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Author Topic: Toning down the fast timing of NPC "upset" reactions.  (Read 2931 times)


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Re: Toning down the fast timing of NPC "upset" reactions.
« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2020, 07:22:54 PM »
The point of the messages, constant or otherwise, is to drive the outcasts out of the area. The character shouldn't be staying in the area if they start hearing these messages. Now, the point of the outcast rating system is to clearly represent the way these characters would be treated, and essentially push them to the edge of society. If the messages are so sparse that they aren't disruptive, well people will most likely ignore them. Before the OcR system in Dementlieu, outcasts literally ignored the setting and chilled in outdoor areas freely. This, alone, proves that the OcR system is necessary to have people respect the setting, unfortunately.

While we may tone down the messages a bit in the future, it won't be to the point it's not disruptive, so outcasts can freely play there. Rather than being driven out of town by angry mobs, they would be driven out of town by the constant attention, ridicule, etc., and in that regards, the system works fine. The issue is people completely ignoring it to continue roleplaying, which borderlines on ignoring NPCs.

I don't think anyone is arguing that the intent of the messages and system as a whole isn't a necessary tool.  But just using your example of Dementlieu, it is ignored daily regardless.  Being yelled at by the outside NPCs in no way effects the outcast character's ability to use the bank.  If having your OCR at the level of being yelled at and ridiculed (but not outright attacked by NPC guards) is meant to be a hampering experience then I think adjustment needs to be made to merchants and Bank NPCs. 

As it stands now people either walk into town blatantly ignoring the NPCs outside or use stealth/invis until they get inside the bank to do their transactions or until they get to the merchant they want to use.  Why do NPCs that provide beneficial services give them a pass?


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Re: Toning down the fast timing of NPC "upset" reactions.
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2020, 07:28:51 PM »
That needs to be rectified, and I think if the NPCs started scaling up their aggression over time it would be more appropriate too.

I figured merchants would actually recognise them and deny them service, but I guess not.
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Re: Toning down the fast timing of NPC "upset" reactions.
« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2020, 09:21:19 PM »
That needs to be rectified, and I think if the NPCs started scaling up their aggression over time it would be more appropriate too.

I figured merchants would actually recognise them and deny them service, but I guess not.

Have OCR play into prices. Heavy penalties for a high OCR.
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Re: Toning down the fast timing of NPC "upset" reactions.
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2020, 09:40:36 PM »
I think Influence/OCR already affects bank rates. Maybe that needs to be made more significant.
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Re: Toning down the fast timing of NPC "upset" reactions.
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2020, 10:02:12 PM »
I think Influence/OCR already affects bank rates. Maybe that needs to be made more significant.

Influence does, but only in Vallaki, I think. I know it doesn't in Port, but not certain about the Drain bank.
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Re: Toning down the fast timing of NPC "upset" reactions.
« Reply #30 on: July 06, 2020, 10:50:29 PM »
I think Influence/OCR already affects bank rates. Maybe that needs to be made more significant.

Influence does, but only in Vallaki, I think. I know it doesn't in Port, but not certain about the Drain bank.

Not certain about the Drain, but Port is not on the same system as Vallaki, which is a shame.
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Re: Toning down the fast timing of NPC "upset" reactions.
« Reply #31 on: July 06, 2020, 11:07:18 PM »
I guess the Drain doesn't exactly belong to an OCR-respondent faction, since, well, you know. But the Dementlieu bank definitely should get moved over to the proper setup to help all this along, otherwise it becomes totally normal for people to do what FinalHeaven describes.

I think it'd be a positive if your influence level affected your rates down in the Drain too. Respect is everything in the criminal underworld.
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Re: Toning down the fast timing of NPC "upset" reactions.
« Reply #32 on: July 07, 2020, 07:39:37 PM »
Good point regarding shops and other facilities in the Quartier Publique. I'll add OcR checks there (and in the rentals, though that was an oversight).


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Re: Toning down the fast timing of NPC "upset" reactions.
« Reply #33 on: July 07, 2020, 07:51:48 PM »
+1 for changing things so that people can't just ignore NPCs on their way into the Banque, and then make use of the Banque. I'm not sure how I feel about sneaking into the Banque being a bad thing as long as people de-stealth before they enter?

We should also give OCR points to those people who like to stand in the Banque doorway for an hour though. Instant NPC hostile.