You have been taken by the Mists

Author Topic: Journal of a Displaced Tax Collector  (Read 2523 times)


  • Undead Slayer
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Journal of a Displaced Tax Collector
« on: July 05, 2019, 02:40:54 AM »
(All text is written in Urikite unless specifically stated otherwise.)

In all thoughts and actions I must remember that my purpose is to return to Urik with a great bounty of metal and water.

Circumstances: I am now twice-Misted and find myself in Vallaki, Barovia.  I have undertaken delivery of letters and cargo as an appropriate and profitable civil duty.  King Hamanu feels distant and does not reach out with his mind to provide me with directives despite daily offerings of water, surely this ought to get his attention even if it is wise to avoid such attention.

Mysteries: Nature and purpose of Darkon's memory rewriting.  Presence of a moon on the night of Barovian winter solstice (or perhaps it is better to approach the mystery as lack of a moon on Darkon's Darkest Night.)  Those of the Grey Realm linger under the Cult of the Morninglord's temple but do not advance upon the living upon the surface.  The absence of the Way, Thri-Kreen, Kanks, Erdlu and Muls.  The presence of Gnomes, Caliban, wolves, chicken, and horses.  The apparent civility of Halflings.

Confirmed: That Athas is real.  I met a woman who is from there.  She named the cities Draj and Raam.  (I still have concerns that Darkon or something therein has a continued, subtle effect on my memories, regardless.)

To be confirmed: Sigil, multiverse, lycanthropes, vampires

Observations: Anyone can live like a king without knowing it.  This is a land of plenty, it has made people weak and foolish.  People proudly rebuke warnings that if listened to can ensure continued survival.  I have witnessed much waste, including use of magic for no purpose beyond amusement and to create conflict where none has naturally sprung.  This land can be harsh but danger presents in more subtle ways.  Knowledge is therefore the greatest tool for survival here.  Multiple people are afflicted with a sickness of the mind that compels them to act as raiders in search of water, when there is plenty of water to be found.  It is senseless and disturbing.

Course of action: accumulate wealth, travel to Dementlieu and contact a group known as the Erudites.

Discord: Delawhere


Dementlieu: Willem van der Hoot, Outlander Beguiler
Barovia: Oliver Blumfeld, Mordentish Shaman

Previous: Anton Durand, Ezrite Cleric of the Fekete Sereg


  • Undead Slayer
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Re: Journal of a Displaced Tax Collector
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2019, 11:48:25 PM »
In all thoughts and actions I must remember that my purpose is to return to Urik with a great bounty of metal and water.

Circumstances: I have met B, another Athasian.  It was the first time I spent the night outside.  Additional confirmation that Athas is real seems valuable to me.

Mystery: Who gets taken by the Mists and why?

* Gwen, Human female.  Tribal, generally survived in the places between Draj and Raam.  Industrious personality demonstrated by success as a craftsman.  Engaging personality.
* B, Human male.  Tyrian Gladiator-slave.  Mercenary attitude, now has freedom and would like to use it.  Takes pride in the harsh conditions from whence we came.
* Myself, Human male.  Templar of King Hamanu's Urik.  Perhaps the most risk-averse of all the Vallaki outlanders.
* All three are Human from a crescent shaped region that would fit above the Tablelands.  From memory, the Dragon's Bowl would be the center of this region.
* None of us seem to be, as it has been explained to me, heroes or villains.  (We are simply survivors.)
* That is where the commonalities end.

Conclusions: None

Suggested Conclusion, B: We are here to prevent the destruction of this world.

Claim: Magic is used excessively and wastefully here (confirmed multiple times)
Claim: Magic destroyed Athas (likely)
Claim: Athas was once verdant like the Core (unlikely and never mentioned in the Templar's library)
Claim, Shannon Linwood: she has personally witnessed pursuit of arcane power twist the minds of others (a different defilement?)

Observation: I was selected and sworn to serve King Hamanu and Urik in all things.  Saving this world is not expedient to their interests.
Observation: The Mists brought me to a place where I would forget both King Hamanu and Urik.  Then the Mists brought me to another place where I would recall Athas.  It is as if the Mists would personally have me know that like B, I too can be free and I too can turn my back on my old life.  Choose my own purpose.
Observation: In all thoughts and actions I must remember that my purpose is to return to Urik with a great bounty of metal and water. 
Result: B's suggested conclusion is discarded.

Course of action: One full day and night to contemplate my purpose without food, water or sleep so that I may purge myself of inefficient thoughts such as Observation 2, above.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2019, 12:01:45 AM by HouseOfLament »
Discord: Delawhere


Dementlieu: Willem van der Hoot, Outlander Beguiler
Barovia: Oliver Blumfeld, Mordentish Shaman

Previous: Anton Durand, Ezrite Cleric of the Fekete Sereg


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 225
Re: Journal of a Displaced Tax Collector
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2019, 12:49:27 AM »
In all thoughts and actions I must remember that my purpose is to return to Urik with a great bounty of metal and water.

Circumstances: Constantin, proprietor of the fishing lodge outside Vallaki, was indisposed and unable to accept deliveries for a full day.  Returning to Vallaki before the sun rises would be a failure to heed the warnings.

Mystery: Is the Barovian night unsafe?

Method: Move cargo inside the lodge to ensure delivery, leave the ox tied up outside for the night.  Observe result after sunrise.

* Ox was found the next morning dead and badly mauled.  Examination of body shows the animal was clawed, bit and ripped open.  Further examination of entrails shows the ox to be more similar to Humans than Kanks.
* Body suggests attacker was similar in nature to beast identified as Lycanthrope that entered the Lady's Resting Place and was felled by other patrons.

Conclusion: The Barovian night is unsafe due to widespread presence of Lycanthropes.  I am told they are vulnerable only to certain metals which would make them apex predators on Athas.  An unsettling notion.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 11:32:23 PM by HouseOfLament »
Discord: Delawhere


Dementlieu: Willem van der Hoot, Outlander Beguiler
Barovia: Oliver Blumfeld, Mordentish Shaman

Previous: Anton Durand, Ezrite Cleric of the Fekete Sereg


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 225
Re: Journal of a Displaced Tax Collector
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2019, 10:04:33 PM »
In all thoughts and actions I must remember that my purpose is to return to Urik with a great bounty of metal and water.

Circumstances: My pile of wolf fangs from deliveries has been traded for a full set of chitin armor and an incredibly sharp, glowing blade that freezes my enemies. 

* I believe the blade to be worth more than the entire Kronn Estate and having it on Athas would be extraordinarily dangerous, as everyone would want to have it for themselves.
* Once I have repleted my coffers, venturing to Port-a-Lucine in Dementlieu remains expedient to my interests.
* Temporarily adopting the so-called adventurer lifestyle will provide funds and training to ensure I successfully make the journey.
* Based on early attempts, those who advance carefully and work as a group have the greatest likelihood of survival.
* Whenever taking risks, it is paramount to consider that my life is not my own.  It is my King's, my House's, and Urik's in that order. 

Conclusion: And so being hazardous rather than prudent defies my duty to all three of those parties.  And so it shall not be done. 
Discord: Delawhere


Dementlieu: Willem van der Hoot, Outlander Beguiler
Barovia: Oliver Blumfeld, Mordentish Shaman

Previous: Anton Durand, Ezrite Cleric of the Fekete Sereg


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 225
Re: Journal of a Displaced Tax Collector
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2019, 08:28:13 PM »
In all thoughts and actions I must remember that my purpose is to return to Urik with a great bounty of metal and water.

Circumstances: I have made contact with Archadeus from the Society of Erudites

* Rare literature can be purchased from him at the Mist Camp.  One of the tomes seems relevant to those who wish to navigate the Mists to lands beyond the Core.
* Entrance into the Society of Erudites requires composition of original research, to be peer reviewed and judged for merit.
* It seems best to research something in Barovia.  Once this task is complete it will be appropriate to move on.
Discord: Delawhere


Dementlieu: Willem van der Hoot, Outlander Beguiler
Barovia: Oliver Blumfeld, Mordentish Shaman

Previous: Anton Durand, Ezrite Cleric of the Fekete Sereg


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 225
Re: Journal of a Displaced Tax Collector
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2019, 10:18:20 AM »
In all thoughts and actions I must remember that my purpose is to return to Urik with a great bounty of metal and water.

Circumstances: A second Barovian winter has passed.  I have secured a bounty of one hundred steel ingots along with the necessary funds for the next phase of my duties, and so I have relocated to the Mist Camp.


* I have witnessed the terrible fury of the so-called Barovian Red Wolf.  I have seen it slaughter over twenty highly skilled warriors.  Nothing seems to stop it.  It possibly walks among the people of Barovia disguised as a Human.  Truly disturbing to consider anyone I've met might be this creature.  Another example of how threats of the Core obfuscate their true nature.

* The so-called adventurer's lifestyle can be more lucrative than deliveries but often one takes much risk and suffers much injury for nothing.  Adventuring with strangers appears to be the most efficient way to make allies and yet the greatest source of potential liability to one's survival.  Adventuring alone is even more dangerous.  As much as I dislike attribution to the nonsensical concepts described as luck I must admit I am still alive for such.

* Port-a-Lucine is not what I hoped.  The people call wearing armor savage which would be acceptable were the city a peaceful, safe place.  I have not seen or heard of so much criminal scum in my life.  The Council of Brilliance ought to be replaced with a single Monarch.  These people do not fear the law for the law and its government are weak.  And so they do as they please.

Course of action: Meet with Archadeus and purchase literature now that I am in the Mist Camp.  Meet others who are part of the Society of Erudites.  Gain a better understanding of research process along with examples of useful research.  Learn more about Dementlieu's famed technology and culture despite its unfortunate self-inflicted problems.  Return to Barovia before the next winter and begin my own research process.

Mystery: Who do the Mists take and why?
« Last Edit: August 12, 2019, 10:24:59 AM by HouseOfLament »
Discord: Delawhere


Dementlieu: Willem van der Hoot, Outlander Beguiler
Barovia: Oliver Blumfeld, Mordentish Shaman

Previous: Anton Durand, Ezrite Cleric of the Fekete Sereg


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 225
Re: Journal of a Displaced Tax Collector
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2019, 01:35:39 PM »
In all thoughts and actions I must remember that my purpose is to return to Urik with a great bounty of metal and water.

Circumstances: I now spend most of my time in Port-a-Lucine and I have had a chance to discuss the research process itself with multiple Erudites.


* Monsieur Renaud encourages me to approach subject matter with an open mind and to focus on what can be observed without conclusions in mind or even a desire to reach conclusions.  He says the point of the researcher is to remain seperate from the subject matter, to look outside of ourselves and to reconcile multiple perspectives into a superior singular. 

* Achadeus recommends being precise and exhaustive.  The subject should be tangible and concrete.  Engage in minimum guesswork and unfounded speculation.  Specifically advised that it would not be appropriate to submit a work which ponders and only serve to raise questions in the reader's mind without providing answers.

Course of action: previous research topic of "who do the Mists take and why" is being discarded as it is not in line with the advice I have received.  Methodology of interviewing those taken by the Mists remains.  Focus on the concrete and move away from the abstract.  Where are these people coming from?  What do they have to say about their homes and what do they have to say about the Core?  How are they adapting to the Core?  I shall also remain open to additional concrete topics as they arise in interviews.  I have begun to make copies of the guide to Barovia which writes from the perspective of Vallaki being its functional center.  This subject matter will attract those I wish to speak to.  I must unfortunately develop carpentry skills to make signs and booths.

Additional circumstance: I am possibly being recruited into House d'Orsine.


* One never knows to whom one is speaking.  Just as I am a noble well beyond the jurisdiction, power and respect of House Kronn, so it is with others.  A pleasant and engaging conversation one night in Barovia can open doors elsewhere many seasons later.  Apparently I am the only person who bothered speaking to Mademoiselle Travere during her time in Barovia.  Fortunate for myself and yet another example of how those who live upon the fringe of Vallaki are lacking in mental resources.

* It is possible membership would provide resources that are expedient to my own interests (which is to say great King Hamanu's interests.)  It is also possible, though I have been told otherwise, that such would interfere.  I find this scenario to be unlikely since King Hamanu has no interests here beyond acquisition of resources that I may acquire legally.  I must simply find a way home.

* I worry swearing fealty to d'Orsine would regardless be no different than swearing fealty to foul King Kalak of Tyr or the egotistical tyrant Nibenay who rules a city by the same name and marries each of his Templars.  Whether it is so remains solely up to my King in his infinite wisdom, and I can not begin to guess how he thinks and why.  And so I shall not know whether he approves or disapproves until he disapproves and forsakes me.  The idea of being in this place without the power King Hamanu grants me is terrifying, for it is by his power alone that I have survived this long.  I still have nightmares of the day I was the sole survivor of an expedition in the wolf caves.  Of the time I presented King Hamanu's sigil and ordered two werewolves who guarded passage to my egress not to attack me.  As I walked between them I feared they would suddenly reach out and tear me to shreds.  They did not, but in my dreams they do.  Would they obey the symbol of d'Orsine as such?  No, certainly not.

Course of action: learn more of House d'Orsine from multiple sources that would not be intrinsically biased in its favor.  Keep in mind that my efforts to do so shall invariably make their way back to d'Orsine himself.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2019, 01:44:54 PM by HouseOfLament »
Discord: Delawhere


Dementlieu: Willem van der Hoot, Outlander Beguiler
Barovia: Oliver Blumfeld, Mordentish Shaman

Previous: Anton Durand, Ezrite Cleric of the Fekete Sereg


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 225
Re: Journal of a Displaced Tax Collector
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2019, 09:03:08 PM »
Circumstances: I have nearly lost my life while seeking bounties and dealing with criminals in Port-a-Lucine.  A man named Vayn whom I have seen before in Barovia brought me to safety.  He returned my equipment and solars.  He refuted my claims that I was in his debt.

Mystery: What is the purpose of altruism?


* In this land of plenty I have encountered a startling number of individuals who engage in the practice known as altruism.

* My associate Mademoiselle Travere demonstrates signs of physical frailty each time we speak.  Her family invested resources in her regardless and saw value in her life rather than leaving her in the streets to die as an infant.

Conclusion: Plentiful resources beget the practice of altruism.

The mystery remains unsolved (and does not conform to Erudite standards.)  I feel confused and uncertain.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 12:14:30 AM by HouseOfLament »
Discord: Delawhere


Dementlieu: Willem van der Hoot, Outlander Beguiler
Barovia: Oliver Blumfeld, Mordentish Shaman

Previous: Anton Durand, Ezrite Cleric of the Fekete Sereg


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 225
Re: Journal of a Displaced Tax Collector
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2019, 01:12:19 AM »
In all thoughts and actions I must remember that my purpose is to return to Urik with a great bounty of metal and water.

Circumstances: I have witnessed and participated in Dementlieuse wedding customs.  Specifically the union of Monsieur d'Orsine and Mademoiselle Travere.


* The groom and selected males spend the night before imbibing alcohol.  The effects of this substance are truly horrifying.  A vast and truly unsafe amount of bodily fluid is lost to urination upon imbibing alcohol in quantity and I feared it would be the death of me despite this being a land of plenty where rain is described as an inconvenience.  Further, alcohol causes those who imbibe it to become disarmed to threats and impulsive.

* The ceremony itself featured a speech in the Dementlieuse Ezrite tradition.  The arranged marriage was a manifestation of their Grand Scheme wherein everything that occurs is an inscrutable step in a game of sorts played by abstract powers.  The time before marriage was symbolized by a blindfold which is perhaps to say that acceptance of one's role within the Grand Scheme provides greater awareness.

*  The affair is punctuated by much celebration.  This appears to be a natural extension of life in a context wherein it is not prone to being cut short by lack of resources required for survival.

* The Toret's speech spoke much on love despite the marriage being arranged.  A fine example of how nothing is as it seems in the Core.

* Regardless, the Oaths between bride and groom were exquisite and indeed rather inspiring.

Conclusions: Avoid alcohol
« Last Edit: September 07, 2019, 01:14:34 AM by HouseOfLament »
Discord: Delawhere


Dementlieu: Willem van der Hoot, Outlander Beguiler
Barovia: Oliver Blumfeld, Mordentish Shaman

Previous: Anton Durand, Ezrite Cleric of the Fekete Sereg


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 225
Re: Journal of a Displaced Tax Collector
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2019, 08:11:16 PM »
In all thoughts and actions I must remember that my purpose is to return to Urik with a great bounty of metal and water.

Circumstances: I have become a Courtier of House d'Orsine.  Furthermore, I have returned to Vallaki to continue my research on the Misted and I have some additional responsibilities to tend to.


* Great King Hamanu has not retracted his power, which is fortunate.  One must always be careful when negotiating agreements.

* Regardless, the act of stepping through a certain doorway can and should close other doors.  Espen d'Orsine, however, seems to understand the maxim that one always ought to have more allies than enemies.

* The largesse provided by d'Orsine is considerable and I no longer need to take risks in order to accumulate wealth.  The risks I used to avoid taking, however, are now necessary for other reasons.  It is quite an amusing irony -- one that better not be the end of me.  Previous observations to mitigate risk should hold true moving forward.

* It has been interesting so far to learn how the recently Misted I previously interviewed have been progressing and adapting to their new lives.  I do not believe my research will be finished anytime soon.  However, I am pleased this endeavor gives me reason to speak with such a variety of individuals.

Course of action: continue interviews and visit some Barovian locales other than Vallaki's outskirts.
Discord: Delawhere


Dementlieu: Willem van der Hoot, Outlander Beguiler
Barovia: Oliver Blumfeld, Mordentish Shaman

Previous: Anton Durand, Ezrite Cleric of the Fekete Sereg


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 225
Re: Journal of a Displaced Tax Collector
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2019, 02:15:55 AM »
In all thoughts and actions I must remember that my purpose is to return to Urik with a great bounty of metal and water.

Circumstances: I have met an Athasian Halfling.  I was able to diffuse a tense situation that would have ended in her death and explain the basics of her situation as well as survival here.  I spent a day attempting to help her find a suitable meal but that proved too difficult.


* Their kind is just as terrifying as I was lead to believe.

* We agree I am more useful to her alive than dead.

* The Core is not ready for one such as her.

* It is pleasing to speak Urikite to someone once again.

Conclusions: She could be a useful ally and given her understanding that adaptation is important for survival, she is perhaps not too much of a liability. 
Discord: Delawhere


Dementlieu: Willem van der Hoot, Outlander Beguiler
Barovia: Oliver Blumfeld, Mordentish Shaman

Previous: Anton Durand, Ezrite Cleric of the Fekete Sereg