thatcher, Andras Nelkul, Giles Hawkins
Preferred nickname: Prime

22. Revenant
Forum account: Revenant
Game login(s): Bastion, Until It Is Done, Sword Spider. Gnomad Soul, Hallowed Horror, several others for shelved concepts.
Characters played: Stefan Sobolescu, Faustus Vayle, Nathrayne Oussek. Septimus Blacktallow, Katrena Thorn, Xul'rae Tor'atha, and a litany of shelved or finished characters

23. Sardine
Forum account: SardineTheAncestor
Game login(s): SardineTheAncestor
Characters played: Shannon Linwood, Esmeralda Selorn, & Zenobia Brancoveanu

24. Sorrowkitten
Forum account: sorrowkitten
Game login(s):"Papers, Please" and "THIS LADY HAS NO CHILL", previously "sorrowfulsong"
Characters played: Berchette von Wolchenschauffer, Dagny Sřtriksdóttir. Previously Victoria Miststrider.

25. Soulbourne
Forum account: Soulbourne
Game login(s): Soulbourne, Nephthys, Rivoire, Lightsworn, SevenOfThirteen, and NocturnalLuminous
Characters played: Danya Diavola von Khorvich, Danika Abd Hassran, Jadis Kendara, Calixte Rivoire, Andrea Foscari [Deceased], Sven Grassi [Deceased], Katraka Leske, Ludovic, and Arcadia Leventis.

26. UilliamNebel
Forum account: UilliamNebel
Game login(s): UilliamNebel
Characters played: Thadeous Sexton