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Author Topic: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two  (Read 6466 times)


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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2021, 11:24:15 PM »
To spread chaos is part of the faith.
So I shall happily do so.
The plan is unfolding beautifully so far,
I will continue to act in faith and trust.

I will sow chaos and deceit
For they are His divine tools.

-High Priestess General
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2021, 02:12:21 PM »
Erzsebet sat in front of a small camp fire, a journal, ink and quill in front of her. She had no issue with denouncing Nerull publicly, she did not worship that iteration of that god anyway. She could probably get in and rescue the burgomaster and his wife and children, that was easy too in comparison with the final part of her punishment and tasks. With a frustrated growl she tore another page out of the journal, crumpled it up and tossed it in the fire. It was her sixth try to write an apology letter.

"I'm sorry that I killed the person close to you, but know they aren't suffering anymore."

The words burned away as the flames licked the paper. Erzsebet wished deeply that should could simply give the families something material, it would of been much easier. How could she find the words for the people to portray that she felt remorse for her actions when in truth, she felt none. How could she express regret for her actions when in her mind, they were just and right. Writing these five letters was proving to be a Sisyphean task for her. Words and people were never among her talents. She was never good at apologizing, in fact, her method of apologizing had until this point, been giving them something expensive or rare.

As if the task at hand wasn't enough, she was distracted. Why was this weird woman in white threatening to kill her? Who or what was a "rotfurt"? She claimed that she had hunted her and let her live, yet Erzsebet had no such memories, she did recall some confusion years ago with another woman named Erzsebet. Could this be lingering residue from that? This masked woman claimed to have hunted Nerullites before. While this was not a shock to her that she knew Emanuel, it was a shock that he had let her live. Erzsebet began to wonder just how far from the truth and how perverted by the outlanders had the so called cult leader become. She had been aware of his failings, but perhaps it was time that she found out about them in depth, study them and find out how far he'd fallen.

She would save her people. However, more and more she was seeing that the army would fall. She could give them another chance to listen to her, a chance to learn about their actual enemy. Possibly a way to win their war. Or perhaps she would remove herself from their futile attempts and focus on saving her people instead. She had to correct the mistaken view of the old god of Gundarak, reclaim their gods name. Make it known that what has existed for years has not been the true old god, but the outlander murder god Nerull. A vile entity, a perverse god who would allow his priests to murder the unborn. To murder babies. To kill for the sake of killing.

This was the perversion adapted by the old Duke, the perversion the cult had partially fallen victim to. This was the perversion that was spread across the lands. The disgusting view that her people worshipped a god that wanted undeath, a god that wanted all life gone. A god that ordered its followers to go around and kill everyone and everything for the sheer sake of killing. No, this was not what her people had worshipped. This was not what they would worship from here on.

Erzsebet Varga was going to repair the religion. She was going to make it known that there are two gods of the same name. The true Gundarakite Nerull, the Old God, was a lazy trickster. A God more interested in watching his grand deception of death play out. A lazy God who doesn't do his duties as a God of Death, and allows the souls to escape and return as the undead. A lazy God who puts his duties on a host of servants, whom he doesn't watch as closely as he should. A deity that is found in every aspect of life, from the dying days of fall and winter, to the animals we hunt to eat, to the very lives we take. A God in whose eyes all were equal.

Perhaps not an ideal god to worship, but one who should be revered none the less for he created what they called death. Vastly different from that people assumed they worshipped. The outlander god finds servants in the undead, as they are superior to the living. The Gundarakite god has servants who are demons, who may or may not act on their own accord and toy with mortals. She could write pages, perhaps even books on the subject, the words flowed to her with a natural ease, but to write an apology... She could not find the words, and it frustrated her.
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #27 on: May 21, 2021, 02:46:34 PM »
Her nightmares had become more vivid, a voice trying to speak to her through a muffled haze of torture and torment. Her dreams repeating her sin, the one she could find no forgiveness from her victims. Since then she had tried to play both sides, but she could not get her way into the army like she had planned. She would take it as a sign. A sign that her path was straight ahead of her, if she would only look.

As she slept in the arms of her lover, she began whimper, and tremble. Her mind tormenting her with the ghastly memories of having the guard dog feast on her eye, the clang of the cell that she died in, the gut wrenching and heart breaking cry when Fane Albescu died, the betrayals in her past, the warnings of the old Emanuel Gaspar. He had told her that the rebels were fools, warned about what Gundarak was in the past.

The haze parted as Erzsebet stood before a bloodied sacrificial altar in the center of a town. Priests in dark cloth dragged screaming victims from their loved ones. Mothers begged to be taken instead of their child, only to end up joining their sobbing child. So young, so innocent, so much potential.

A scream echoed all around her as if it came from all corners. Blood washed over her feet as she stood before an army. Gabor, Zalan, Balthasar, Lazlo... She could see them there in the whispy shadows, judging her. A blink and all but one vanished. Everything vanished except for the judgmental, harsh glare of the man she had promised a fair fight to. The man who was not returned to life.

She tried to speak but had no voice. Silence was parted by that hazy muffled staticky voice.

Her vision went black, she could feel it all closing in, and when it was lifted she faced herself. Regal, fierce, terrifying, cold, predatorial, beastial. She stood there with confidence as she seemed to preach to a large crowd of adoring people. A crimson crown adorned her head.

One by one the people she cared about came to her, begging: "Free me High Priestess. Please, I don't want to suffer anymore." With a compassionate look, she would give them a cup to drink from.

The voice spoke again, and everything spun together in a whirl of colours until there was just darkness, and the robed woman clutching her bleeding face in the cold, snowy Barovian winter.

Soaked in sweat and panting, Erzsebet sat up and quietly snuck out to let the cool air wash over her sweat soaked body. When she returned to the bed, Serghei was sitting up watching her with a worried expression. She avoided his eyes and crawled next to him, resting her head on his chest as if his warmth and the beating of his heart bring her some form of comfort.
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #28 on: May 25, 2021, 09:42:54 AM »
Cult of the Old God


1. Do not take the life of a child, or mother. Every taken life must matter.
2. Respect Death, for it is everywhere, and always watching.
3. Secrecy is key.
4. Those who betray shall fine no reprieve or safety from harm.
5. The Hunt is Sacred.
6. Revere the Night, for She is Mother to all.
7. Trickery, lies and deceit shall be our tools.
8. It is our job to hasten his deception. Spread disease, chaos, and death in meaningful ways.


A butchers knife and sickle crossed over an orb of starry night sky

Further Information:

Particular view on death being divided into two different types. The first being the common or false death that people get resurrected from. The second being a true death, where the soul does not return to the body and is thus free of suffering and the deception created by the Old God. This is seen as a continuation of the deception by allowing people to be brought back from death or breaking free of it by not returning to the body. If the soul does not return then there should be celebration for they have deciphered the Old Gods grand deception and found their way home to the Night Mother, the only other way to achieve true death is by willingly sacrificing yourself during rituals which should be held every few months or when there are matters that need extra guidance.
It is not a betrayal to the Old God to be baptised into another faith, as that allows for secrecy to continue and for the mask we present to the public to be strengthened until we are free from persecution and hostility. Betrayal to the Old God is ousting the members, explaining to a untrusted individual the truth of the faith, showing those not of faith the church, and breaking any of the 8 tenants. Death is to be treated with absolute respect, and never viewed as something trivial or as something that can be escaped. When taking a life it should be done in a way that honours the hunt. It should only be done for religious ceremony, communion, or to spread his deception. It should be noted that any death should matter, it should not be a stupid worthless death, it should be important, someone respected or who is willing to end their suffering, or someone who has a bounty on them.
We do not kill for the sake of killing. We are not followers of Nerull, although the Old God may share his name, they are not the same.

The Old God is the seasons, the frost of the fall that kills the crops, the heat of summer the burns and dehydrates, the cold of the winter that freezes the land, and the wet of the spring that causes floods and landslides. The Old God is the harvest, pulling the nourishment from the darkness that it grows in, stopping that progression. The Old God is equality, for everything dies not matter their status in life. The Old God is disease, sickness and plague that spreads. The Old God is chaos, and war that destroys and ends. The Old God is Death yes, but not only murder. He is lazy, a being outside of existence, bored with everything and seeking some form of amusement. He watches us while the souls escape, and his servants go about their own way. We can only hope to join him and watch the rest of it play out.

On the Night Mother:

She is darkness. She is the source of all. It is from her darkness that things take form, that we were born. It is from her darkness that infants grow, and food as well. When we sleep, the darkness of the Night Mother embraces us in love and protection. She is life to the Old God who is Death. We all come from this darkness before we experience what we call existence. She slumbers while the Old God watches. There is not much known about her at this time as even her true name has been erased by those who would make the dark our foe when really it is our mother of all. There is no light without the darkness.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2022, 12:14:36 PM by ladylena »
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #29 on: May 30, 2021, 12:19:57 PM »
Seeking Stoian, Erzsebet had ventured into Port A Lucine, and had found more than she had expected. Zalan, Matyas, Balthasar, Zsofika, Kalypszo... Everyone was there. From the privates to the Captain. An intense rage began to simmer and boil within her. 'How dare they!? How dare they flee the country they tried to create. How dare they leave the Gundarakites to suffer. How dare they.' It was starting to make sense to her why her messages probably never reached their destination. She tried to reach out to him, but was interrupted by the army storming into the streets of the slums. It would have to wait for another day, but their transgression, was something else.

To her, they had created a hell where Gundarakites were forced to live under the consequences of the armies actions. The army had the resources and people available to smuggle out Gundarakites from Vallaki, Krezk, Krofburg and Barovia. They could of, but instead, they up and fled. They did not even try to stay behind in Barovia. They fled to Dementlieu while her kin starved and suffered for their actions. That rage began to settle from a boil back to a simmer, and slowly down to a seething disappointment.

She had returned from Dementlieu, content to leave the army to their demise, except she could not. There were people in that group that she truly cared about. Milan, Zalan, Zsofika and Matyas, they were people she felt a desire to protect and keep safe. She told her friend just that. How she loved her like a sibling or daughter, how she wanted to protect her and to keep her safe and alive. She pleaded and begged for her to make the right choice, but she could not be swayed. There was one clear message that came from their meeting: "Stay away from the army." Erzsebet agreed that she would, once she had spoken to those who mattered to her, to the one left on the list.

Erzsebet was granted a clarity that let her see the downfall of the army, and even as she tried to warn them, time and time again she was ignored. How could they fight for Gundarakites when they were living comfortably in wealth in Dementlieu? How could they fight for a freedom that they don't truly understand? Enough was enough. She would wash her hands of their affairs, and forge forward with her own ideals.

A new Gundarakite to follow. A new path forward that was not full of needless death. A new Barovia, where her kin were treated the same as Barovians. A Barovia that could boast equality. And it would all begin in Vallaki.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2021, 01:06:09 PM by ladylena »
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #30 on: June 01, 2021, 09:40:45 AM »
Utter cowards. Fleeing the place they tried to take and leaving the rest of the Gundarakite population to suffer. Just as they did with the regents sons death. Blame all of us who aren't from Invidia, who follow the Old God. Leave the sick, poor, disabled and elderly to deal with the consequences of the army trying to reclaim Gundarakite lands. That is not what I fought for, that is not what I signed up for, and that is not what I will see for my kin.

I will forge a new path into this mess, one that brings my kin back to the true values of our old faith. One that shows that while Gundarak may be no more, we can still have what we want here in Barovia. We can have our rights, our freedoms and our language back. I'm going to prove it and make it happen. When I publicly denounce both the outlander Nerull and the wretched army, I'm aiming to do it in both languages.

I will get my weapon permit back, I will prove to my people that there is another way forward that does not dwell on the senseless slaughter of soldiers and innocents. A way forward that will allow our people to own land again, to speak Luktar freely and to defend ourselves with weapons of our choice. Vallaki will be the birth place of a new Barovia, and I will be its Mother.

-High Priestess General
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #31 on: June 02, 2021, 02:55:02 PM »
So the faithful may be wavering in faith.

I had not expected it from this one, but they have lacked the knowledge and teachings that I can provide.

Perhaps I should see about gathering up the faithful and those curious of the historical faith of my kin and enlighten them.

Deception is the key here, and I will wield it accordingly to bring freedom, liberty, and equality to my kin, and even to Barovians.

-High Priestess General
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2021, 09:24:07 PM »
So he finally came for them. Zsofika, Matyas... I am sorry I could not protect you.
The likelihood of survivors is almost non-existent, so I have to accept what has happened.
Exactly what I warned them would happen. The Devil came and they stood no chance.
It is only in returning to the equality of the Old God that we may ever find anything better.

As Death comes and takes us all,
I pray that He frees you from this torment.
I pray that you may watch over us.
I pray that you are by His side, in the Mothers dark embrace.
I pray that you have found your place.
And I pray that you are truly free.
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #33 on: June 14, 2021, 12:37:26 PM »
Her mind tortured her during the night. Forcing her to relive her horrid choice, and all her losses. Her failures, and the failures of those before her. Every choice wrongly made, every naïve decision. It repeated them as if to tell her not to repeat it. . .

Colours swirled around her in a vivid display before they settled down to the dull greyness of a city. There were cheers and people swarming the streets. Streets that were awash with blood. She turned around to see their faces. The friends and kin she had betrayed and turned on. They were hung upside down, suspended by their ankle as blood pooled down and flowed through the streets. She turned back to the adoring faces of her kin, who called out to their High Priestess. She parted her lips to tell them there would be no communion or sacrifice today, they would instead build an altar worthy of Him.

There was a silence that fell over the crowd of people. Whispers started in the back, and ushered words of confusion, then pride, and adoration; they would get to build the altar together! It truly was equality. Erzsebet, clad in red and purple, watched and smiled before taking her people to the center of the town. Every time she turned around, they were there. Judging her for her sins. Sometimes they would drift among the people and whisper truths and lies about how they should disobey her. Not listen to her. How she was a kin slayer, despite her vowing not to be one.

Darkness began to creep in from all sides, pressing ever tighter in on her, blinding her from the colourful vision of a future she would fight for. She was left behind, abandoned in the fog and snows of winter. Searing pain throbbing in her face, her stomach, her lower abdomen. Faces flashed before her: Emanuel Gaspar, the doctor who she wished to see again. Fane Albescu, the man whose violent attitude and harshness towards her turned to the love of a lifetime, breaking her heart when she was not there to protect him. Szabina, her mother, who in her last visit told her goodbye and not to try to save her from the outlanders. Anica, the woman who stole a mist confused lover from her. Yordan, the man who lied and deceived her and who killed her and her child. Faces of Barovian soldiers flashed in front of her as she was dropped back to her youth. The Black Wolf of Teufeldorf stared down at her with malicious intent, before taking away her dignity and innocence.

As she turned and looked around, her body able to move again, she was face to face with the growling Doberman that lunged at her face, ripping out her eye.

A scream erupted from her as she sat upright and looked around the small room with wild, terrified eyes. The candle had burned down to a few inches on the desk, coating the wood beneath it in wax drippings. The mirror reflected back the candle and her terrified face. She relaxed and took a few breaths to try to calm herself, repeating 'It was just a dream'. For the next hour she lay there in the sweat soaked bed and clothes, shivering jumping at each noise. When she could no longer stand it, Erzsebet rose from the bed and changed her clothes. Calm enough now, she muttered a quiet prayer before setting out and sneaking off into the woods to hunt.
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #34 on: June 16, 2021, 11:58:35 AM »
There are survivors in Port.
Ulkrado huh? I guess if I want to thrive here, I must either abandon or destroy the past.

But there are survivors. It's a relief
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #35 on: July 28, 2021, 11:19:17 AM »
I could of attended their memorial. I dreamed about doing it.
I dreamt about them again. I am growing to loathe those dreams of that day. Reliving that choice and seeing their faces haunts me. Yet I know that what I did had to be done. It was a divinely given task.

But still, being mortal, I hate it. I hate what I had to do. I miss them all dearly. I wish they had listened and not resulted in the slaughter of kin in Zeidenberg... These are things that have happened and can not be changed. We have to accept what we have all done in the name of wanted freedom.

I know that I must act and gather my kin together and guide them to a better future.

May I follow your divine work Old God. And may your words soon become clear to me.
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #36 on: July 31, 2021, 01:16:07 PM »

I watched the army begin as something full of hope and possibilities, but I watched it fall to something akin to fools seeking power. It was as if they were brainwashed. As if the superiors were indeed brain washed, controlled by someone else. They stopped caring about the average Gundarakite. They only cared about their own army members. Their own families. They forgot about the rest of us. They forgot and left us behind. When they fled they took no one with them.

The army went from being a cause of hope and potentially freedom, to the direct cause of the masacre of innocent Gundarakites. Repeating the actions of the old duke; mothers, children and fathers were torn from their homes and killed. The army themselves allowed the worship of the vile Nerull, an outlander god of death who sees undeath as the ultimate way of being. A god who orders his priests to kill for the sake of killing as all life, especially the most innocent life of a child, is an afront to this god. They allowed that filth into their ranks while outlawing the true Gundarakite faith. Their actions brought about a repetition of the old Duke Gundar.

He, like them, allowed the same god, and just like him, they were behind the slaughter in Zeidenberg. Now they linger in Invidia and Dementlieu. Basking in the idiots who think they did wonderful things.

I warned the army about the count. I warned them about the genocide that was being spoken of. I begged them to listen to me. I tried warning them over and over and over, and never once was I listened to. I regret bringing people into that army of hellions. I failed my people by allowing this to happen. Violence will not bring us the freedoms we want. Invidian Gundarakites don't know true oppression anyway.

I believe that if we can comply to their laws, and show that we are not a threat, we can gain at the very least the rights of the outlanders. We pay taxes to the count too, and are squashed beneath his boot.

I have seen the truth of our faith, learned what it was before the outlanders corrupted it with their perverse version of our god. Our God was once a god who saw all on the same level. No matter their position or power in life. We are all the same in the eyes of the Reaper, in the eyes of Death. So why should we live any other way?

We deserve to live in a land where we are equal, free from oppression, where we all matter. And so help my God, I will not stop until I can make that happen. I will lie, cheat, manipulate and sacrifice who so ever I need to to get this freedom we deserve. I have learned that this world acts as a prison, with entities that act as wardens. If I have to become a prisoner so be it. I will do anything and everything I must to bring to my kin that freedom they deserve.

-Erzsebet Varga, High Priestess of The Old God Nerull
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #37 on: August 16, 2021, 07:58:27 PM »
And so she came back to Barovia.
She DARED come back.
Ulkrado we will have words.
You will either learn or never return.

All are equal in His Eyes.
Even you for all your sins are no better than I.
But you dared to come back here...
To the place your actions led to a genocide of innocent children and mothers.
Those are two sins that my faith will not forgive.
Those are two sins I will not commit.

Did you come to apologize for your deeds?
For ignoring me?
Maybe I will find peace in dealing with you,
Maybe the old God wants me to enlighten you.
I am His chosen one, but I could use the Hierophants guidance in this matter, for His voice is still not clear.

-Erzsebet Varga, High Priestess of The Old God Nerull
By the standards of faith that I have put forth, her sins are obvious and grievous. Being responsible for the death of children and mothers, betrayal, and abandoning kin. She fled to a country elsewhere avoiding the consequences of her choices in Barovia with the grieving Gundarakies who lost family for the army's actions. She also refuses to understand and learn the truth about the God I follow. The God that our people followed before the days of the Old Duke. Before the corruption of outlanders. I do not wish her dead, despite everything I consider Dzenifer a friend, we fought together. I fondly remember the days of getting her scrolls. Despite how she always treated me like an outcast and never trusted me, I still cared. I still do. I care for all my kin, even the ones who hate me.

How can I harm another friend? Must I? She is the only one of us who wants death as an outcome. She would love me dead and gone, but not I her. Yet, it would seem that I will have little choice in the matter. She is the one who will be making the choices. I will give her the chance to learn and grow, or to stop seeking to kill me and lift the bounty and I will leave her alone. Yet faith still dictates differently. Betrayers shall have no reprieve from harm. In her eyes I am the betrayer, and I am, and I pay for it but I did not betray my faith. In my eyes she is a sinner, for her actions resulted in the slaughter of children and mothers, she is a betrayer for seeking to kill me. For ousting my belief, albeit incorrectly, but still she did publicly announce that.

Perhaps I was always destined to be a kin killer. Perhaps that is the only way forward, to kill those who oppose me and my goals. I already understand that sacrifices must be made in order for me to succeed at bringing back the faith of my people and ultimately freeing us from oppression and harsh rule. I just never expected those sacrifices to be so personal and weigh so heavily on my soul. Can I commit another atrocity in order to see my people rise at last? I ... Dread what I may have to do, because it is not what I want. I want peace and freedom and equality, but how much am I willing to give to achieve it? How far will I fall?

-Erzsebet Varga, High Priestess of the Old God Nerull
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #38 on: September 09, 2021, 11:16:56 AM »
Well it seem that she will not back down. I have been told of two fliers. Dzenifer seems hell bent, and I can't blame her. I did murder the lord regent, but only after I tried to stop the war between kin, and only after I begged him to change his verdict. I know she will kill me, and if I give her too much time, she may join forces with outlanders, like the army did before.

Kin Killer. Is that what I will have to become to repair the damage done? Will I have to bear the death of more of my kin to see my dream come true? Is that why I can not hear the Old God? I fear and hesitate about taking the life of another Gundarakite...

Why do I fear freeing them?
Is it that I don't fully believe?
How can I lead if I don't fully believe?
I know what I must do, but... Can I?

Dzenifer you became more than just kin to me. You became family. If I have to though, I will make sure that you do not suffer. I have to. I can not tolerate any form of dissent or personal attacks anymore. I . I hope I can do this. I... I don't even know what I'll do after. The pain in the fear of murdering someone like family... Again?

Erzsebet Varga
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #39 on: September 11, 2021, 03:49:59 PM »
I had a dream last night, I witnessed myself again dressed in red, a crown of thorns or spikes? Adorned my head and behind me I could see their faces again. A new one had joined, although it remained blurry. I argued with those in charge of things, they would not listen to me. History repeating itself. The people listened to me though, but it would seem that those who mattered did not. I could hear a voice calling to me as the dream shifted to a glorious temple surrounding a plain altar.

The altar was decorated with skulls of animals and humans, preserved hearts, bottled mold, diseased plants, gloom flowers, and a space for a fresh offering, stained red with the blood of previous offerings. The items were odd and did not seem to follow any pattern, but as wrong as they felt they also felt right. I removed my glove and placed my hand on the altars offering place and, as many times before, I stabbed it with my blade, the blood flowing from the wound into a small indent meant for collection.

I kneeled in front of the now complete altar and prayed for guidance, listening for His voice. And as sure as we all die, it came. That wordless voice that seemed to somehow speak to me. I could not decipher the words, yet it seemed the version of myself in this dream could. I watched myself rise, and walk out, yet I remained in the room with the altar, alone. The voice echoing in the chamber as those wordless words repeated in my ears.

These dreams scare me.
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The Two Prophets
« Reply #40 on: October 25, 2021, 11:52:28 AM »
The Two Prophets

Emanuel Maryszkas, the first prophet, the Heirophant:

The Barovian militia had attacked an uprising slaughtering many and the few who were not killed ran. He fled from the Barovian militia and prayed for aid. Unholy fear washed over his pursuers as Nerull responded to his prayer giving his newly chosen time to escacpe. He gained power from the Old God, allowing him to lead the new church, as the first with divine power in ages. His divine power caused many to fear him for none of the faith had recieved blessing until Him. He fiercely led the cult against Barovians and the Count. He was aided by outlanders who followed their perverted form of Nerull the church gained notoriety. The Count held enough fear of them to ban the faith and execute the faithful, but Emanuel showed again and again the power of a chosen one of Nerull as he built a magnificent church fitting the Old God of death.

Erzsebet Varga, the second prophet, the High Priestess:

Her story begins without faith, following a Barovian who wanted to worship the old god in attempt to gain blackmail material. A sacrifice was made and He spoke to them. This was the start. Years later she was lured to the citadel and beaten to death while carrying a child, in her final breath she prayed for help. An avatar visited her in death and a deal was struck for her to return to life. No child would die nor mother of a child, but her true calling came after the Black Army. For Emanuel had sacrificed the empty shell of the tortured and left to die son of the regent Ajkler. Ajkler then held all who followed Emanuel responsible, and despite her pleading and warning the army they would not stand against the church, they ignored her and created a war between kin. She recieved an order to kill the regent, as the cult would attack the army for culling the faithful. Erzsebet did not want more death between kin, but when it came down to it. She slaughtered them. She gave the regent chance to change his mind, and when he would not, she killed him and ended the war between kin. She began to hear His voice speaking to her from beyond a cosmic fog. The voice of the Old God Nerull and she was given vision and divine edict to correct the mess the outlanders did and bring true glory to the Old God and true freedom to her people.
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #41 on: October 29, 2021, 01:52:57 PM »
All may be equal in death.
That part is especially true for outlanders and those who do not follow.
They are equal because they can die just the same as you.
But it is only through faith that all may be equal in life.

I lack the charisma needed to draw people in.
I am His chosen one, the one whom He speaks to,
But hearing the voice of a god changes you.
I have never been good with people, but now it seems that is even more so.

I will find the right one to help me.
The one to be the mask to hide to truth behind.
The one who understands and will learn with me.
Who will help me rediscover the true faith of our people and save us all.
-Erzsebet Varga
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #42 on: November 01, 2021, 02:52:34 PM »
She could not sleep. Each time she tried to rest, she woke up after watching Liliana fall upon her own sword. She had seen death, seen people blown apart, seen the brutality of war, but this was something that would haunt her. For though she tried the pain was just too much. She could only remember the horrifying sight of the blade piercing the back of her body, the blood that pooled and the cold heavy feeling of Lilianas body. She could smell the scent of death, and sobbed deeply. So deep that no sound came from her gaping mouth. She cradled the dead woman in her lap inside the church, afraid to leave her. Yet knowing all too well that the woman she had come to see as a sister was gone for ever.

The faith of the old god did not touch on those who give up. It spoke of willing sacrifice, of punishment, and of taking a life, but not about taking your own. She was unable to turn to her faith for solace in her would be sisters death. It was another Barovian whom she cared about who died. It was such a common occurrence in her life now that while she mourned, she could not help but laugh at the cold fact of it all. It was always Barovians. She would care and open up to them, and every time they would be ripped away from her. The pain like having her own heart strings plucked out. It left her feeling hollow. It felt like a cruel joke being played upon her, perhaps by the Old Trickster himself. What a more fitting way to taunt someone when you are death than to bring that death upon loved ones.

Perhaps this was His way of telling her not to distract herself with the foolishness of caring for those who had oppressed her. Yet the pain and lack of guidance left poor Erzsebet feeling heartbroken, alone and sad. While she wanted to believe that that action would free Liliana from suffering, deep down she knew the truth. There is no return from it not because of any good reason, no, but because the action was a defiance against the gods. Against the powers that be. Perhaps Liliana would be snuffed away like a candle flame, smoke dissapearing into the air. Or perhaps she would suffer the final moments leading up to her choice over and over again as punishment. But at no way, would she ever be free from suffering.

"Varga. Shed no more tears for the coward." Zaya had told her that night in the Drowned Rat. She had told Erzsebet that she deserved the pain, but not the others that Lilianas actions had hurt. It was true, Erzsebet deserved to suffer for the vile atrocity she had done. For turning on her friends and allies and killing the regent. She agreed to that. It was true after all, and now she was certain that Liliana would join the cast of ghosts that would haunt her dreams and future days to come.   
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #43 on: November 03, 2021, 04:28:23 PM »
I have met two, one who showed no interest in the faith and one who showed ample. She has a source who wishes me no ill will, which I find interesting and suspicious. Yet, I have a duty to spread the word of the Old God, and she shows interest. Perhaps she will be the one to be the face while I lead. God knows I am not suitable for being a selling point to the faith, I have the social skills of a dead rodent. I see potential in both.

The first I see much of myself in, while the second reflects my religious zest to learn. I am not ignoring the possibility of the woman setting a trap, in all truth I suspect that is exactly what she is doing. A spy for the army or garda, or perhaps she is who she says. Which is what I hope for. She has a physical charm and is sociable too. I have never been opposed to allowing Barovians into the faith, only outlanders for they seem to ruin all they touch when it comes to my kin. If a Barovian wishes to join and understand I will allow it. For Barovians too are stomped upon by the Devils boot.

I am seeing survivors from Zeidenberg, and I am relieved. However, surely they know what I did. It was not secretive like I had wanted, no it was public. Those that I have met seem to share my disdain for the Black Army fleeing Barovia and leaving them behind. Failing to spirit all Gundarakites away from Zeidenberg, to a promised land of safety and freedom. The army still feels like their actions were the best, but I would gladly invite them to return and confront the people who survived the counts slaughter. Of course I am always vocal about my warning them. There was no need for that genocide, that massacre to happen when all they had to do was listen.
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #44 on: November 22, 2021, 12:38:21 PM »
Prayer for the dead:

As Death comes and takes us all,
I pray that He frees you from this torment.
I pray that you may watch over us.
I pray that you are by His side, in the Mothers dark embrace.
I pray that you have found your place.
And I pray that you are truly free.

Prayer for sacrifice:

With this life I recognize your worth
With this knife I make you equal
With this sacrifice I seek to hear your voice
Old God Nerull, accept this gift and be appeased
Show us your might and power, and share with us your decrees!

Generic prayer:

I wear the mask and keep it hidden,
I sow the seeds of deception,
I bring about equality through death,
I work and serve the Great Old God Nerull
Not for his praise, but to avoid his gaze.
To him I bow, forever equal.

Prayer for blessings:

Old God Nerull you hear my prayer and know it true
I seek no boon from you beyond the blessings of the day
When light and life meet their end your fun shall then begin
Grant me what's needed to fufill your desire.
To you I bow forever equal
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #45 on: November 22, 2021, 02:25:03 PM »
Ever since Liliana took her life I have been left to question what happens to those who take their own life. Cutting off their part in the deception without proper reason beyond a cowardly approach to dealing with the suffering of life. Ever since that moment I have seen her repeating that death a thousand times over in my dreams. It is added to the death murder of Lazlo. I watched her actions, and I knew she was going to end her life there, I had tried to delay it, to convince her... I should of offered her a way to still find peace.

There is no home waiting those who take their lives, there is nothing but a repeition of their demise as a static impression on this world. Nothing to return to, no gods embrace to welcome them, not even the negligent view of Death himself will ever look upon their soul. This is true even with Nerull. However, she could of served a higher purpose that morning. Sacrifice. Willing sacrifice to the Old God. In the view of others it is murder and being murdered seems to reserve your place within the afterlife for whatever reason. Her soul could of served a higher purpose and I'm certain then it would be granted equality and be permitted to rest from this ever repeating suffering. However, by choosing to defy the gods and deciding that she can be the reaper, that insult to the Old God will see her soul slowly become nothing more than static. A cold chill in the air, or the unsettling feeling in a room.

For those who commit this sin there is no prayer that can save them, no burial rights. No miracle. All we can do is burn their remains and scatter their ashes. And lament the loss, but do not dwell, for they have sinned against Death itself.

-High Priestess General

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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #46 on: January 10, 2022, 12:05:32 PM »
So I have told Zaya everything. From what I learned from the red wizard lich who has his own domain, to my own theories combined. Whatever the powers are that apparently jail people, be it deeds of horror or deeds of grandeur or determination or terrible things, if they can help me get a land for my kin then I wont refuse them, no matter the cost. Even if the potential cost terrifies me. I am going to make my move soon, my order came in and I'm prepared for it. This is what I must do to ensure the future of my people, to make their lives easier not harder.

The Old God chose me for a reason. I had best do right by Him, the last person he showed power to has failed him many a time. I will set light to the old fires of my ancestors, hold sermons so people can learn. The Old God may be a god of death, disease and deception, but He is not a god of murder. At least not here. I have still yet to find information on the Tergish diety 'Erlin' that is claimed to be the same or at least associated. I already understand the outlander Nerull is the unnatural aspect of murder and death, the side that revels in pointless slaughter, that sees undeath as the supreme way of being. This side of Nerull focuses on wonton slaughter, on killing as many as possible to appease him and perhaps gain some type of undeath yourself. This aspect of Nerull is what people assume when they hear of a god of death. Death to all living things as they are an afront to this reaper.

The Gundarakite Nerull is Death. The end of seasons, the frigid winter that takes lives, the harvest, disease, the rotting of bodies to give way to better soil. The Old God does not hate murder because that is a part of death. What he does not condone is senseless murder, each life taken must matter. He may be deceptive as what we know as death is a game of deciet He plays with all, which is all the more reason to celebrate those who escape it. Undeath is not the supreme way of being here, that would be breaking free of the cycle of deciet He has created. Undead exist because He is more focused on watching it all unfold than paying attention to the souls who have been freed. Some slip out for revenge, some for power, others simply to spread disease, destruction and death, eventually they are returned to His side though. They serve a purpose after all.
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #47 on: January 18, 2022, 12:38:01 PM »
The Hunt is sacred. The hunt is the act of finding your prey, your sacrifice, your target. The acts that one takes to track and find them are sacred, as is the death that ensues. In this sacred death that person can find redemption. I could of offered Liliana a chance to redeem herself and save her soul instead of killing herself. Suicide is an act that traps you in a never ending repetition of your last minutes. Over and over and over will the one who took their life be forced to witness their final sin.

I am taking time and thinking about the best way to make the lives of kin better and I am realizing that to be a leader means I will be forced to make choices I wouldn't wish upon anyone. There will be cases where people see me as unfair, where I will have to make harsh calls. I can no longer delay, while my laziness has at least let me confirm some things... It is time that I do the very thing I have been dreading doing. I will miss her, but allowing all those innocent people and children to die when it could of been prevented is something that can never be forgiven. As a general - hell as an officer, she has power, she could of made things different, yet she allowed it to happen, they all did. I am sick of people trying to change things in Barovia when they know nothing of what it is like here.

As for Vasillica... I have been watching daily for a summons or a bounty and yet I see nothing. I do believe I called her bluff. I was surprised she didn't try to find me after I fled into the copse of trees to hide. I wonder how long I can remain hidden around Vallaki...

I found a giant statue of what looks like some demonic entity in the Retezat forest and I think it will be the perfect place for an altar. It could also be a statue of some conqueror or other god, but the location feels right. I suspect that there will be people who try to attack when I hold my sermons. I will be needing to have things set in place to ensure the safety of all who attend, and that means enough potions for all. I wont take stupid risks. I will also fashion masks for everyone and robes. I may as well put my tailoring skills to use. I will get Miuo to show me how to set up an altar, she has more experience with worship than me.
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #48 on: February 08, 2022, 04:03:53 PM »
Guilt by association I guess. But, I suppose I was right to hold the thought of Zaya betraying me in the back of my mind. Turns out that was quite true. Now I hve to deal with it.
More importantly: Will I finally walk the path laid before me?
The path I have tried to avoid. I suppose I will just see if I can fix it this time or if it will be the last.
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Re: The High Priestess: Poison is Medicine Part Two
« Reply #49 on: February 24, 2022, 07:09:00 PM »
Immune to poison. Makes me want to work things out to both our benefits even more.
But I fear that may not be the case.
I have a path I must walk and like Calixte, I need to walk it and let it take me where it will.

Even if I am afraid.
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