Author Topic: Compagnon d'Érudits  (Read 2230 times)

Bastard Son

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Compagnon d'Érudits
« on: April 08, 2019, 03:18:27 AM »
"A new newsletter distributed across Port-A-Lucine"


Compagnon d'Érudits

Presented by the Société des Érudits
In conjunction with Howle Obtenir

Periodical publication of Scientific and Academic Happenings & Occurrences

From the Desk of the Editor

Welcome to the first edition of Compagnon d'Érudits, a news letter for those in the Academic community. A more mature and open publication then has been pursued in the past, and I welcome those of high intellect and deep wisdom to make their voices heard, either with submissions of articles, columns or letters directly to my desk. I hope we have the opportunity to educate, inform and entertain you going forward!

~Ronan Howle

The role of Academia in Dementlieuse Society

Spoiler: show

"What use is education when all that matters is wealth and status!" Words spoken with wry mirth in the halls of the Palais, but should they not be the same thing? We entrusted once, before the events of 770 in the noblesse oblige, the obligation of the nobility to lord fairly, justly and generously, and when 'equality' was sought during the great revolution, we assumed that those that would lead would be even more obligated to our shared destiny through an assumed meritocracy. However, never more then now has the importance of the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge been of lower priority to our glorious leaders.

Whomever is to lead us, they should be instructed on how, and we should to ensure they are surrounded by the brightest and most gifted minds. With the grand and glorious election looming, and the prospective touting the value of their leadership, should there not be proof they are indeed educated to such? I am a patriot and I believe that the radiant destiny of our fair Republique should be in the hands of those smart enough, wise enough, and clever enough to understand the value of surrounding themselves with sharp minds and experts. Those who do not, shouldn't be elected to serve as dog-catcher, let along serve on the Council of Brilliance or be the Lord-Governor, assuming they are not further delayed for some reason or another.

I call to those in power, truly already the wisest and most learned among us, already in seats of power within the Provisional Government, to value these things higher in those they would entrust to be our guardians going forward, they will illuminate a path towards the future. Perhaps we can take heart, that the ongoing delays and postponement of our right to election, is due to seeking those truly educated enough to lead, and not for some other reason. Let us not make the mistakes of Borca, trusting in status above intellect and rotting, nearly unmistakable to Barovia. Let us not make the mistake of Darkon, letting their places of learning fall to ruin. Let out brightest be our guide.

~Ronan Howle, April 774

Should Theatre be considered a science?
Spoiler: show

In these peculiar times there is talk about how lying or the act of deception, can be cataloged as a system of movements that one can come to learn, a process with which one could calculate motions to a determined outcome. If acting is lying, then there is a science to the craft of actors. That the craft of words plays upon the construction of the mind and the cadence of words is the tool in which to unlock alienist abilities in the mind. These things incline one to the fanciful notion that the "art" of Theatre, has a scientific method to its creation and expression.

 However, watching the bawdy raucous that the Theatre de la Cathedrale puts on, one can hardy separate it from the shouting and posturing in a Bordello. Can this flair and flash of low morals and peacocking dandies be considered science? Can the kicks and flashes of inappropriate flesh and moral decay be considered empirical process? When we catalog a science, a system of discovery one must look to what problems are overcome, what theorems and hypothesis are challenged in the act of understanding. So we must nip this in the bud! Much like any other 'social science' giving any credence to rising this poor excuse for a sinful afternoon into anything more then it is, is nothing but an excuse to honor dandys as soldiers, and prostitutes as saints.

~Karen Müller

Joachines Judgements: History
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Since the mythic days of Leon Dementlieuese society has prized many intellectual pursuits, including the recording and interpretation of history. Indeed, many chroniclers were included in those that Leon gathered to guide our people to the heights of civilization we know today. An understanding of history has kept the ship of state seaworthy through the many barbaric trials we’ve faced.

Conversely, when history has been forgotten by those that lead us we have regressed to the barbarism of the time before Leon. When the tyrannical Lord-Governor Foquelaine executed citizens for the “crime” of swimming were the ideals of Leon, that have brought us so far, at the forefront of his mind? No. He had neglected the history of Dementlieu and forgotten that we are to be led with wisdom and intelligence, not tyranny and violence.

We have seen this mistake repeated in more recent history. Though the violence of the revolution of 770 was deplorable, the reforms introduced in the wake of such violence were regarded as a step towards a more enlightened and equal society.

Of course, anyone familiar with our history would know that these reforms were temporarily repealed. Why? That we may rebuild after the devastation of the Falkovnian incursion that followed the revolution. Doubtless, an important cause and one that requires temporary increases in the demands on our workers.

Yet in the years since, the deposed Council of Brilliance never restored those reforms. Their promises proved false, and we forgot our recent history. We forgot what Leon would have us recall; that those in power are servants of the nation, that they are to rule with wisdom. There will soon be an election of new leadership in which only the titled can take part. Those whose position is held because their forebearers were the wisest among us. Some may have the blood of those first chroniclers running in their veins.

At this critical juncture in our nation’s history, every titled man or woman must be asking themselves: do I know our history? Of course, they that best exemplify Leon’s chosen will already have read “Le Coup de Revers”, the most complete account of the recent history of our nation.
Let none of us be ignorant of the mistakes and victories of our past.

~Joachine Camus

Letters from readers
Thoughts on the articles? Responses to the opinions held in this issue? Want to be heard but too lazy to write an article yourself? Send a letter to the desk of the Editor. Either at Les Presses du Saviour, or the Governors hotel.

An outlander removing a vestigial organ.


[A call to all academics, the Erudite Society provides a home to all those seeking higher learning, and a collection of like minded companions to develop your chosen field without fetters and restrictions. If you seek a place to learn, grow and document your discoveries for posterity. Contact the Erudite Society.]

« Last Edit: April 08, 2019, 03:28:29 AM by BastardSon »
Theodore Brosk

Bastard Son

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Compagnon d'Érudits - War of Words
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2019, 05:47:14 AM »
"A new newsletter distributed across Port-A-Lucine"


Compagnon d'Érudits

Presented by the Société des Érudits
In conjunction with Howle Obtenir

Periodical publication of Scientific and Academic Happenings & Occurrences

From the Desk of the Editor

It has been a week of fascination, from the heart pounding performances of the Theatre, to the sudden barricades surrounding our fair city. Not to mention, the second issue of Compagnon d'Érudits! So even if the Falkovnians have been yet to be removed from the Musarde and the Towers have yet to rise up to our aid, at least you have us, letting you, the learned people of the Serene Republique share your thoughts with each other. Remember, ideas are only as strong as the arguments they stand against.

~Ronan Howle

The Nobility of War

Spoiler: show

Dementlieu continues on its path of warfare oblivious towards the greater cost that is being paid.  Lives lost in the war of ideals towards goals that affect each of the citizens of the Republic, the question must be asked however as to why it has remained so, for so long.In the face of this, we must acknowledge the fact that the nobility was, in the most recent conflict, offered a way to pay for the chance to avoid the obligatory levy to the war against the Falkovnian menace.
It can be argued that wealth affords such privilege.  It may also be argued that the nobility, representing the best of our society polite or otherwise, are better served living rather than being wasted in yet another conflict seemingly without end.  Both of these ideals are foolish, not to mention cowardly.
No.  These are the very people who, by their station, can be best trained in the arts of war.  At our university there are prestigious places that one can study not just military tactics but also in the martial art of combat as well.
A budding genius may yet dwell in this very city, who could by force of will, personality, and strength of arms, wield the art of war against our foes, end the conflict within our border, and at last restore the Republique to a state that it should be in.
The means to end the wars and conflict that Dementlieu has suffered through, regardless of so called Treaties, lies in its people.  Those who cannot fight shall need to contribute.  Those who cannot contribute are what hold our nation back.  If we seek peace, we must become strong.  If our nobility are to lead, they must learn to fight.  The levy must be enforced, our soldiers must be trained, and taught.  Make study at the university in the art of warfare compulsory, and under its teachings, create leaders and soldiers that are the awe of the Core.

~Submitted Anonymously

An Argument for Peace
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It is perhaps one of the most paradoxical things about this country that I have noticed – why is it that Dementlieu, a wellspring of culture that other countries frequently seek to emulate when looking to fashion and the fine arts, so frequently immersed in strife and conflict; not just in repelling its barbarous neighbors to the east, but also in equally brutal and horrific in-fighting? It is approaching the point where one cannot say “the Serene Republique of Dementlieu” with a straight face, because there is little serenity to be had.

A friend of mine and I have spoken for some time on what ought to happen when the Falkovnians are finally forced back to their side of the Musarde River and away from Dementlieuse soil. His answer didn’t surprise me. He believes that we ought to gird ourselves for the next conflict we’re to have with them; that in times of peace, we ought to prepare for war. While I certainly don’t believe we should let ourselves go undefended and simply roll over the next time the Falkovnians pass through, neither do I think we should do as we have done in the past.

First, it appears as though war is frequently used as an excuse to promote austerity measures designed to keep the common-folk from receiving higher pay and fewer hours. We saw it once before in 770 B.C., both during the Falkovnian invasion and after, and we saw it again some months ago, with Jacques Varteur and others brought their petition for laborers’ rights to the Provisional Government, where it was then summarily ignored. What excuses were offered, this time? The same ones that were given before, that better living conditions for the common-folk of Port-a-Lucine and elsewhere in the country can only be made possible when the war is over and done with, and our swords can be beaten into plowshares.

 It seems to me that one conflict merely leads into the next, and still onwards into the next, and I believe that part of the reason as to why this is so has largely to do with our focus, our obsession on preparing for whenever next the Hawk will invade. While the ranks of the Gendarmerie should certainly be bolstered, the Serene Republic of Dementlieu should be focused on caring for all its citizens, now; else, a dangerous demagogue may work to exploit how the average Dementlieuse man and woman feels and use it to introduce yet more conflict and strife into all our lives.

It is a pointless waste of resources that is being spent killing one another, when it could be used for the public good instead.

~Xaviera LaFleur

Joachines Judgements: Anthropology
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In my last column I wrote on a very old field. Here I write on a relatively recent development; the field of anthropology. Much has been made of the works of Robin Barbier and Bernarde de la Croix, delving into the many and curious forms of caliban that have been discovered. The varied internal anatomy and how it deviates from pure human has led to the works of Salvisius Imbrex and Yvain Garnier on the intellectual capabilities of caliban and their close cousins the Falkovnians.

We are gradually moving from study of the bizarre and fanciful to the differences between the peoples of the Core. Indeed, anyone familiar with the humors could tell you that it has long been understood that regional differences in humoral balances have a very real effect on temperament. There are, doubtless, many other anatomical features that are universal in some populations. The Falkovnian people are born uncivilised, brutish and with a lust for violence while the Dementlieuese are born fair with a mind for higher pursuits.
Of course, we cannot say for certain what truly causes these differences without a detailed anatomical study. For the consideration of our readership and proof of a need for such study I submit the curious case of the foreigner “Dame” Chantalyn. A woman who, ignorant of our laws, pretended to be of noble station. She is by all accounts as fair as any of the Dementlieuse and yet she behaves with an ignorance and audacity none born of Dementlieu would countenance. It is rumoured that she engages in violent, depraved delights in the employ of criminals abroad.

What peoples are born so fair with such a propensity for savagery? Can they be trained to behave like their betters? Can they be trusted around children and other vulnerable members of our society? These are important questions that only a thorough advancement in the field of anthropology can answer.
Let us never be ignorant of what makes us who we are as a people, or what makes others so misguided.

~Joachine Camus

Letters from readers

From Maîtresse Verinne van Haute
Spoiler: show
"To the Editor:

I had a rather superbly-written letter composed in response to Mme. Müller’s rather abysmal and astoundingly low-effort article within your publication; however, my elbow bumped up against the inkwell on my desk and spilled its contents all over the parchment I was penning my response on. I’m afraid I am a busy woman, and I haven’t a lot of time to waste on tiresome shrews like Mme. Müller -- I have actual work to accomplish beyond tearing down the achievements of others; for instance, ensuring that the numerous shows we put on at the Théâtre de la Cathédrale are free and that the hundreds we’re caring for in the cellars of House Jalabert’s estate are not only being well-treated and don’t go hungry, but that they have a future (and they do; we've successfully raised a million and seven hundred thousand solars for the construction of a village for those dispossessed by the civil war -- perhaps I will elaborate on that in a later issue of this newsletter).

As such, I will simply say the following: there are good arguments both for and against dramatism being considered a ‘science’, and yet Mme. Müller is not interested in either, nor is this piece of hers written in good faith. Rather, it is clear that she designed it from the get-go to serve as a polemic against the establishment I manage, and to impugn upon House Jalabert’s honor and my own, and so what she has to say about dramatism and the fine arts, and how they might compare to more empirically-driven studies like the natural sciences, is unimportant.

I am honestly unsure how many playhouses Mme. Müller has been inside of, but she is apparently of the belief that they should be operated like convents, with me serving as the abbess. One cannot help but wonder as to whether or not she has ever been inside a bawdyhouse either, or if only her husband visited in an attempt to get away from the frigid termagant he has for a wife.

Believe it or not, I was actually quite elated to learn that the Society of the Erudite had produced a newsletter; again, I am a busy woman and thus I haven’t had the time to produce newer issues of La Balise, which is a shame because the greatest city in the Core deserves a publication that isn’t some rag peddling salacious gossip. My excitement, however, quickly transformed into disappointment upon discovery of just how low the standards must be for the Compagnon d'Érudits’ contributors. Indeed, apparently, one needn’t possess a well-informed opinion, an open mind, or even a heart to write an article for this new publication.

~ ⚜ - Maîtresse Verinne van Haute"

From Petrified in Publique
Spoiler: show
To the Compagnon

I thought it would be a good question to ask why you smart people haven't questioned why its proper a certain Warden Gauthier has any influence in the Gendarmerie. Was it not so long ago that fanatic was willing to burn and behead the people shes now 'claiming' to protect? Theres only one reason she's there, and its not to protect us.

Petrified in Publique

From Charity Van Prue
Spoiler: show
To the readers.

Someone must tell us whom that giant madame with the matrisse is. Her striking figure and startling fashion has me a mind to dress the same but the Theatres madame is keeping her all to herself, it is not fair or proper and must be rectified.

Charity Van Prue

Waiting for the elections.


[The CHURCH OF UMBERLEE, the first and most proud venerator of the Tempest in all Her forms, celebrates the triumphant return of LADY HERALD CALANDRA EADE, their most vaunted priestess. She returns to share insight on the centuries of Creation, as her journeys to distant shores have awoken her to the deepest, most powerful secrets of all faiths.

Gifts and letters of rumination or conversion, from the devoted, the faithful, and the curious may be directed to Lady Calandra, care of the Broken Spire.]


[A call to all academics, the Erudite Society provides a home to all those seeking higher learning, and a collection of like minded companions to develop your chosen field without fetters and restrictions. If you seek a place to learn, grow and document your discoveries for posterity. Contact the Erudite Society.]


[Illusions! Magic! A night of wonder and mystery! Do you know what lays beyond the veil of illusion? Come take a look at Club L'Artiste!]
Theodore Brosk

Bastard Son

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Compagnon d'Érudits - Special Edition!
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2019, 07:33:58 PM »
"A new newsletter distributed across Port-A-Lucine"


La nécessité de la sécurité!

Chloe clutching the last of her home!

This is a special printing of the Compagnon d'Érudits! A call to the nobility of our Serene Republique, not only the Nobility of blood and birth, but those of heart and generosity also. Last eve a fire broke out among the Quartier Ouvrier, threatening to alight the whole district! This however could be prevented with the purchase of simple safety measures! Never again will little Chloe and her diminutive friends fear the loss of their homes to a stray spark!

I call for Charity! The raising of funds towards the Quartier Ouvrier! Please give generously, each solar will go towards the reinforcement of safety measures!

Please send your donations to the Society of the Erudites, those who give generously will be recognized in the next printing of the Compagnon d'Érudits so all may see and recognize those of open heart, and noble spirit. In anticipation, I say thank you, to all those whom you will no doubt help.

~From the Desk of Ronan Howle

Theodore Brosk

Bastard Son

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Compagnon d'Érudits - Charity of Souls
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2019, 12:55:32 AM »
"A new newsletter distributed across Port-A-Lucine"


Compagnon d'Érudits

Presented by the Société des Érudits
In conjunction with Howle Obtenir

Periodical publication of Scientific and Academic Happenings & Occurrences

From the Desk of the Editor

What is the nature of people? Is it good? Is it selfish? Perhaps neither, todays publication may give you an impression one way or the other but let me assure you those mentioned in todays release are exceptional members of our society, and should bee viewed as exactly that, extra-ordinary. I choose to think that it is not morality that defines people but rather an innate need to change. I hope you change your friends and families into readers of l'Compagnon d'Erudits!

~Ronan Howle

Editors Spotlight: Fincelles

Spoiler: show

When the Falkovnians returned to attack after their last failed attempt, many of us thought it was simple posturing, a rattling of sabres to make a statement back in their nation. Few could have realized that they truely intended a serious push towards the capital. However, this march while now halted at the Musarde, disrupted the life of our people in significant ways, some, more then others. Within months, many of our countrymen were displaced and disenfranchised, sent out into the world with nowhere to go, no aid, only a prayer that some kind souls may reach out to aid them in some way.

Reach out they did! At the beginning of January a fine parcel of land was found, a place suitable for farming and industry. This plot of land near Ameranthe would soon become the home to the majority of the displaced suffering people of our recent and ongoing war. Matrisse Van Haute, along with her Patrons the Jalaberts gave an astonishing TWO MILLION solars of their own wealth, of their own selves to fashion an unused, unhelpful plot of earth into a village to support our brothers and sisters. A testament to the generous spirit possessed by our people.

As Fincelles grows into the town it one day shall, as the children of those people finding a new home their become parents and grand parents themselves, the gift that Matrisse Van Haute and the Jalaberts gave will only grow in meaning and significance, it shall be as always a reminder of what we as a people can endure and achieve.

~Ronan Howle

Spoiler: show
This day, I must extend a great and special thanks to those who have given deeply to the cause of charity. It is never easy to give up our own belongings to those in need, for regardless of what we possess, what is ours, is ours. So to that end even the smallest of donations should be celebrated. Without further complication I must announce those who gave so generously to those in need!

Theatre D'Cathedral ~ 40,000 Solars
Revka Wolfsbane ~ 30,000 Solars
Jean Renaud ~ 30,000 Solars
Alix Martineau ~20,000 Solars
Rene du Poudre, House du Poudre ~ 10,000 Solars
Red Vardo Traders ~10,000 Solars
Tia'lanna ~ 10,000 Solars
"Bluebird" ~ 2,000 Solars
Cult of the Morninglord ~ 2,000 Solars
Rayne ~1000 Solars
Total! 155,000 Solars!
All taxes on the Charity Funds have been paid through Banque de Port-A-Lucine

With such a generous group of donators, the charitable spirit is moved! To that end I shall donate a sum equal to ten percent of the total donation! Thank you all again. A presentation at the Governors Hotel Ballroom will occur at This time! Merci! Merci! Merci!

TOTAL RAISED: 170,500 Solars!

Joachines Judgements: Academic Publications
Spoiler: show
Whatever one’s field or discoveries, a critical step in the collective academic process is publication. Findings that go unpublished are findings that cannot be used to advance the field as a whole. Lesser academics, especially in the field of arcane science, are prone to hoarding their findings while snatching what scraps they can from others. This is usually because of a jealous paranoia induced by the backwards culture of certain foreign nations.

Fortunately, this hoarding practice is less common in Dementlieu but it is by no means the only cause of novel and useful research not being shared. I have found during my own research here and abroad that many so-called scholars are unwilling to share their findings out of a misguided desire to “keep it out of the wrong hands” or simply because they feel it’s “too sensitive” for common consumption. These people lack foresight and, in my experience, frequently fail to accurately judge the true sensitivity of their findings. Indeed, without clear documentation of potentially lethal phenomena, are we not simply endangering scholars of the distant future? Often they will refuse to document even the most basic of details on narrow minded, selfish grounds.

If we are to advance as a people, we must share what we discover. Progress is made as a collective and if you have novel findings? You owe it to your fellows to document and publish them. Of course, there is also the more cynical side of publication. Some editors will, with shrill Howles, demand constant output of findings for the sake of meeting regular publication demands. These toad lipped banshees are obsessed not with quality work but quantity. Do brilliant minds produce useful work while under such slave drivers?

Of course we do, but such practices should never be encouraged or rewarded with strict compliance. The academic’s work is a gift to their fellows, not a toll to be extracted. Let no finding go unpublished, reader, but know the value of your contributions.

~Joachine Camus

Letters from readers

From Arnaude Lafayette
Spoiler: show
To the Editor:

I wish to respond to “Petrified in Publique”, who introduces the ill-informed and dangerous opinion that Warden Gauthier is a part of the Gendarmerie because she’s been tasked with keeping watch on others wearing the uniform at the Covenant’s behest. I would hate for people to buy into such a ridiculous and absurd conspiracy, and so for the benefit of your readership, here is the truth.

Warden Gauthier, or the Green Sister, as she has been called in the past, is a heroine who worked tirelessly to see the bloodshed between brothers and sisters, fathers and sons, brought to an end. She has only ever worked for two things: the common people of Dementlieu, and peace.

She has only ever served the Gendarmerie with honor and distinction, and it is a shame that her superiors do not properly recognize her achievements and hard work; yet here is where the wild theories of “Petrified” fail to hold up; are we supposed to believe that a simple Gendarme, one step above a raw recruit, is in fact shaping policy, and directing its affairs somehow in a manner that favors the Covenant and does not favor its enemies?

It is clear enough to me that “Petrified” is just another small man wishing to exploit people’s fears, not recognizing that the war is over and that there is no ‘us’ and ‘them’ here in Dementlieu, anymore. The ‘them’ we need to concern ourselves with are the Falkovnians, and they don’t care whose colors you once wore, be it House Mortigny’s, the Company of the Fox, or a fence-sitter’s. The fight for Dementlieu’s survival won’t be won if we’re squabbling and still at each other’s throats, or trying to revive old hatreds.

-   Arnaude Lafayette

From Insanely Impatient
Spoiler: show
To the Editor

What happened to the execution!? I begged my overseer at the tanners for the day of the execution off because I wanted to show my children what happens to criminals in our country, but it never came! We have the most efficient and active Gendarme anywhere. What did the accused hang himself in his cell? Dashed his head against the stones? I hope that the outlander has enough spine to face his judgement.

Insanely Impatient

Missed Connection
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I saw you, with your red hair and easy smile on the boardwalk, I was talk and being told to change my armor to something not armor, you moved on before I could say hello, well, hello.

Let the beauty of your soul be the flame that casts the light of your character.


[A gentle tone, a long sonnet, a call of a siren from a stage. These things linger in a mans soul like a long warm brandy, Voix de l'Ame. For a night out.]


[A call to all academics, the Erudite Society provides a home to all those seeking higher learning, and a collection of like minded companions to develop your chosen field without fetters and restrictions. If you seek a place to learn, grow and document your discoveries for posterity. Contact the Erudite Society.]


[Hear the call of the seven stars, the six beasts born of five mothers, four midwives birthing the three kings of two kingdoms, opponents in a war to leave one victor of no world]
Theodore Brosk

Bastard Son

  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 102
Compagnon d'Érudits - In memoriam
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2019, 05:43:54 AM »
"A new newsletter distributed across Port-A-Lucine"


Compagnon d'Érudits

Not presented by the Société des Érudits
Solely with Howle Obtenir

Periodical publication of Scientific and Academic Happenings & Occurrences

From the Desk of the Editor

Mourn today. Rise tommorrow.
~Ronan Howle

In memoriam
Maîtresse Verinne van Haute

(750 B.C. - 774 B.C.)

In the final days of this month of May, a great woman was taken from all our lives, leaving a space that can never be filled. A woman of noble stature and grace unmatched by many in our republique, who dwarfed her critics with valor and manners.

Her gentle nature was touted by many, not only the family she leaves behind in her noble house of Jalabert, but by the family she made for herself in the great Theatre, a place that not only warmed the spirit, but warmed the flesh and kept it safe when others would not.

Many knew of her, but few knew her. I was blessed enough to have the opportunity to know her for sometime before her tragic fate. I learnt of her early life in Richemulont, where she saw the struggle of all classes, and learnt the value of a man not of his birth but his action. I learnt of her life in Barovia, where she saw the evils of man manifest, and learnt to forgive, and I learnt of her life here, in our city and the difficulties she had with those that feared her influence, saw her goodness as a threat, and how she learnt sacrifice, to their selfishness.

If one were to ask me what the greatest lesson Van Haute taught me, I would say joy. To take joy in ones life even when it is difficult, to take joy in ones work even when it is simple duty, and lastly to take joy in our friends even when they disappoint us.

We must look to remember Verinne by the things she left behind, the village she grew from her own blood, tears and effort, Fincelles. The family she grew which now inherit the theatre in her stead, and the lessons she sought to imbue in us, selflessness when others condemned us to death, strength when the powers that be seek to step upon the throats of those who would stand, and lastly, truth when truth is sin to speak.

In this honor, I must speak the the truth. Verinne Van Haute was murdered, she was killed for the influence she possessed and the love she inspired in all of you. Verinne Van Haute was killed because it is easier for the powers that be to have their competition tortured and silenced then to work harder in the grace their god demanded. Verinne was killed, at the hands of her friends because those that have made their grasp for rule are finding it slipping, and knew that her beloved nature may make her a threat to their intended grasp at the threads of power.

She would have demanded I not write this, she would have demanded I stay silent and preserve myself, but the print, the truth must never be silenced. Know that I do this so you may all know, all of you wherever you sleep this night what occurred. That she died because she wanted fairness and mercy for our people, she wanted our reforms to return and she wanted true democracy, not a sham enforced at the edge of a blade. We must not condemn only those who held the blade to cut her throat, in the coming days you will know their names, you will hear them whispered in the streets and see as they skulk from the truth. We must look to those who stand above and demand the deaths of those who would demand more of them, demand greater goods, and demand seats of power for their own.

Verinne Van Haute died May 23rd surrounded by her stories. These fairytales were filled with monsters, horrible villains and terrible lords, true as is our world. Yet they all had happy endings, heroes and champions that freed people from darkness and torment. Verinne dreamt of a world like her stories, and in the end, when there was no one willing to be the hero, she did it and died to be it. Let her example lead us all to be our own heroes and give Dementlieu the happy ending it deserves.

Ronan Howle, Natural Born son of Edrigan

26th of May, 774


Theodore Brosk