Bug Reporting Ticketing SystemLooking for DM (LFDM) ModeJanuary 22nd, 2025 - Server updated to version 2.31nJanuary 16th, 2025 - Server updated to version 2.31m
BE IT KNOWNThat the fey known asVindellewas HANGED forThe MURDER of Private Olga Osmochescu.
BE IT KNOWNThat the vagrant known asKaldhad his longsword SEIZED forBRANDISHING it near the city, disturbing the peace, and refusing to sheathe it.
BE IT KNOWNThat Erasmusand the Ezrite Inquisitor known asCreekwere WARNED and DULY FINED forDEFYING our curfew.
BE IT KNOWNThat the outlanderCoyotlwas WARNED, FINED and FLOGGED forDISTURBING the Peace of His Excellency the Count, and RESISTING his rightful arrest for doing so.
BE IT KNOWNThat the witch working at the Vallaki Hospice namedMarissa Falliereswas BLINDED and BANISHED forKeeping a book of Rudolph Van Richten, and RESISTING her rightful arrest for doing so.
BE IT KNOWNThat the devil worshiping witchDiot Etheldredwas BEHEADED forAiding and abetting individuals in assassinating a servant of the Burgomaster and consorting with devils and creatures of the night.
BE IT KNOWNThe two outlander troublemakers,Seamus BennardandOsmund Cranewere BANISHED for one week for..Disturbing Vallaki's peace and refusing orders from a servant of the Burgomaster.
ATTENTIONCOSMIN BARLADEANU HAS BEEN EXECUTED A TRAITORLet it be known that this refuse has been found guilty of betraying the oaths sworn in the service of Vallaki. He has abandoned his own during the defense of the municipality and has turned from its people during their hour of need. This yaldson sot disgraced the mantle in which he was entrusted and fled, turning aside as his fellow guard contested the enemies of Vallaki. His cowardly excuses were curses blighting the ears of all those who stood witness to his miserable crimes.In one month this fustilug has brought shame to all those who once invested his potential, those who saw but the facade of a man and not the truth of his perfidious nature. He has stolen from the good people of Vallaki in claiming fangs that were not his while consorting with foreigners, his only claim to decency that he has spared good women his terrible presence.In response to the dereliction of duty and his actions resulting in the direct harm of one of its people, he is branded a traitor.In response to his obscene claims and profane insults, his tongue has been removed so that he will never again brings offense with his words.In response to his crimes and all ways in which he has been found lacking, he has been condemned to death where he will burn forever in Iadul.Lance Corporal R. AmanarVALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE
BE IT KNOWNMordalynne DeWynterwere BANISHED for six ONE months forCaught conspiring with a vrolock
BE IT KNOWNThat the fey known asVivalaraihad his hand REMOVED forASSAULTING the members of the Vallaki Garda and disrupting the peace and order of our fair city.
BE IT KNOWNThat the fey known asVivalaraihad his head REMOVED forATTACKING and KILLING members of the Garda in cold blood and disrupting the peace and order of our fair city.
BE IT KNOWNYeira Behzadiwere BEATEN and BANISHED for one month for..Consorting with vrolocks.
BE IT KNOWNMelian Orne-ielwere BEATEN and BANISHED for one month for..Consorting with vrolocks.
BE IT KNOWNOctaviuswere BEATEN and BANISHED for one month for..Consorting with vrolocks.
BE IT KNOWNVahn Stanekhad his hand REMOVED forConsorting with vrolocks.
BE IT KNOWNAdcyne WaronWas apprehended and excuted forViolating her banishment.
BE IT KNOWNAnno Sziklai also known as AnnokaWas executed by removing her head forPossession of illegal fifteen bags of blackpowder, a hundred and ten bullets, and musket without a permit; Possession of two weapons without a permit; Conspiracy against Barovia
Atuar of Omuwas BLINDED and BANISHED forPossession and distribution of the treasonous works of Rudolph van Richten within Barovia; Associating with and advising on sources of forbidden knowledge.
BE IT KNOWNAranan Godsonwas BEATEN and had his LEG and JAW BROKEN forQuestioning Authority and Fleeing Arrest
BE IT KNOWNNaexalimwas MAIMED and had his EYES, EARS, and TONGUE REMOVED forMultiple Incidents of Withholding Information, Abiding the Presence of Criminals, and the Possession and Use of Black Powder.
Rahela Amanarwas BEATEN forConspiring with the banished criminal Melian and permitting her to escape the justice of His Excellency.
BE IT KNOWNRhanwas WHIPPED TO DEATH forUsing Witchcraft to aid a fleeing murderer, possessing a firearm and violating her banishment
BE IT KNOWNSol Heim Had his LEG SAWED OFF forFor tresspassing in the charnel house, stealing criminal remains, wishing death upon the servants of the burgomeister and disobedience towards the lawful orders of the Vallaki Guard.