Private Alexi and Recruit Bobboc are seen following a pair of thugs into the ladies, a thug by the name of Lucius disrespected the Garda where they stood and was fined in return, threatend with a night in the Citadel Jails for his disrespect. Soon after a small demon is seen in the ladies, causing havoc before it was cut down.
Recruit Bobboc orderd upstairs to seek out the Witch, soon after a brawl between Alexi and Lucius kicked off, interupted by a bald headed, red cloak wearing man using witchcraft, causing mass confusing amongst those pressent, a mass brawl followed, radu affected by the witchery and joining in in the mass brawl.
Several people fell in the brawl, being dragged off to the MorningLord church to be tended to...the witch was said to have fled after causing his havoc.