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Holy Symbols and Vampires

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You don’t “need” to be able to do tons of “niche” things that we can do on here, like make cabinets and put on glasses etc etc. wether or not it’s worth a developers time is kinda up to developers. Its a pretty simple script and once added, opens up quite a few new spell ideas for future haks; such as all the "repel" spells. And how on earth is using a holy symbol to keep vampires back somehow an odd or unusual a concept for the Ravenloft setting!? It’s a settting with vampires at its core, and you’re like “shesh who would ever want to be able to use a holy symbol to keep terrifying vampires back!? Stupid idea Hypatia.” Just because you can’t imagine using it, doesn’t mean others wouldn’t. I sure as heck would. An NPC vampire that gets around the tanks doesn’t need long to kill many support characters, and this would be a great way to ward them off if you can't fight them. It’s certainly no less viable than half the weird flavor stuff we have and just as useful to the right characters in the right circumstances.  As for RPing coolness... its the quintessential vampire trope. How on earth is that not valid? Its like the first thing anyone thinks of when they think of vampire hunters. As for faith in conviction, that's what your wisdom score is.. which is why you get all those bonus spells as a priest for having high wisdom. Faith and willpower. I have warding gesture, it’s great, but it doesn’t do what holy symbols do; it causes vampires and other undead to flea in terror. Holy symbols aren't supposed to do that... they are supposed to keep them at bay. I can imagine tons of fun scenes where your group is down and you've got a vampire held at bay while you desperately try to figure out what to do. This is weird opposition to a perfectly good idea that's perfectly doable. If devs don’t like it I’m sure they won’t do it.

DM Erebus:

--- Quote from: Hypatia on April 11, 2019, 02:54:12 AM ---You don’t “need” to be able to do tons of “niche” things that we can do on here, like make cabinets and put on glasses etc etc. wether or not it’s worth a developers time is kinda up to developers. Its a pretty simple script

--- End quote ---

If you have a clear vision the best way to actualise I encourage you to apply for a developer position and implement it yourself.
I have reservations that the implementation could be so simple. There's a lot of things to check, like the PCs and Vampires willpower, whether the wielder has a valid deity, if they have cleric levels and so on. All of that eats server resources, and any scripted implementation is going to be sub-par to what two human players, in a PC vs MPC encounter dynamically decide.
Which leads onto my second reservation; scripted solutions cheapen the atmosphere. Once you codify something down into a set of scripts and checks and triggers, it is no longer surprising or novel. Familiarity breeds contempt, which is antithetical to the oppressive atmosphere Ravenloft tries to engender.
I think holy symbol presentation, like mistwalking and vampire staking, is best left without mechanical implementations, for this reason.


--- Quote from: Hypatia on April 11, 2019, 02:54:12 AM ---If devs don’t like it I’m sure they won’t do it.
--- End quote ---

We do not like it and will not do it, for the reasons stated by Cosmic and Legion.

To add to what Arawn said there are already mechanics in place for this: Turn Undead and Warding Gesture. They serve the exact purpose of this suggestion, so there’s no reason to implement it.


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