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Author Topic: A Curious Screed  (Read 589 times)

Le Magistrat

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A Curious Screed
« on: June 17, 2020, 06:55:42 AM »
[Scattered about the City of Lights is the following incendiary tract, in all parts of the city not frequently patrolled by the Gendarmerie..]

The Provisional Government is illegitimate. It is difficult for us, as free Dementliuese men and women of all stations to admit, as we would wish to pretend that our country is still governed through the rule of law, and yet it is the truth. The rightful government of Dementlieu, the duly-elected Lady-Governor and the Council of Brilliance, was overthrown by force by the Duc d’Ameranthe and his monarchist allies. The hard-fought rights and freedoms fought for by Pauline Jenout and those who followed in her footsteps have been stripped away by this tyrant; the suffrage afforded all citizens in Dementlieu has been taken, and now even the nobility have been denied their voice through the continuous delay of elections, ostensibly due to the war.

However, it is time we faced reality. The fight against tyranny has already been lost. It was lost in the previous war, not in this one. Under the pretext of “restoring the republic”, we have seen a mockery put in its place. Alix Martineau, despite all her flaws and lapses in sound judgment, did something truly brave that the invertebrates living in the capital would consider unthinkable: she sought to uphold the oath she had taken when first she joined the Gendarmerie; to protect and safeguard the Lady-Governor and her chosen counsel on the Council of Brilliance. She sought to do this by working against this corrupt and illegitimate regime and working to see the rightful one restored. Thus, in spite of everything, I stand with Alix.

Everything else that is happening is a distraction. Do not let trivialities steal your focus away from what is important, and nothing else even comes close.

((Placed in-game.))


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Re: A Curious Screed
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2020, 02:45:15 PM »
Exactly one copy of this flyer has been removed from the Ouvrier northeastern corner.

//Removed in-game.
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