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Author Topic: Candles in the Dark / Vale Corvinas  (Read 557 times)


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Candles in the Dark / Vale Corvinas
« on: November 30, 2020, 12:55:43 AM »
I have decided to chronicle my journey in this new land. When I woke from my stupor I had found myself in Barovia in the city of Vallaki. I was greeted by spring weather, quite miserable.

This place seems full of all manner of people from different cities, different countries, even different worlds. I was able to find others to get some information from, and non Barovians here are called 'outlanders'.

The food is passable at least. Not as good as I remember in Skald, but it will do for the time being.

Met a rather charming gravekeep , Ophelia, that tends to funeral rites here in the city and performs services. I had mentioned my desire to work on the skill of embalming and was told Port Lucine could have some additional training for me to undertake. With all the varied races here in this place it would seem a fine place to begin researching more into how the physical body works. This interests me far more than being a lumberjack ever did. I mentioned to her at least until the weather improves better for traveling that perhaps  I might be of service.

Apparently, courier and package delivery is a thriving business for newly 'misted' so I rented an ox to deliver some mining equipment upon receiving directions to the warehouse. Beset by damnable wolves that killed my ox I had no choice to flee. Likely will take some time before I am in the good graces of the quartermaster again, although he seems a curmudgeony fool he could prove to be useful in providing coin for the time being.

Thinking about it, perhaps it would be a better use of my abilities to pursue this gravetending. I doubt the pay will be lucrative, but at least it will be doing something meaningful. This land seems beset by a good deal of strange occurrences so it is likely that death will be a constant theme.

When I wander the graves of Vallaki I read the inscriptions and it makes me wonder how many died and the only memory that remains are those chiselled words on the stone? Is that what is to become of those that I meet, share a drink with, experience the fleeting joys of this life with? My heart aches for those who's songs will not be sung, and their stories never shared.

There seems to be quite a few merchants peddling wares in Vallaki in the outskirts near the temple. I wonder how many adventurers have worn those rings, cloaks, and armors. How many lives were snuffed out with those enchanted weapons being sold for coin? It interests me of course to learn more of these stories and the heroes (or villains) that wielded them.

My proficiency with my blades and bow are rudimentary. I will need to find better equipment soon as my current set is lacking in both efficiency and versatility.

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Re: Candles in the Dark / Vale Corvinas
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2020, 01:35:06 AM »
Another day in this land. I wonder even if clear skies exist here and wish I had taken more of an interest in Uncle Rayne's stories of trading in Barovia. Paying attention would have surely taught me a few things about this weather. While I enjoy a good storm, it seems to rain here more often then not. Turnip farming is quite popular here, but to be honest these lands are nowhere near as fertile as my home.

I explored underneath the cathedral in the outskirts. A rescue party to save someone that had fallen right near the entrance turned out delve to the deepest depths of that place. We combated many different types of unliving creatures, including those clad in thick armor and boasting impressive martial skill. My companions by chance seemed capable. I marveled of course at the architecture and construction of the place. In spots it seemed as though we were in a fortress and not a catacombs. Quite a few statues and old script were of interest, and I jotted down what notes I could in a timely manner to keep pace with the others. They gave off the impression of revulsion at all the sights down there, failing to see the beauty in what lies beyond. The undead of course needed to be purged, but I doubt it was their choice to be there bound by fell magics. Strangely enough, the group looted separately, and there was no central leadership or strategy to split the spoils. Madness. I did however finish some studies and gained proficiency with some minor arcane magics. I feel they compliment my existing skills rather well, and look forward to continuing those studies.

I journeyed with another group later still, clearing various caves around the outskirts of the city. They seemed to have a rather chipper demeanor, considering all of them were from different planes. Quite industrious and adaptive, if a bit cavalier. Treasure was being divvied up and we rolled a die for chance for an item. I received this treasure, as if my ancestors guided chance itself. It is a traveling spellbook from a wizard escaping persecution. Studying the tome will take some time, and I hope it will reveal its secrets to me.

Spring time I was told was the time to find herbs, plants, and other oddities used in herbal skills to make potions. Seeing many that were purchasing herbs, I set out and collected several boxes to sell. This seemed much easier than the mining equipment catastrophe that befell me before. With the 'fangs' I had collected I was able to purchase a few pieces of equipment. I will have to see if there is some sort of merchant consortium that can source specifics for me since buying all these things piecemeal and on chance will likely be impossible.

I had gone on a foray into the earth into some manner of beetle pit exploring and met another adventurer that was headed below. We tackled most of it with ease, but my mortal coil was severed in some sort of nesting room beneath into the hot earth. I have no recollection of what happened after, but was told my spirit was roaming around in agony. Curious as I don't remember any of this. When I had been brought back into my physical form standing above me was Ophelia, my beetle pit companion, and a dwarf. The dwarf along with a comrade had brought me to the priest to revive my soul. After I had fully come to my senses I rested and had a good meal to sober the experience. I wonder how many times my own spirit will wander the land, and how man people that spirit will scare away or cause a lack of sleep. Interesting still I don't remember any of it. I will have to try and find texts on the matter, and perhaps my own training will discover more answers on the matter.

Spoke with Ophelia again briefly about assisting with gravetending duties. Hopefully I will be able to be of use for I would enjoy to hear more of these stories of the departed and their deeds. A funeral is planned a week from today so perhaps my skills will be needed in the near future.

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Re: Candles in the Dark / Vale Corvinas
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2020, 07:56:53 PM »
Amidst the running of numerous courier and cargo delivery contracts between Vallaki and Krofburg my mind has become rather numb. Thoughts whirl around about the latest happenings of a necromancers attack, the possibility of joining the Eternal Order, and trying to find my way in these new lands. Even though the survival instinct is pummeling me at every turn, I find myself mentally paralyzed by this stasis of running back and forth. As soon as I find more gainful or profitable employment I intend to stop this madness, if only to preserve my sanity.

I have been working on improving my medical practices, and studying the effects of poison and disease on humanoid forms. Hopefully this offers me insight into the workings of anatomy. I overheard some people chatting about medical experiments in Port-a-Lucine, and it would seem there is a university there. Perhaps I will travel there and learn in the near future.

While in the outskirts, Ophelia and I were attacked by some mage, apparently a necromancer. He cast some foul magics on us, and eluded capture but returned later. Ophelia had placed the corpse of the mage once he was slain in the charnel house for the time being but someone had obviously brought him to life.

Two Garda were placed temporarily into the graveyard until their superiors could come claim the bodies.

After speaking with another member of the Eternal Order, I was offered the position to join them to demonstrate skills and my ability to learn. It would seem they are kindred spirits and at least I feel comfortable talking to them. They made note to me of several opportunities I could undertake in, and some of their training interests me greatly. I feel drawn magnetically to the work, and know this could become my primary passion.

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