Author Topic: The Meditations of an Apprentice  (Read 778 times)


  • Undead Slayer
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The Meditations of an Apprentice
« on: October 01, 2019, 09:35:01 AM »
Musky, fragrant airs clung to the worn walls of the Lady's Rest. A room lay occupied, and by the unkempt bed, a journal. Black was it's leather, unbound and open.

The Ruminations of Love and Love lost:

I lay waking even in my dreams of love found and then lost. Aware entirely of the disease that has stricken me, yet, incapable of fighting it. No potion or spell, or cloth may ever mend the wound that has wretched my very being in two. That much I am sure of its effects, that much I am sure that this ailment will continue to haunt my spirit till the day I drop dead, cold and unfeeling will I still grieve. I do not weep, nor do I sob, not a tear is shed. Not because I am strong, but because I am weak. So frail is my mind, so wracked is it by grief that a single tear may break me. Forgive me, Carla, I do not long for your gaze anymore, I do not long for your touch, or your scent, or your presence. Hopeful imaginations of you are so fickle and cruel. The happiest dreams of you are but nightmares now, ones that wake you in the cold of night baptized in fear. I am scorned by love and by love lost.

« Last Edit: October 06, 2019, 04:12:50 AM by Blissey »


  • Undead Slayer
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Re: The Meditations of an Apprentice
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2019, 06:02:03 AM »
Musky, fragrant airs clung to the worn walls of the Lady's Rest. A room lay occupied, and by the unkempt bed, a journal. Black was it's leather, unbound and open.

The Isaasian Oath:

The Isaasian Oath's origin is clouded by the arrogance of those who have rewritten history time and time again, though there is one definitive source describing the first known record of this incantation being used. It's progenitor, Para'zaam Taunany, founder of the Taunany Tower Accademy where I proudly study. Para'zaam grew up in the turmoil of the aftermath of the First Cycle, born across the now spawling continents of Oru. Para'zaam desired order, an order which would bind the world's wounds and allow us to trudge on into the unknown, hand in hand. With the Lionheart Republic largely in shambles, Oru was without guidance, and for once, hope was almost entirely lost. As last of the Skorne remnants still roamed Oru looking for slaughter, few brave souls stood in their path. Vitaian Centurian Rollick Bross was one of those souls. A noble path, thought Para'zam, is one worth following. One worth dedicating your life to, your skills and your power. In the final bastion of humanity, Para'zaam and Rollick Bross joined in arms. Para'zaam deemed this alliance was not enough, for the fragility of the world required something much more substantial and steady and thus, the Isaasian Oath was created. An intricate circle of runes which allowed for one to bind their very destiny to another's. 

Though an intricate and highly difficult incantation to produce, I will provide a step by step process in which one might attempt a successful ritual.

- 2 Consenting Participants (One Arcanist and one of a Noble path is required)
- Black chalk, ink, ooze or anything required to draw runes.
- An Arcanists' focusing stave.
- Sane mind, and spirit.

The Process:

Step 1

Drawing the Origin Circle

- A single circle of whatever black drawing tool you have must be made.
- The circle must be at least 3 meters across in size.
- The slightest mistake or misalignment of this circle will render the incantation null.
- The Origin Circle is surrounded by the runes required to activate the circle. It must be written at least 1 centimeter around the circumference of the Origin Circle.

Origin Circle Runes: "ᚨ ᚾᛟᛒᛚᛖ ᛈᚨᛏᚺ, ᛁ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᚠᛟᛚᛚᛟᚹ. ᚨ ᚾᛟᛒᛚᛖ ᚲᚨᚢᛋᛖ, ᛁ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᚠᛁᚷᚺᛏ ᚠᛟᚱ. ᚨ ᚾᛟᛒᛚᛖ ᛋᛟᚢᛚ, ᛁ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛋᛖᚱᚡᛖ"

Step 2

The Three Focus Circles

- Three circles must be drawn along the lines of the origin circle.
- These circles must be 0.15 meters along in size and shape.
- Each circle retains specific runes exclusive to each circle, these must be carved around the circumference of the circle exactly 1 centimeter from the circle itself.

Circle 1: "ᛚ ᛟ ᚤ ᚨ ᛚ ᛏᚤ"

Circle 2: "ᛏ ᚱ ᚢ ᛋ ᛏ"

Circle 3: "ᛞ ᛖ ᛋ ᛏ ᛁ ᚾ ᚤ"

Step 3

The Dividian Triangles

- One central triangle must connect all three Focus Circles together exactly 2.5 centimeters from the center of these focus circles
- One central triangle must sit exactly within the middle of the Origin circle.
- One central triangle must sit exactly 2 centimeters apart from the previous central triangle.

Step 4

The Inner Sequence Runes

- Exactly 3.5 centimeters equidistant between the Origin circle and the innermost central triangle a circle of runes must be impeccably written in.

"ᛒᛟᚢᚾᛞ, ᛞᛖᛋᛏᛁᚾᚤ, ᚢᚾᚠᚨᛚᛏᛖᚱᛁᚾᚷ, ᛞᛖᛞᛁᚲᚨᛏᛖᛞ, ᚠᚨᛏᛖ, ᚹᛖᚨᚡᛖ, ᚠᛟᚲᚢᛋ, ᚷᛟᚨᛚ"

Step 5

The Naenium Circle

- Within the central most triangle, a circle of exactly 3 feet in size must be impeccably drawn.

Step 6

The Finalem Runes

- Four individual runes must be placed exactly 1 centimeter apart from each individual corner of the Naenium circle.

Rune 1: "ᚠᛞ"

Rune 2: "ᛩᛖ"

Rune 3: "ᛪᛋ"

Rune 4: "ᛞᛋ"

Step 7

- Enter the circle with your selected participant.
- Join hands, a firm grip is required.
- Retain eye contact with the said participant throughout the entire incantation.
- Your other free hand must be occupied by your focusing stave.

- To activate the Origin Circle, incant:

"Insignem id sequar. A causa nobilior ego pro. A nobili anima mea, et ego colam."

- To activate the Three Focus Circles, incant:

"Spera carminibus meritas celebrare Fatum."

- To activate the Inner Sequence Runes, incant:

"Ilii vobis, tenetur ad fatum tenetur a veritate."

- To activate the Finalum Runes, incant:

"Caritas, virtus, veritas, vincitum."

- With all circles activated, the final incantation must be canted:

"Hoc ego iuravi tibi magnificum usque extremum spiritum nostrum commune fatum. Semita tua mea."