Apologies if this is a repeat suggestion!
Upset NPCs have no chill!
A couple days ago, my PC witnessed an interaction with a caliban in Quartier Publique, Port-à-Lucine. The NPCs expressed their righteous indignation... to the point where the spam got to be a bit much due to the number of NPCs present. Is there a way to reduce the timer on how often they yell, or perhaps include a check to see how many of them are yelling in a specific area? Because otherwise, this is what happens in the span of maybe two minutes:
(Names changed to protect the parties involved. Actual PC RP in italics.)[A Gendarme PC]: [Talk] <c¡¡±>[HM]</c> Stop! Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] [The woman stares at [the Caliban PC] suspiciously and disgustedly, making no effort to hide her contempt.]
[A Caliban PC]: [Talk] the hell are you chasing me for?
[A Gendarme PC]: [Talk] Halt Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] [The woman stares at [the Caliban PC] suspiciously and disgustedly, making no effort to hide her contempt.]
Dementlieuse Nobleman: [Talk] Par Ezra, you should really not walk around civilization.
[PC1]: [Talk] [scowls in the direction of the shirtless brute] Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] [The woman stares at [the Caliban PC] suspiciously and disgustedly, making no effort to hide her contempt.]
Dementlieuse Nobleman: [Talk] Urgh, look at you. Stay away from moi!
Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] [The woman stares at [the Caliban PC] suspiciously and disgustedly, making no effort to hide her contempt.]
Dementlieuse Nobleman: [Talk] [The man stares at [the Caliban PC] suspiciously and disgustedly, making no effort to hide his contempt.]
[PC2]: [Talk] She gives Norman a yellow-toothed smile.
[A Gendarme PC]: [Talk] What do you think you are doing? Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] [The woman stares at [the Caliban PC] suspiciously and disgustedly, making no effort to hide her contempt.]
[PC1]: [Talk] [deliberately turns away, blowing smoke from her nose] Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] [The woman stares at [the Caliban PC] suspiciously and disgustedly, making no effort to hide her contempt.]
Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] Urgh, look at you. Stay away from moi!
[A Caliban PC]: [Talk] Hmm.. Let's stinking see... Minding my own business? Dementlieuse Nobleman: [Talk] [The man stares at [the Caliban PC] suspiciously and disgustedly, making no effort to hide his contempt.]
Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] [The woman stares at [the Caliban PC] suspiciously and disgustedly, making no effort to hide her contempt.]
[PC3]: [Whisper] <c¡¡±>[HM]</c> "Oh dear..." Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] Par Ezra, you should really not walk around civilization.
Dementlieuse Nobleman: [Talk] Par Ezra, you should really not walk around civilization.
Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] Urgh, look at you. Stay away from moi!
[A Gendarme PC]: [Talk] You are disturbing the peace obviously. Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] [The woman stares at [the Caliban PC] suspiciously and disgustedly, making no effort to hide her contempt.]
Dementlieuse Nobleman: [Talk] Urgh, look at you. Stay away from moi!
Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] Oh my! I heard of you. Stay away from me you disgusting man.
[A Caliban PC]: [Talk] Nuh. I was obviously walkings here. Before you mades it an issue. Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] Aucune manière ! Stay away from me brute!.
Dementlieuse Nobleman: [Talk] [The man stares at [the Caliban PC] suspiciously and disgustedly, making no effort to hide his contempt.]
Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] Oh my! I heard of you. Stay away from me you disgusting man.
[PC3]: [Talk] <c¡¡±>[HM]</c> Ever-curious, she watches the scene as it unfolds. "A moment, mademoiselle..." she says aside towards [another PC].
[A Gendarme PC]: [Talk] You need to hide your appearance when passing through here or I will send you to the sewer.
[A Caliban PC]: [Talk] uh.. Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] Aucune manière ! Stay away from me brute!.
Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] Oh my! I heard of you. Stay away from me you disgusting man.
Dementlieuse Nobleman: [Talk] Urgh, look at you. Stay away from moi!
[A Caliban PC]: [Talk] hates to break it to you. this ain't Barovia Dementlieuse Gendarme: [Talk] Stop bothering the citizens with your presence. You are not welcome here.
Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] Oh my! I heard of you. Stay away from me you disgusting man.
Dementlieuse Gendarme: [Talk] We don't need your kind around here; begone with you.
Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] Oh my! I heard of you. Stay away from me you disgusting man.
[PC1]: [Talk] [tisks, turning back] Dementlieuse Gendarme: [Talk] Stop bothering the citizens with your presence. You are not welcome here.
Dementlieuse Gendarme: [Talk] This is no place for people like you. Déguerpis! I will chase you out otherwise.
[PC3]: [Talk] <c¡¡±>[HM]</c> "...the absolute audacity..." Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] Oh my! I heard of you. Stay away from me you disgusting man.
Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] Aucune manière ! Stay away from me brute!.
[PC1]: [Talk] [begins to hum several bars of various melodies in quick succession] Dementlieuse Gendarme: [Talk] Stop bothering the citizens with your presence. You are not welcome here.
Dementlieuse Gendarme: [Talk] This is no place for people like you. Déguerpis! I will chase you out otherwise.
Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] [The woman stares at [the Caliban PC] suspiciously and disgustedly, making no effort to hide her contempt.]
Dementlieuse Gendarme: [Talk] We don't need your kind around here; begone with you.
Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] [The woman stares at [the Caliban PC] suspiciously and disgustedly, making no effort to hide her contempt.]
Dementlieuse Gendarme: [Talk] Stop bothering the citizens with your presence. You are not welcome here.
[A Gendarme PC]: [Talk] Hate to break it to you but you are being fined, and then I'm going to see you out after we talk about whats appropriate. Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] [The woman stares at [the Caliban PC] suspiciously and disgustedly, making no effort to hide her contempt.]
Dementlieuse Gendarme: [Talk] This is no place for people like you. Déguerpis! I will chase you out otherwise.
Dementlieuse Nobleman: [Talk] [The man stares at [the Caliban PC] suspiciously and disgustedly, making no effort to hide his contempt.]
Dementlieuse Gendarme: [Talk] Stop bothering the citizens with your presence. You are not welcome here.
Dementlieuse Noblewoman: [Talk] [The woman stares at [the Caliban PC] suspiciously and disgustedly, making no effort to hide her contempt.]
Considering that the scene lasted a good fifteen to twenty minutes, the spam effectively drowned out the RP. Can anything be done?