Author Topic: EXPLOITS OF THE BEARS  (Read 1222 times)


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« on: April 17, 2020, 12:40:33 AM »

I'm but a cataloger of the exploits of these figures the Bashful Bears, heroes maybe, fighters for profit, at times but they do seem like a good bunch of people.
The Bashful bears is not small there number fluctuates often but from what I've seen the constants of this particular group seem to always be.

Horc a creature of large size  with an appetite that would make men, turn yellow if they tried to copy it,  He seems as if he is the leader of the group with the others often rallying around him.

Ken a man taller than Horc but not as wide, always without a shirt, the others tease him about his nipples but they seem to be all in good jest.  Ken is as quick as a whip, and often evens out Horc's  brash actions with his wisdom.

Sable Blackhand the most mysterious of the group, seldom seen but always heard she is as quiet as a mouse and as dangerous as a lion. While she seems to have relegated herself to the groups magical needs, I often think she hides more than she lets on.

Bingo is the glue that holds the other three together, his presence seems to cheer the others, on considerably  than when he is gone. I've never seen Bingo miss a shot. 

The bears met like most days in front of the church on the outskirts of Vallaki a breeding ground for many such groups. After some conversation and looking at the wares of a dwarf all three decided to  enter the catacombs of the church to help with there dead problem.  There they met a paladin called Jasper, Horc immediately assumed the worst of the man but once again Bingo, calmed the giant down and the two groups were able to co exist. As they cleared out the crypts, they met a beautiful maiden of the Morning-lord church below.  She had just dispatched a skeleton when Jasper came upon her and began to immediately interrogate her about her reason for being here and her actions.  She was very beautiful  and innocent, Jasper's  interrogation of the girl soon had Horc and Ken almost to Blows, When suddenly the woman disappearance from view, Jasper immediately accused her of Necromancy , while the Bears  tried to advocate innocence.  The alliance between the two groups was over and the Bears left Vallaki for the Radu Keep there they met a beautiful maiden who joined the Bears, on a mission to remove ghosts from the keep of Radu, After  fighting Ghosts, Assassin Vines, and  a vengeful ghost King the Bears, cleared out the Crypts as well. The maiden said good bye and the bears returned to Vallaki.   Bingo sold the goods while the others talked of the future. After some deliberating. The Bears went there separate ways until they meet again.


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« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2020, 12:48:01 PM »
Log Entry 2:

Another Adventure , Horc and Bingo join a group that plans to fight an invading army known as the Invidians? the others say they are invading, but all Horc and Bingo see is the treasure there sure to make,  The adventure begins with some walking through the woods and mountains.  When they Arrive this Bill prays that his god forgives him for the murder they'll commit, Horc tries ti harden the fellow by letting him lay his Sin on Horc's Doorstep.  Also Horc has his eyes set on getting  A druid known as Andrid to join the Bear's thinking he's real Bashful material.  The fight goes we'll with everyone doing we'll but Horc and Bingo really distinguish themselves  dismantling bones faster than the others!  Horc ends up saving a few lives begrudgingly as he wastes potion after potion on them. So that no one dies.  THough near the end, things grew dire when the whole party was almost wiped out luckily Horc and Bingo saw what was transpiring and ran before, it got bad.  Bingo saved alot of lives sneaking through the darkness and  pouring healing tonic in the mouths of the downed.  two had died and Horc was relegated to Body duty but that made him no less dangerous ! They cleared these Invidian tunnels of its ilk and made off like bandits. Horc begrudgingly resurrected the two lost souls, even dipping into his own coppers after the gold he found ran dry.  All in all the Bears out did themselves and they can only hope, there legend will spread.


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« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2020, 10:27:15 AM »
The Bashful Bears are always on the move! A small army on the rise the bears head to the Radu crypts to secure treasures long forgotten in the fortress of Radu! The ghosts were many and dangerous, yet the bears pressed on closely skirting death, luckily some new.blood helped them gain the edge.

Bena a dwarven archer, weak on constitution  but large of heart.

Then there's Aiiie! a simple creature, that has a real.knack for taking apart locks, disarming traps and hitting people when they don't expect it.

The Bears always seem to.have a chaotic way of doing battle which, has sometimes hindered them, but they remain calm in any situation. As they explored Radu l, Aiie! Found something no one expected, a secret passage that left everyone in the bears.more than a little uncomfortable. A vote was taken and one of there number left rather than explore the dark caves . Warned of Demons even the bears left but swore one day to return!


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« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2020, 11:44:34 AM »
Bingo and Horc, Horc and Bingo never has there been two more intrepid adventurers as they delve into places unexplored, ancient Tombs and deep waters .  Fullowing a sage into a Trolls domain the two  almost lost one another int he deep waters.


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« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2020, 11:45:48 AM »
The Bears grow ever more Bold, as they  make there base hiding in the village of Barovia, a major occurance has happend as the Bears now seem to have found themselves employed by a patron,  known as the mysterious Serina.


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« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2020, 11:51:46 AM »
The Bears brotherhood of Bashers are as follows.

Names:    Monikers:
Horc        The Orc
Sable       The Nasty
Ken         of the Knee
Bingo       Knife Hand
Aiiie!!!      The Bound
Andrid      The Bear

Fellow Bears, acting in an assisting propriety
Daphne    The Appraiser


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« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2020, 11:09:10 AM »
The Bashful Bears

We climb the highest Mountains, just to get a better view!
The tides of fate were like the sea, for the most part they would lap in and out with a steady rhythm, but on occasion things would lose their pace. The storms of man would throw wind to the waves, building the undercurrents and whipping up the waters.
With such opposing forces the water would become blurry, dragging up sand and silt that should have remained buried, until the truth was little more than a blur.
Yet what tide did fate choose to interrupt this time? A simple city known as Ravenloft, because even the black bird which flies the winds between life and death is not exempt from destiny. And neither were our five heroes.
Horc. Ken. Sable. and Bingo!!
Like the five points of the pentacle that draws power from the elements, they were drawn together in what could only be described as a most curious union.
They were brought together by the tides of their own lives.
Horc, the half orc in need of a place in the world; too strong to fit in with the world of men but not as full blooded as his kin. As a youth he had wanted nothing more than to be included in the world but the children were cruel and tough – something which the world had proven to be. They called him pig face and hook fang, mocked him for the leatherette feel of his skin and for his height. Yet Horc was a gentle being, not easy to draw to anger (something which lost him the respect of his orc brethren). It was only when the tides turned on the one girl who had resolved to be his friend all of those years that he made his error. The bully pushed the girl and chivalrous as ever, Horc pushed him back – with the strength of orc blood running in his veins. There was a crack and a wail! And Horc's fate was sealed; exile to the orc stronghold in the mountains. Until a gusty day on the 6th of Sabbath when the promise of the mists pulled him away...
Ken's journey began in quite a different way, yet all routes led to one destination. The monk was in the temple of Rifftower, the only home he had ever known, nestled between the silver birch forest and land as far as the eye could see (which is significantly less than the mind’s eye). With eyes closed but the mind open he asked the universe for guidance. Ken had been meditating for his entire life, once having stayed in a state of ascension for three full days, and yet on the 7th of Sabbath his focus was lacking. He felt as though eyes were upon him...
When his own opened he saw in front of him a magnificent sight! A great city in the mist loomed like the mist of water ahead of him. Ken ran inside, scouring the library and found a dusty tomb. There was a painting on one of the pages which called to him, and without another word he began his journey; travelling further than he ever had but knowing that he would not be satisfied until his feet.
Then came Sable the sorcerer gnome, a wildcard of a wanderer who longed for adventure, though Sable's path was one that would weave with another, binding them together long before they entered the city walls. A halfling killer by the name of Bingo stalked the sorcerer through the wood, unbeknownst to them both the other was quite aware of their presence. Together, they walked, one on the dirt path and the other in the coverage of the trees until they stumbled upon a clearing.
There, like two feral cats guarding a scrap they faced each other, circling until a fight broke out. Slashing! Lashing! Casting and clawing! Their feet cut into the ground, magic blistering the bark of trees and knives coming closer to cutting Sable than any had before. Exhausted, they finally collapsed.
“A true rival, how interesting.” Sable panted.
“A truly unique match.” The halfling nodded. “I would like to see more of your power.”
“And I would like to see what drives your strange life.”
“This meeting could be to our benefit.”
“Then where are you heading?”
“A grand place.”
“... Then I shall go too.”
Thus on the 6th of Sabbath two more made their way into the mist.

The 4 of them were the first but not the last to join the band of the Bashful Bear!


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« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2020, 11:25:48 AM »