« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2021, 09:51:10 AM »
Familiar flyers begin circulating again, with only a minor - if evident - amendment...
The tavern known-to-history for its endless nights riched by drunk crowds, cozy atmosphere, delightful music and last but not least for its Barovian acclaimed BASEMENT will soon be back Ladies and gentlemen, freaks and guardsmen, elves and dwarves: The Gaping Wound's return is imminent and is wanting FRESH PERSONNEL for this brand new season!
Find or send correspondence to the Borcan gentleman Federico Viscia at the Lady's Rest, penning the role you're applying for.
Will you survive this season?
-The Gaping Wound Staff

crossbow and bolt torture, church of bane theocracy, critter and beast transmutation, cursed and burning terrors, choucroute et boeuf tourtiere, and various eclectics