Try asking on the forum, or in the official discord server in the #free-advice channel. Chances are a member of the community can help you out.
If you have a question about rules, or wish to report a rulebreak, contact a DM.RulesServer RulesForum RulesOfficial Discord RulesWords on Roleplay and the Server PhilosophyAbout Roleplay and ResponsibilityThe Roleplay ManifestCharacter Closure, Resolution, and PermadeathCharacter BuildingRavenloft-specific Name GeneratorList of ClassesList of SkillsList of new and changed FeatsParry AC SystemClass Restrictions- Monks cannot multiclass with other base classes. Paladins who do so will be unable to progress further as paladins, and will lose all paladin abilities. Both classes may take prestige classes without restriction.
- When multiclassing, at no time can a character's classes be more than 10 levels apart.
- All prestige classes require a minimum investment of 5 levels by level 20
Subraces- Subraces are restricted by setting of origin - when choosing your background you can see a list of allowed subraces.
Subraces are not supported for homebrew or non D&D settings - base race characters only.
- Some ECL subraces require an application.
Subrace Application ProcessSubrace Roleplaying Resources and LorePrestige ClassesList of Prestige ClassesPrestige Class Roleplay ResourcesPrestige Class Application ProcessNoble CharactersApplications for NobilityMonster Player Characters / Atmospheric Monster Player CharactersThe Role of Monstrous Player CharactersMonstrous Roleplaying Resources and LoreMPC Application ProcessCharacter CustomizationHeads and Colors Resource (Partial)
List of VoicesetsDeletions, Relevels and Remakes - Characters cannot be deleted from the server vault. You may make new player accounts in order to manage your character lists if desired.
- You can use the @relevel command to re-take your last level up at any time, but you will lose all experience points gained since then.
Works once per level.
- The Relevel Crystal can be used to fix mistakes you made earlier on. It offers a full relevel from level 2 up to 5 times, or 31 days since first use, whichever comes first.
The Relevel Crystal is intended to be used to fix mistakes or bad choices, not to 're-spec' your character, drastically alter them, nor to retroactively take levels in a PrC you have been approved for.
Remake/Additional Relevel Application ProcessServer SystemsThe Current Year- Time flows at the same rate as in the real world (1:1), even though the day/night cycle as well as the seasons follow the in-game clock. In other words, for every year in real life that passes, one year has passed in the game world.
Overview of Environmental and Immersion Systems - Weather affects many things, including Stealth and Detection skills.
List of Spell ChangesList of EmotesPartying and Experience Points- Soloing is allowed, but the module is balanced for group play. Solo at your own risk, but we encourage you to adventure in groups.
- The 'Join Party' function has been disabled. Experience Points are distributed based on proximity to a kill.
The XP SystemSpecial Commands- You can access a list of special commands from your in-game journal. These allow you to perform a lot of character customization, interact with the world and with creatures under your control.
- You can type help after any command to learn more about how it works and your options.
Roleplay ResourcesSetting InformationList of Domains of Dread (Partial)
Ravenloft Setting InformationFactionsAbout Faction PlayList of Officially Supported FactionsList of Player FactionsLanguagesRavenloft LanguagesLanguage Prefix SystemOther ResourcesReligious ResourcesPaladin Roleplay GuideFamiliars Roleplay ResourceAnimal Companion Roleplay ResourceBugs and Exploits- If you experience a (non-exploit) bug, please
report it here.
We cannot fix bugs that go unreported. Please check the forum beforehand to see if it is a known issue or has been reported before.
Contributing to Prisoners of the MistsApplication for Dungeon MasterApplications for Developer