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Author Topic: Making forum posts with different access levels  (Read 450 times)


  • Dark Power
  • ******
  • Posts: 1693
Making forum posts with different access levels
« on: March 20, 2020, 07:34:40 PM »
Sometimes one would like to write in more detail about IC stuff, more directed to DMs rather than players. It could contain spoilers and so on, so it'd be better if only DMs could see it. Maybe after some time, one would want to change the access level to reveal it to the public. An example could be a detailed list of character traits, what triggers the character etc. serving DMs who want to effectively "hook" them. The generic requests could also use this. I wanted to write more details there, but those were just for the DMs.

I'm thinking maybe a section below biographies could be made where you can make a topic that only DMs and you can see. Not sure what the best solution would be for generic requests.

So just throwing this on the stack of suggestions.