In the criminal underworld, the Assassin is a deadly tool that strikes with the precision of a scalpel, neatly slicing away a troublesome rival or rabble-rousing, ambitious underling. The classical assassin is silent, highly accomplished killer. He strikes in cold blood, his ethics and morality as easily bought and sold as his loyalty.
Adventuring: No assassin springs onto the scene fully trained in the art of murder, his combat skills honed to a razor sharp edge. Many begin as simple thugs who manage to pick up a few tricks here and there. Others begin as adventurers, testing themselves against monsters, traps, and other hazards in order to prepare themselves for their chosen vocation.
More see adventure as simply another opportunity to accumulate wealth - after all, most assassins work not for a love of killing but because of the tremendous fees their unique skill demand. Some rare assassins adventure as a cover for their assigments. A killer hired to take out an orc warlord may ally with a band of heroic paladins, using them as unwitting bodyguards and helpers to fulfill his contract.
Roleplaying: Killing for money is inherently an evil act, and while an assassin does not have to be murderous, unstable psychotic, it's the rare assassin that does not have a strong, greedy, self-centered steak. Assassins tend to look at people as things, rather than individuals. Their work requires a certain detachment from others. The assassin is a murderer, an important distinction from the heroic paladin who slays an evil preist or the fighter who rides to war in his liege's name. He kills not for the ideals or a belief but for his own gain. Thus, assassins are often cold, detached and calculating. They are liable to look at others purely in terms of their value as allies and only rarely develop true friendships.
The assassin focuses fighting skills to a greater extent than the typical Rogue. Weapons are the tools of his trade and he must be adept at their use in order to fulfill his foul vocation.
The assassin also has a knowledge of use Poisons as class skill, suggesting he must have a certain knowledge of alchemy and poisons. His
Death attack deals an extra damage to humanoid creatures and can paralyze their targets as the assassin studies humanoid anatomy in order to learn its weaknesses.
RavenloftSadly, Ravenloft is home to more than its fair share of assassins. These silent killers are thought to be especially prevalent in the upper ranks of the Kargat, Darkon's secret police. In Rokushima Taiyoo, the four shujin all keep assassins (called ninja) in their employ. Many assassins in Ravenloft have failed one or more powers checks, making them all the more unpredictable and dangerous.
SpelljammerAssassins lurk in the shadows of every world.
Altered class features-Prerequisite: In order to qualify for the assassin prestige class, the character must successfully execute a contracted assassination.
-Note: Killing a victim solely for prestige is a particularly vile act; increase the chance for failing the powers check for this murder in half (the premeditated murder of a good NPC would thus carry a 9% chance of failure).
-Spells: some spells function differently in Ravenloft.
Here is also additional read for the
Assassin from the
Wiki- It also suggests the prospect assassins must have a certain knowledge of alchemy, poisons, human anatomy to excell in this class.
- Their
spell casting abilities suggests the Assassin must ensure some sort of training to accomplish himself/herself as a lethal killer, a certain form of "arcane" study that is focused on their "killing art" as thei spell effects are generally those that make it easier to approach or kill a target, or those that aid the assassin's escape if discovered. Organizations exist in Barovia that could "teach" this to PC characters such as the
Ba'al Verzi, however I can also see this class as self-learned throughout character development, depending on the concept and as long as you weren't an assassin prior your entrance to the Mists and that -strong- character development happened to your character leading him to that path.
-Ba’al Verzi, guild based in Barovia, members are ethnic Baloks and most are also nosferatu vampires, 5 full-fledged members at present, led by Nicu Moldonesti (nosferatu vampire Ari1/Rog6/Asn6 CE), historically the most infamous, feared and secretive assassins in the Land of the Mists, and this despite rarely striking outside of Barovia, Borca or Invidia, the contemporary reputation is owed in part to other guilds sometimes fabricating evidence against them to mislead investigators;
-Red Vardo Traders, organisation based in Krezk and willing to operate (for a price) throughout the Land of the Mists, members tend to be ethnic Baloks, led by Jacqueline Montarri (Rog8 or varies with head NE), 1 assassin is on staff and Montarri keeps at least one assassin’s head that she can don, the organisation will not turn away a customer ready to pay an exorbitant price for someone’s murder but will offer the victim the chance to meet that price;
-The Gundarakite rebels, resistance movement based in eastern Invidia and western Barovia, members are ethnic Gundarakites, they include 2 aged assassins from the old regime coaxed out of retirement to train a new generation, nominally commanded by Ardonk Szerieza (Com2/Ftr4/Rog4 N), secretive and cellular organisation that is happy to contemplate the murder of any Barovian whose death would materially, strategically or symbolically advance their cause;
-Nachte Naakter, little known guild within the Land of the Mists, members are Vistani of the Corvana tribe, the number of full-fledged members is unknown, although anyone successfully seeking out the Corvana with assassination as the purpose will find a member to contract with, the guild is a loose fraternity with no leader and no purpose beyond keeping the art that it practices alive among the Corvana, among the knowing few it is said that no Corvana assassin, having escaped the scene of the crime, has ever been caught;
-Kargat, secret police and intelligence service of Darkon numbering 200 members, up to half of who may be stationed abroad, 20 mid- and high-level members, mostly lycanthropes and undead, are assassins, Martira Bay faction and overall organisation led by Lady Kazandra (vampire Rog5/Asn3 LE), Karg faction led by Venrith Chole (ghost werewolf Rog6/Asn6 LE), and Corvia faction, which is gradually crumbling into disarray, led by the paranoid Beryl Silvertresss (vampire Ftr5/Ari5 NE), secretive and cellular organisation that never engages in contracted assassinations in its own name but from time to time may create fronts that do, accepting only those contracts consistent with the will of one or more of its leaders and not inconsistent with the commands of Azalin Rex;
-The Ministry of Intelligence (Falkovnia), based in Lekar and operating in the nations immediately surrounding Falkovnia and also in Invidia too, members are ethnic Falkovnians, the number of trained assassins is 7 at present with at least one on loan to Invidia at any time, directed by the Minister of Intelligence Falkfuhrer Calons Weir (LE), anyone so foolish as to approach the ministry to contract an assassination ends up, at best, impaled upon a stake;
-Lustmorde, a highly secretive, loosely associated fraternity of sadistic murderers with Morfenzi lying at the centre of their Falkovnian wide activity, members are ethnic Falkovnians, 3 are trained assassins and 1 still holds his position as an assassin employed by the Ministry of Intelligence, initiation is by a tenebris identifying itself as the Second (or Deeper) Shadow of Death;
-The (Night) Talons, highly secretive guild based in Lekar, members are liberated calibans and demihumans, 6 full-fledged members at present, led by the anonymous No One (elf Rng2/Rog3/Asn5/Shd4 NE), members delight in taking Falkovnian coin to take Falkovnian lives, they can be counted on to not betray the efforts of others to liberate their kin but little more, they do not seek the assassination of the Kingfuhrer as they believe that his replacement would be no less bigoted and all the more dangerous to them;
-Le coeur empalé, secretive guild based in Pont-au-Museau and operating in Richemulot and Dementlieu members are human female entertainers inflicted with lycanthropy by Jacqueline Renier herself, 6 full-fledged members at present, led by Elena Lafontaine (Brd6/Asn5 NE), they will contract for the life of any male, or for twice the price female, but only with the permission of the lord of Richemulot when the individual is of consequence.
-Les frères de mort, highly secretive guild based in Richemulot, members are freelance assassins who met untimely ends, were reanimated as constructs by Azalin in “an act of kindness” with an eye to eventually using them to penetrate the Death Shroud, and were subtly pushed together in Pont-au-Meseau that they might be tested, they number 6 currently, guided and brought back from destruction as need be by Ladislas Sintesti (construct Nec12 CE), they are equally willing to kill man, beast and man-beast, but are very conscious, indeed paranoid, about unwittingly creating patterns that might establish their existence and lead to their permanent destruction.
-Vexjensi, gang often based in La maison des sages, although equally at home in the environs of Aerie or Sturben and sometimes sheltering at the La Sanctuaire de la Dame Oublié, it operates in Richemulot, southern Falkovnia, and north west and north central Borca, members are Richemuloise, Falkovnian or Borcan, 2 are assassins, led by the Black (darkling (Corvana tribe)Rog5/Rng4/Asn3 CE), will gladly accept to perform any crime whatsoever for a not unreasonable price, but woe to anyone who attempts, or is perceived to attempt, a doublecross.
-The League of Nine, elusive and mysterious guild based in Borca, members are in fact apothecaries from leading families, they are 9 in number, led by Lorzen Olszanik (Rog5/CPo3/Asn3 NE), the guild may be appealed to right wrongs, which it does according to the advancement of its own pretensions to importance and power and in return for which it issues a bill;
-The Gelders, well known guild based in Nova Vaasa but willing to strike into Hazlan and Tepest, members are ethnic Vaasi, the number of full-fledged members is 6, openly led by Marguerite Vistins (Ari1/Rng6/Asn6 LE), the guild is a self-appointed guardian of Nova Vaasan interests, believed to enjoy the favour of Prince Othmar Bolshnik, widely known for maiming before murdering those involved in exporting from Nova Vaasa ungelded horses or the training techniques necessary to develop their full potential, but will accept any contract not prejudicial to the economy, culture, religion and state of Nova Vaasa, Malken has a well placed spy within the organisation and manipulates it as necessary;
-Afrbrand, secretive guild based in Toyalis, members are ethnic Mulans, 4 full-fledged members at present, led by Preben Valsisk (Mnk6/Asn3 LE), a guild born from the recent wreck of its predecessor and sworn to put the Rashemani back in their place and, in particular, to kill Eleni of Toyalis, it will enter into contracts on the lives of non-Mulan, most gladly those of Rashemani and of Mulans fraternising with Rashemani, the Iron Inquisition maintains a tenuous and deniable influence upon it as a tool for shaping secular events;
-Garras, highly secretive guild within the Lands of the Mists, members are Paka, the number of full-fledged members is but a handful at most, the guild is a loose fraternity with no leader, it rarely engages in contracted assassinations, existing rather to keep the assassin’s art alive among the Paka as a powerful instrument of vengeance;
-Lee-due anvo, guild based in the Shadow Rift and an open secret there, members are 3 powries, 1 sith and 1 teg, led by the powrie leader Malinda (Asn 8 CE), all members command at least one changeling, the guild rarely engages in contracted assassinations, existing for the pleasure of its members, to enforce the will of the Unseelie Court, and to ensure the safety of the Arak generally.
Sources: The Quintessential Rogue,, Wikipedia, Ravenloft Dungeon Master guide p.107, Fraternity of the Shadows