Suggestions, Feedback & Bug Reports (OOC) > Fixed Bugs

Gambling Slots


Name: Slots Across from Angelika Ticmeanu

Where: Barovia - Vallaki - Lower Town - Slums - The Prancing Nymph Gentleman's Club (Casino)

When: 9/6/19 - 18:40 CST

What: Slot Odds & Payout Incorrect

Recreate: Repeatable - Play the Slots Until Getting Diamond - Diamond - Diamond, Each time will win 50 GP instead of 180 GP

I've tried img and gifv tags for the links but can't get the screenshots to display correctly (sorry).

Ideas: Correct the Billboard/Sign to 10 to 1 or Correct the Payout to 36 to 1 (Betting 5 each time, the payout should be 180 but instead is only 50 each win)

From the message, it seems like the house only had 50 gold pieces left, hence why you only received 50. The system is set up so that if the "house" runs out of money, it only pays what it has left.

Edit: I found the issue as to why the house had so little gold and will fix it in my next update.

Thanks for looking into this and appreciate all your hard work! I was missing that few hundred gold enough to post about it and wouldn't want anyone else to suffer...more than necessary in Ravenloft.  ;)

This should now be fixed.

Thanks, especially given such great response time!  :)


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